Chapter 2: Do I Know You?

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"Do you know that my family means the world to me? Do you know how much I hate knowing it's always you I hurt the most? Do you know I love to see you smile? Do you know it breaks my heart to see you cry? Do you know that sometimes you drive me crazy? Do you know that despite that I still love knowing you are near?"- Do you know me by Ali Chapman.


The guys landed at what was presumed to be the landing site about fifteen minutes later.

"So what makes you think this is where it's going to land?" Yamcha asked staring at the clear blue sky, as skeptical as ever.

"Well given the speed the Ki is moving at," Gohan began to explain, "There's no way it could change direction and-"

"Nerd!" Trunks screamed at Gohan.

"What, am not, I'm just smart. And you're smart too, so." Gohan defended himself lamely.

"At least I don't show it off!" The ten year old demi-saiyan fired back.

"Nuh-uh," Goten popped in, "You do show off. You always say 'Of course my plan is great my mom's a genius and my dad's, not to mention, A PRINCE!"

Vegeta turned to look at Trunks who simply blushed and said, "What, it's true." Vegeta smirked and shrugged. Hey, it was true.

"Look up there. I see something." Goku pointed out; grabbing everyone's attention and directing it towards the sky.

What had first looked like a fallen star plummeting to Earth, soon took on a spherical shape. A terrible whizzing sound erupted through the sky; causing everyone to try and block it out with their hands. The sphere landed roughly; leaving a crater in its wake.

"Damn, that was loud," Krillin voiced while wiggling his index finger around in his ear. "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

Everyone began to power up for take-off, but stopped when the realized Vegeta wasn't moving an inch. "What's up Vegeta," Goku questioned, "I thought you'd be the first one to charge in."

Vegeta rolled his eyes in irritation while crossing his arms over his chest. Hmph, "Shows how much you know about me Kakarott."

Goku quirked an eyebrow at this, "What do you-" The Prince saw the question coming.

"Never mind what I meant. There is something odd about the Ki." Seeing the group's confusion, he continued, resistant of course. "Don't tell me you don't sense that."

Everyone shook their heads 'no', everyone except Trunks. "Actually dad, I think I feel it too." Vegeta sighed; at least his son wasn't an idiot. "It feels the way your's and mom's Ki does to me."

Tien coughed into his fist to get their attention. "Sorry to interrupt, but if we don't get moving, whatever is over there will be gone."

Chiaotzu nodded firmly, "Tien's right. Let's go guys!"

Gohan shot Vegeta a questioning look as if asking, 'Ready to go now?!' But the silent question was rewarded with more silence...and Vegeta shooting straight past the eldest of the demi-saiyans.

The rest followed in suit.

Most of the group flew in awkward silence, as this situation was eerily familiar to them. Flying over the same barren landscape as to when Frieza came to Earth. They thought back to Future Trunks and the message of the androids he gave. They thought about how those events spanned into fighting Cell and eventually Goku's sacrifice.

The Z fighters arrived at their destination. There was a huge crater, big enough for a whale to lie comfortably in. But in its center, a small round ship, the complete contrast to the rough surroundings, with its sleek though dusty appearance.

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