Chapter 10: Adjustments

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Everyone you meet knows something you don't know. Be willing to learn from them. ~ Unknown

First things first... Trunks. Cyler had an unbreakable need to confront the young demi-saiyan. He had been the one who put her in such an embarrassing situation to begin with. Now if her memory served her correctly his room was through the living quarters, down the hallway, and to the immediate left. She followed the map in her mind and reached her destination shortly after.

She readied her hand to knock on the door in front of her. But she hesitated just before she made contact with the metal door. Cyler leaned forward and pressed her ear against the door. She could hear steady breathing. He's asleep, she thought irritably. Cyler rubbed her tongue on the side of her cheek inside of her mouth. I wait on no one.

Cyler beat on the door with fierce anger bubbling in her stomach, "Wake the hell up!" Trunks jumped out of his bed like a frightened cat. He blinked several times before he realized that was a child's voice and not his father's. A goofy grin spread across his face. He scrambled to the door; falling over his blanket and toys in the process.

Cyler impatiently tapped her booted foot. She raised a brow at the constant sound of crashes and the occasional exclamation of pain. The door suddenly slid open and she wasn't expecting what latched into her. Trunks had lunged at her and trapped her in an embrace. "I thought... I thought you'd never wake up." Trunks said between sobs.

With bugged eyes, Cyler kept her arms raised in the air. She didn't know what to do in this type of situation and it made her uncomfortable. Trunks' tears soaked into her hospital gown, which during her tizzy of emotions she forgot to change out of. "I'm really sorry, Cyler. I really was trying to help you. I heard my d.. Dad talking about how saiyans got stronger. I... I thought it'd work for you too."

While I was in a coma, Cyler thought; ignoring Trunks, these people grew attached to me. They've decided I was one of their own. But I don't know a damn thing about them. Cyler shoved Trunks away from her and he hit the floor. He looked up at her as if he was hurt; not physically but emotionally. Cyler bent over so that her face was in his. "You don't know anything about me. I don't need your damn pity. I need my brother to accept me. So unless you are going to help me with that I want nothing to do with you... Trunks, was it?"

Trunks stood up abruptly; wiping his tear away in the same motion. "If you haven't noticed Cyler... I'm your nephew. Meaning Vegeta is my father! I couldn't care less about your self righteousness. Like it or not we're family." Cyler's eye twitched slightly, yet she said nothing in response to his speech.

"Sl.. Sleep well, Trunks." Cyler breathed out before turning back from which she came. Leaving a very confused demi-saiyan standing in his doorway.

The night faded into morning. Cyler had decided to stay in the lab where she had slept for the past months. She didn't sleep all night. Not something she'd admit, but she was afraid to sleep again. What if she didn't wake up? What if she fell in another coma and never woke again? All night those thoughts cluttered her mind. The smell of delicious food flooded her nostrils. And almost on a trace she floated her way to the source.

"Why hello there. Oh aren't you just precious! And awake! Oh I can see it now. You look just like Vegeta! Except your hair isn't receding," Bunny exclaimed at the sight of Cyler. Cyler squinted at her and nodded sarcastically. Whoever this idiot woman was didn't matter. What mattered was the food she cooked. "Oh dear I almost forgot. Silly me, silly me. I'm Bunny, Bulmas mother. Don't worry your precious little heart over clothes I measured you in your sleep. And bought you boat loads." Cyler stared blankly at the blond.

Bulmas mother? Thats ridiculous, this woman is a complete imbecile.

"That's my honey for you." The voice of an old man said before kissing Bunny on the cheek. Cyler cringed, Bulmas father. "Hurry up and feed her dear she looks a bit boney, Hahaha."

Soon enough the entire family of Briefs was in the kitchen; chatting and eating. Cyler simply watched their interactions with curiosity." Where's Vegeta?" She blurted out. Everyone stopped to look behind her. Cyler turned around to see a smirking prince.

"Looking for me?"

Cyler blushed and crossed her arms, "No... I just was thinking only weaklings sleep in."

"Precisely why I wake at four every morning." He answered sharply.

Cyler sighed and turned back to her meal. Trying her best to ignore his presence. Trunks jumped up from his seat with sudden haste. He ran around the table and gave each family member a kiss on the cheek. Bunny gave him a paper bag and rubbed his head of lavender hair. Cyler laughed at their show of affection. Trunks glared at her in response.

"See ya dad!" He said before saluting his father. Vegeta grunted to show his acknowledgement. Cyler cleared her throat before asking, "Where is he going?" Bulma smiled at her. Cyler didn't like the looks of it.

"He's going to school... Somewhere you'll be going too. You go there to learn. Here on Earth, we pride education of our next generations-"

"I'm not going." Cyler dead panned.

Bulmas jaw flew open, "And why not?! You're not going to sit around and be an idiot!"

Cyler growled at Bulma, "I know enough about travel and survival what could Earth knowledge give me that I don't already have?!" Cyler stormed off flipping the kitchen table in the process.

"Child!" The room silenced. And the patter of Cyler's feet stopped as well. "You will go to school and you will adjust to life here on Earth. Whether I like it or not you are my...sibling. Behave as such. This bratty attitude shall not be accepted here. Mind my words. They are warnings."

Cyler's eyes did the one thing she didn't want them to do. She was tearing up. "But... You are not my father!"

"Correct. He is dead, but I am your older brother so shut the hell up with your constant outbursts." Vegeta's back was to her this whole time, but it was still as if he was glaring at her. Cyler huffed and punched the wall beside her; leaving a gaping hole. She ran off to the lab again.

"Stupid brat."

"Dumb bastard."

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