Chapter 8: Confession

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"Deep in my heart I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say. Scared to confess what I'm feeling - frightened you'll slip away."- from the movie Evita


The incessant sounds of the monitor hooked up to Cyler's unconscious body only made things seem grimmer. By now Bulma had pulled herself together enough to clean Cyler up, even though her body still was raking from her earlier sobs. She sent everyone out to the living room except Vegeta and Trunks. Although she saw every person there as part of her extended family, this was way too personal. She slowly rose from her seat on the right of Cyler's bed and turned her eyes to Vegeta.

He looked at a loss for words as he stared intensely at his son's shaking body. Should he yell at him? Should he interrogate him? Or should he just let things be? The latter was not an option for him though. Cyler was a bloody mess when he first saw her limp body in his son's hands. No matter how hurt Trunks was at the moment, he needed answers. Vegeta opened his mouth to speak, but Bulma quickly shushed him. She tip toed over to Trunks and kneeled down beside him. She placed her hand on his back and tried to smooth him. Just like Vegeta though, she wanted answers.

"Trunks, sweetie, what happened out there," She quietly whispered to him. Bulma lifted his chin towards her and looked into his reddened eyes. His lip quivered and he looked at his own hands like they were guns. He started to speak but his words failed him. He flung himself into his mother's arms and cried, and cried.

Vegeta had almost had enough of all of this. The boy was crying as he was the one in the bed clinging to life. Trunks was usually much stronger than this. He, himself had raised him to be so, and watching him break down at the sight of Cyler's body made him look guilty of murder.

"Boy," Vegeta seethed out of clenched teeth. "What the hell did you do?" Trunks immediately looked up at the sound of his father's voice. The stern look he received didn't make him feel any better. Nonetheless, Trunks decided it was in his best interest to speak now, before his dad ripped him to pieces.

"I-I was only t-trying to hel-lp," He managed to scoop out between sobs. Bulma looked up at Vegeta and shook her head; warning him to stop.

"What did you DO?!" Vegeta shouted this time; uncrossing his arms in the process. Trunks mumbled under breathe something Vegeta couldn't make out. "Don't be a coward, tell me what you did!"

COWARD, the word began running in Trunks' mind making him put his hands to his temples in order to silence it. "I-I'm not a coward," he whispered.

"REALLY?" Vegeta scoffed at his statement, "Then tell me what happened, or are you afraid?"

Trunks pushed himself away from Bulma and stood up straight. His head still lowered, but with his eyes on Vegeta. He gradually raised his left arm in Vegeta's direction; his index finger pointing straight at him. "This is NOT all my fault!"

His statement made both Bulma and Vegeta falter. Vegeta walked towards Trunks and snarled at him. "What do you mea-"

"You know exactly what I mean!" Trunks yelled; cutting Vegeta off, "She came to me for help, because she wanted to be noticed by you! Cyler was here for a matter of hours and you managed to scar her!"

Vegeta stood with his fisted balled, who did this little brat think he was? Well maybe if you actually paid attention to WHAT he was saying and not HOW he was saying it, you'd understand. Not you too, Vegeta thought to his inner self. Yes me too, I'm you so pay attention!

Vegeta shook his head and turned to look at Bulma. She seemed to be trying to pick her jaw up from the tiled floor. He couldn't stay in this room any longer without wanting to kill his own son. He stormed out the room and straight past all the annoying people asking him 'was everything okay'.


'It's so loud, why won't everyone be quiet? Can't they see I'm trying to rest? I was so warm earlier, where did that worth go?'


Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Cyler still hadn't woken up even though her wound was healed fully. The doctors that came in to check on her condition said 'it was a miracle she's healed so early'. That's not what anyone wanted to hear because they already knew she healed quickly. The doctors also said 'it has to be something mentally stopping her from reaching consciousness'. These broad statements only served to spring up more questions.

Each day Trunks would sit in her room reading to her and telling her she will most definitely be stronger when she finally woke up. Goten would come by and sit with him even though it bored him nearly to death, he felt he had to. Trunks wouldn't talk to anyone, he had no time for playing, and he wasn't in the mood.

"Cyler, why won't you wake up?"

((A/N: thank you for giving you my time. I know this chapter might have left more to be chapter out soon!))

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