Chapter 4: So Be It

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"One day you will do things for me that you hate. That is what it means to be family." - Jonathan Safran Foer

Cyler is pronounced as "Sigh-Ler."

Vegeta strode off into the house to find Bulma; still pretty pissed about Cyler's loose tongue. That girl would learn to respect him, even if it was out of fear.

Trunks stumbled over to Cyler; holding a hand out for her to steady herself. She was still a little wobbly from Vegeta's assault. Cyler looked at his hand cautiously and eventually smacked it away.

"I don't need your help," She snapped at him. At this point he was one of the only people she was willing to take her anger out on. Never had she been so humiliated in her entire life. I'm supposed to be feared, honored, not walked upon and choked. But the thing that got to her the most was how weak she was. She hadn't actually ever been in a fight; the organisms on the planets she visited usually cowered at the sight of her. There was no need to fight.

But now seeing and being on the receiving end of such strength, she knew she was nothing compared to Vegeta. And knowing that only pissed her off more.

"Hey," Trunks hissed at the way his gesture was dismissed. "I was trying to help you! And judging by your Ki you need all the help you can get!"

That's it...that was it! First Vegeta mortified her in front of everyone. Now this purple haired weirdo decided it was his turn to take blows at her confidence. There was no way she'd loose to him!

"And what, pray tell, do you mean by that?" All past injuries aside; Cyler stood up straight and looked Trunks dead in his eyes, a smirk etching her features. But the boy didn't flinch, he just narrowed his eyes.

"If you're thinking about fighting me," Trunks inquired, "That wouldn't be in your best interest." Before the actual fight could ensure, Vegeta's voice echoed through their ears.

"If you two aren't behind me in two seconds," The threat was unfinished as the two children high tailed it to Vegeta in half that. "You two better keep up."

The twists and turns down the complicated hallways made Cyler's head spin. And the swiftness of both her company made her feel worse. Why do I have to be the only one who knows nothing of this place, she whined mentally. It seems as if they've done this plenty of times. Little did Cyler know, they have done this plenty of times.

"Woman," Vegeta bellowed; barging into Bulma's home lab as he often did. Whether he was asking for repairs for the Gravity room or grown-up things, this happened a lot.

"Yes Veggie," Bulma sang sweetly and at that very moment Cyler walked in.

"I guess your family does call you anything but Vegeta." Cyler's voice was sly as she quoted the prince. Vegeta mumbled low cursed, some in different languages. Bulma watched the situation with full blown amusement. This girl got Vegeta so flustered every time that little girl looked at him. Bulma liked her.

"Find out if she's," Vegeta pointed at Cyler agitatedly, "Related to me. And if she is truly a Saiyan."

Bulma's eyes bulged out of her head. "Wait wha-" Then she saw it, the fuzzy brown "belt", spiky hair, and weird armor with unbelievable shoulder pads. Who needed a test, "She's Saiyan, can't you see her tail?!" Bulma made a gesture similar to show girl at a car show.

"Of course I see it, woman!" Vegeta barked, "But if YOU have forgotten Planet Vegeta was destroyed a long time ago...SHE'S EIGHT!"

Bulma fell back out of her chair, only to be caught by Vegeta. "Calm yourself, dammit. It's not good for you or the baby!"

A purple blur was beside both of them in an instant. "Baby," Trunks shrieked; bouncing on balls of his feet.

Vegeta game him a look as if silently asking 'Do you have a head injury?' "Yes, a baby. What did you think I was talking about at the landing site, boy?"

Realization hit Trunks like a ton of bricks. Well, more like a ton of elephants. Bricks do this no justice. "Ooh." Trunks put his right hand on his mom's stomach. A grin traced his features before he began to quietly giggle. "I-I feel her."

"Her," Bulma shouted; jumping out of Vegeta's arms. Cyler clamped both hands over her ears, Kami these people yell a lot. "Finally," Bulma said while doing a happy dance, "No more training, and no more fighting; just shopping."

Cyler stomped her foot and crossed her arms over her armored chest. "Can we get on with the test already?" Bulma suppressed a giggle at Cyler's menacingly cute scowl.

That girl sure does act like Vegeta, Bulma thought fondly. "Sorry," She said shaking her thoughts off, "And I didn't catch your name." Bulma smiled towards Cyler.

"My name is Cyler and I am the prin-never mind." Cyler quickly reconsidered her sentence because of Vegeta's boring glare, "Just Cyler."

Bulma let out a high pitched squeal of pure delight. "You are just adorable!" She tore across the room to pinch Cyler's cheeks. But in the process of squeezing the life out of the young girl's chunky face, she spotted a deep purple ring around her neck. Bulma stopped clasping Cyler's cheeks and tilted her neck to get a better look. Yup, Bulma thought, that's a bruise.

"What happened to you?" Bulma asked, as straight forward as ever.

Vegeta immediately knew what his noisy mate had set her prying eyes on this time. The bruise he left Cyler for being a brat. She was lucky she lived through that, he was aiming to kill. But with his luck the little ankle bitter would rat him out and then it would be him who would be trying to survive.

"Nothing," Cyler ground out hoarsely. Vegeta's eye visibly twitched. Why did this girl just lie for him? He tried to kill her! He needed no one's pity or protection and especially not a mentally injured eight year old wanna-be-saiyan. "It's been on my neck since I got here."

Bulma knew she was lying, that was plain to see. But why would she lie? Bulma wouldn't push it until she got to know the child better. The better you know someone the better chance you have at knowing their business.

Cyler unconsciously rubbed her right cheek. "You are a woman of science, are you not?" Bulma nodded swiftly. The girl really wanted to hurt the woman but decided against it. She noticed the care Vegeta showed her and didn't want to be on the receiving end of his rage again. "Then behave as such."

Bulma flinched at the deadly serious tone the girl used. She was much too reserve for someone her age.

"What's science without a little fun?!" Bulma shot back after a few seconds.

"Safe." Cyler dead panned, "Now on with it. I want this over with already, if you don't mind?" Although her words were proper her tone was belittling towards Bulma.

This girl, Bulma thought, little girls shouldn't act this way.

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