Chapter 5: You're Family

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"Pick your head up princess your tiara is falling."- Random quote

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or the characters, sadly.

((Cyler is pronounced as "Sigh-Ler."))


Cyler tapped her foot impatiently at the show before her. First, this woman dare lay her hands on her face. Then, she was too busy celebrating to pay attention to matter at hand. Cyler could care less about a young girl being brought into the world. The only thing she wanted was to be honored, feared, respected, and maybe even worshiped. Is that too much to ask for? Not in Cyler's opinion. She refused to be treated like Vegeta, some prince he is. These beings run over him and he doesn't even realize. Cyler wouldn't be like that, ever.

"Are you going to determine if I am a Princess or not," Cyler's unmistakable irritation evident on her face. Her eyes narrowed more as she notice Bulma's pitying glaze burning her body. Oh, how she wished to pop those blue orbs out of Bulma's head.

Bulma shook to get back on focus to the matter at hand, as if awaken by Cyler's crippling glare. It wasn't like the beautiful genius to be off task. "," Bulma conceded dizzyingly. "I'll get on with the test." She turned towards the two males in the room, "If you wouldn't mind leaving us to get on with it."

She didn't have to ask twice because they were out of the room in a blink of an eye. Bulma distractedly walked over to the lab's sink and turned on the faucet. Her hands fumbled as a question popped into her mind. "Cyler, if you're a saiyan-"

"I am a saiyan," Cyler dead-panned.

"Anyway," Bulma ground out, not one to enjoy being cut off, she continued. "Where have you been all this time? And how did you get here now?"

Cyler breathed out in exasperation, turning her back to Bulma in the process. That was none of her business! Cyler's mind was racing with her best insults to throw the woman's way. Then she realized she didn't know the answer to either of Bulma's questions. Where was I, how do I get here? Cyler's brow ceased with worry for her own state of mind. But she quickly tossed that train of thought off its tracks. It simply wasn't supposed to be told to the woman, yes that's it, and she wasn't crazy at all.

"My life before now is none of your concern." Cyler's tone was cold and too mature for her young age. Such maturity could only be rewarded through trails of pain. "Your only worry, woman is that you get this test over with."

The clicking of Bumla's heels rounded to the front of Cyler. She leaned forward and giving Cyler a much unneeded view of her chest. "Look, I was just not prepared to see a little girl that had warrior scars and a bad attitude to boot!"

Cyler gave Bulma a phony smile that just screamed "bite me" before replying. "Happy now, I would appreciate it if you hurried and proved my worthiness to my brother."

"Fine, just change in a robe so I can begin testing you."

Cyler changed into a hospital gown and plopped herself back on the medical bed. Bulma then proceeded to swab her mouth with a cotton swab and then she took blood. After an hour of waiting Bulma finally called the boys back into the examine room.

Vegeta walked into the lab with his head held high. He was a prince and he had to show Cyler that he was not a push over. Although he already proved that to her once before, he smirked in her direction, making her fill with anger and resentment. She unconsciously brought her hand to her neck, rubbing it slightly.

"Well, boys and girl, the testing is done!" Bulma said bubbling over with excitement; she loved knowing things other people didn't. "Can I get a drum roll please?" Trunks immediately ran to her desk making a drum roll for his mother. "Thank you and the answer to the most anticipated question is in my hand." Bulma flopped around the brown folder in her hands tapping Vegeta on the nose with it while doing so. He growled at her and she smiled in response.

"On with it woman," He demanded impatiently.

"Okay, okay don't get your panties in a bunch, lover boy." Vegeta's cheeks flushed when he heard Cyler sneer at the name Bulma gave him.

"J-Just read the damn file." Vegeta ground out through clenched teeth.

Bulma opened the folder slower than necessary, making Cyler inch up on the bed she was sitting on. "Vegeta," Bulma smiled harder than usual and began bouncing on her heels. "Vegeta, she's your- I mean you have a-"

"No, no no." He shook his finger at her while walking toward her. He snatched the file from Bulma's hand and read it himself:

Cyler and Vegeta DNA: Match

Close relative: Sister

Vegeta threw the file on the ground with a huff. He approached Cyler faster than hell on wheels and snatched her up with one hand. He held her up by the front of her gown and got dangerously close to her bruised neck.

"Apparently you're 'family'," He spat at her, "But don't expect me to accept a weakling like you so easily." He threw her back on the bed and stormed out of Bulma's lab. Once again he had a sibling that was weaker, no, inferior to him in every way possible. This was just not his day.

After Vegeta left the room Bulma gave Cyler a hug. "It's okay since we know you're family now you'll have a place to stay. Oh we could also go shopping and do something with this unruly hair of yours."

Cyler swatted away Bulma's hand, but Bulma could see the sadness in her face. "Get away from me, I-I don't need any one's help so leave me the fuck alone!" Cyler ran out of the room before anyone could see her tears. Warriors don't cry if Vegeta saw this he'd only be proven right, she was weak. She knew she was weak, but she'd get stronger. Cyler promised herself while she ran through the maze of a house that she'd get stronger. She ran her finger across her neck, even if it was only to pay back Vegeta for what he did to her. She knew one thing though she was a saiyan and a princess at that.

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