Chapter 13: I'm Here

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"Within the human being there exists both the needful and the needed. You know that the needful exists in you. Your own dissatisfaction tells you so. But you believe the needed is somewhere outside of you." - Guy Finley

Trunks heard the news. He couldn't quite figure out if he was excited or terrified about it. His new aunt would be joining him in school. He threw his backpack onto the floor and loosened his tie. Given that he is apart of the prestigious Briefs family, he went to a sadity prep school. He was now in the fifth grade. Sadly, Goten was in the fourth grade, so they only saw each other at lunch and after school. Trunks tossed his uniform jacket onto his bed before heading over to his dresser to find a more comfortable outfit to spend the rest of his day in. He almost burst into a fit of laughter at the thought of Cyler having to wear a uniform other than her armor.

Trunks slid into his cargo shorts and just as he buttoned them up his door flew open. "Boy," Cyler started off with a demanding tone. "I... I need your..." Trunks raised a brow. "Your.. He.. Hel... Help." She looked ready to vomit at the mere thought of asking for assistance.

"You? Need my help?" He was going to tease her about it, but his stomach suddenly began to twist. His mind started to wonder to the last time he helped Cyler. Trunks looked down at his hands; they were shaking. Even when he tried to steady them. His mind was now clouded with regret. Trunks slowly slid down to the floor and held his chest.

Cyler watched as he had this break down. She tilted her head curiously at first. It seemed he was going to smile; now he's on the floor in agony. She eased her way towards him and sat down beside him.

"Boy," she whispered cautiously. No answer. "Boy, this isn't funny." He still didn't answer. Instead he gripped her arm and cried. She blinked a few times, trying to register his sudden bout of depression.

"Trunks," Cyler pulled him away and did the only thing she could think of.

She slapped him.

Trunks breathed in sharply. He looked around the room and realized he just showed so much weakness to her. He quickly stood up and dusted off his shorts. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to explain. Cyler placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him the most sincere look he's ever seen. He's never seen her eyes so soft before. They reminded him of his mother's.

"I understand. And you are forgiven. Don't fester on the old," she snatched his hand and placed it on her stomach. She pressed it against her. "There is no hole. There is no problem." Trunks stared down at the carpet and blinked rapidly to do away with any stray tears.

"Now, onto more pressing matters. I have to attend your planet's rendition of an education facility."

"You mean school," Trunks said with the tone of a teacher. Cyler rolled her eyes but continued, "I don't know if I will be able to make it out of there without harming a child." Trunks cleared his throat and put his hands in his pockets, they were still a little shaky. He began to pace around her; analyzing her. He didn't think she could make it in a school either. If he irritated her, and he's quite mature for his age, he doubted that she wouldn't kill the other kids.

Like a flash, his eyes lit up and he smiled coyly. "My dear aunt," you could hear the genius oozing from his words, "I have an idea."


Bulma stood in shock at what her son was telling her. She stared at Cyler with bugged eyes. Bulma couldn't believe that she had agreed with his idea."You sure about this?" Cyler simply crossed her arms and hummed in approval. "It'll be hard to make," Bulma said wearily, "Even for a mastermind like myself." Cyler waved her hand at her lazily.

"You'll figure it out. It must be done if you don't want another mess on your hands," Cyler breathed in slowly and exhaled, "I will kill those children." Bulma nodded and moved as fast as her pregnant body could take her.

She was on her way to her lab to build a collar, maybe a necklace, possibly a bracelet, that would put a hold on Cyler's powers. It would basically make her a normal child. Bulma secretly smiled at the thought. Sure Cyler was a galactic warrior princess and hated anything considered "girly." But just imagining her giggling and having boy drama at school... Bulma sighed. She just wished she had thought of this earlier.

When she made it to the lab and opened the door. To her surprise Vegeta was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at her with crossed arms. She gave him an innocent smile and waved using only her fingers.

"Why are you up, woman?" Bulma raised her foot to walk down the stairs, but Vegeta had already picked her up and brought her to the bottom before she could register what just happened. "I told you, I feel her coming soon. I will not have you endangering my daughter because you want to frolic about like a imbecile." Even though his words were insulting; Bulma could see the concern in his eyes.

Bulma batted at his hands until he let her stand on her own. "I'm serious, woman. The time is approaching." She rolled her eyes and began to waddle over to her equipment.

"Cyler will be going to school as you know," Vegeta leaned against the wall beside the cabinet she was digging through. "And for the safety of my company... I mean the children, I will be building a device of some sort to reduce or downright negate her powers." Vegeta opened his mouth to speak, but Bulma put her finger on his lips. "It wasn't even my idea. Our beautiful son thought of it. And she actually agreed."


"You have such a wide vocabulary. Why don't you use it," she said teasingly.

"You're right. Much longer than yours, of course. Your feeble human mind would crack under the pressure of my knowledge." Bulma made a mocking gesture with her hand.

"Well, why don't you start by being my test subject. You know? Since you're here and all." Vegeta looked her over again. He knew her and the baby were safe. No need for him to stick around any longer.

"Yell for me when you need to go back up the stairs," Vegeta ground out. Bulma smirked at him; knowing she just ran him off. Vegeta caught her smirk and rolled his eyes. "Annoying wrench," he whispered in her ear. Before disappearing to go only Dende knows where.

Bulma rubbed her stomach and began humming. "Love you too, 'Geta." She turned her attention back to the matter at hand.

Time to make a weak saiyan.

*sorry for any typos... I fix em later!!

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