Chapter 14: Adjusting

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"A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous "- Alexander Hamilton

Clink! Clank! Slam!

Bulma was hard at work on her new invention. A collar that would weaken a saiyan. Hours had rolled by but Bulma still couldn't figure it out. She didn't need a test subject at the moment given how many samples of saiyan DNA she has in test tunes already. The thing matter what she did. The collar would explode just from just concentrated energy.

Bulma threw herself forward onto her desk. She rested her face in her hands and began to trail off. She started to day dream about her daughter and how happy she'll be to finally be able to walk instead of waddle. How she'll be able to teach her how to walk and how Vegeta would teach her to fly one day.

"Do you ever actually work in here," Bulma was jolted from her thoughts by Cyler's raspy little voice. Cyler's made her way down the stairs and stopped at Bulma's desk. She levitated off the ground a bit to get a better view of the progress being made.

"As a matter fact I do. I worked regard to save you now didn't I?" Cyler's rolled her eyes and waved off the truth. Bulma saw her eyes focus back on the scattered fragments of the two trial collars. "Seems you saiyans are a lot harder to depower than anticipated," she only half joked, "This collar," she said while poking to the collar that looked charred and baked, "Was made using the strongest materials I could think of. But when I did a simulation run of a power up it exploded." Cyler shrugged and then pointed to the second one. "This on actually with held but I'm afraid it might work too well. I want you at some sort of average. Not a noodle."

"Why don't you just use some of the metals from my ship? I'm sure they are very durable compared to what Earth has to offer."

Bulma opened her mouth to protest, but shut it again quickly. You could practically see the calculations going on in her mind. "Oh Cyler you're a genius!" She grabbed her into a bug hug and kissed her forehead. "Vegeta! Vegeta! Come quick!"

He was there before she could call again. A look of panic was across his face until he saw her grinning. "What now?" Bulma smiled even harder before telling him to collect metal from Cyler's ship and bring it back to her for research purposes. He huffed, but agreed nevertheless.


"I refuse."

"But dear, this is the uniform for school."

"No," Cyler said crossing her arms defiantly. She was in the rest room with Bunny in nothing but her under wear. Bunny was trying to convince her to put on her uniform which consisted of a navy blue plaid skirt, a sky blue collar shirt, tall white socks, a navy blue tie, and black dress shoes. "How am I supposed to defend myself in such attire?"

Bunny giggled and picked up a brush. "Oh silly, there's nothing to fight about at school. You're there to learn." She began try and pull her hair into a ponytail. After a few stroked the brush broke in half. "Oh my."

"And are you completely sure of this?" As much as Cyler hated stupid people she was beginning to grow fond of Bunny. She knew, given how stupid she was, Bunny would never lie to her.

"Oh yes," Bunny said excitedly. She grabbed a ribbon and began to tie it into a bow on Cyler's hair instead. "Especially the fourth grade. There's nothing to fret about there." Cyler took in her words and sighed in consent.

"Fine. Dress me."

Bunny clapped her hands in giddy joy. "This is just splendid!"


Trunks paced back and forth in front of the front door. Cyler was going to make them late for school at this rate. In the distance he could hear Bulma fussing with her about the collar not being comfortable and how she had changed her mind.

Finally Cyler walked about the corner with a tint little scowl on her chubby face. She was now wearing the negating collar. It should be called a necklace, Trunks thought. It looked just like one with a red ruby like stone as the charm. Trunks tried to hold back his laughter as he saw her walk over to him. He could see a slight bump where her tail was hidden under her skirt but other than that she looked...well...normal. And that was strange.

"Is something amusing?" Cyler ground out at him. Trunks held his hands up defensively,"No no no! Just thought about a funny joke is all!" Cyler could tell her was lying but let it go.

They both kind of shrugged and began leaving out of the door they were nearly off the ground when the heard Bulma yelling for them to come back. Trunks rushed back and Cyler wasn't far behind. "What...what is it mom!?"

Bulma pulled a camera from behind her back and exclaimed, "Say cheese!" Trunks made a goofy face and Cyler looked away from the camera with crossed arms. Bulma gushed over them a bit more before sending them on their merry way.

Bulma went back into the house and was greeted my a smirking Vegeta. "What has your mood so lifted?" She asked curiously. Vegeta shrugged and said, "It's just if I were you, I'd be glued to the television waiting to see the headlines about a school being destroyed by a little girl." He walked away leaving a very panicked Bulma to scramble looking for the television remote.


Shocking! I know! I actually updated a story hahahaha hope you enjoyed! <3

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