Can You Check Again?

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Those we love don't go away,They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Disclaimer: I don't own dbz...meh...

Laying on her bed beside her husband, the King of Vegeta-sei, she felt the sheets get cold and wet. That was a sure fire sign.

"It's time." The queen, Celes, whispered to herself first. Turning to her husband. "Vegeta, get up! It's time, my water broke."

King Vegeta woke in an instant. His onyx eyes meeting with his wife's matching pair. Though hers were not as anxious as his own.

Vegeta didn't show it much but he was excited. He would finally have a child. He'd finally have a son to be the heir to his throne, to his planet.

"Vegeta?" The Queen asked before throwing a pillow at his face. Out of pure instinct he caught the pillow. Realizing he was too absorbed in his thoughts he turned to Celes. Picking his queen up and rushed her to their medical staff.

"Think you could pick up the pace?" Celes spoke mockingly. "Would you like to carry yourself? If so, the pleasure is all yours." The King responded just as mockingly.

Once there King Vegeta was asked to wait outside until it was over. Which was something that tended to happed on Vegeta-sei. When male Saiyans (or Saiyans in general) see their mate in pain they tend to ... over react. Thus putting his (or her) mate and the doctors in danger.

Vegeta did as told and waited for thirteen hours. He waited for his first born, his son, to be born. After those hours and several attempts to bust into the room that held his mate. The baby arrived.

Celes laid in her royalty worthy medical bed for what seemed like forever. The door creaked opened causing Celes to whip her head in it's direction. Being queen you never know if some terrorist is watching you, or coming from any door.

She sighed with relief as her husband walked over to her. "We did it." he said softly, after kissing her forehead.

"We?" she said with mock anger. "Don't you mean I did it?"

Vegeta put on a fake hurt face. "Hey, I tried to come in here with you!" defending himself; he crossed his arms.

"The king couldn't get past his own guards." Celes inquired.

"Shut it, onna."

At that moment the doctor came in with news of their bundle of joy. But the expression on the aging doctor's face, plus the wimp tail, said other wise.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with my BABY!" Celes erupted. King Vegeta rubbed her, spiky shoulder length black, hair in an attempt to sooth her now boiling blood. As she continued to shoot daggers at the old doc, who hadn't answer her yet.

"My Queen, I must speak to King Vegeta."

Confused as to what was happening the King followed the down trotted doctor into a separate room.

"What is it." Vegeta demanded more that asked. His usual scowl now planted on his face.

"It's your child, sire." The doctor hesitated.

Well, of course it's about my child. Who else is there? I'm seriously doubting your mental state of being a doctor. The King thought sarcastically. "Yes, on with it." Vegeta snapped.

"Well, you see," The doctor stalled. "This mistake is very common." The King really didn't like where this was going now.

'Mistake'. A 'mistake' he says. Vegeta's mind was racing with a million and one things that could be wrong with his son. Missing fingers, legs, toes, or worst hair!

Can You Check Again?: A Dragon Ball Z StoryWhere stories live. Discover now