Chapter 7: A Little R & R (Resolve and Reprecussions)

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"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?" - Rumi

((Cyler is pronounced: Sigh-Ler))

Bulma was on the hunt for a short spiky haired saiyan prince. Boy, did she have a few choice words for him. She was walking so hard through the building that her heel clicks echoed off the walls. Bulma knew exactly where Vegeta was.Destination: Gravity Room.

The clicks on the carpet went from tile to the silence of grass. Bulma was outside and was a few steps away from the gravity room. She walked up the stairs to the pod structure and started beating on the door.

"Vegeta, let me in!" Bulma screamed using his real name. She barely did that unless she was pissed. That didn't go unnoticed by Vegeta either."No," He decided it was in his best interest to avoid whatever was troubling her at the moment. Bulma growled before smiling slyly and punching and kicking the door randomly.

"Oh no," Bulma faked, "I'm about to fall down the stairs!" The door flung open and Vegeta quickly grabbed hold of Bulma' pulling her close. He pulled back from her slightly to see her face. She was smiling... that damned woman tricked me!

"Now that you're outside, I have a question to ask you," Bulma's face deadly serious now. Vegeta closed his eyes and breathed out slowly.

"What is it now," Although he already knew Bulma wasn't one to forget things.

"Why did you hurt Cyler? She's your sister for Dende's sake." He was going to reply with a simple: 'I wasn't sure she was my sister.' But he knew she'd say: 'That's no excuse!'

So instead he decided to be blunt, "Look at that moment I wanted to kill her," Bulma gasped, "But I didn't so be happy."

Bulma shook her head side to side, "I can't believe you!" She lifted her head to look him dead in the eyes, blue and onyx battling each other. "I thought you were smarter than that." Vegeta quirked an eyebrow at her. What did this have to do with his intelligence; it was more a matter of instincts.

"Why kill her if you want to preserve your saiyan race?"

That's when it hit him she was right, the woman was right. Although the saiyan population was still in the single digits, one more helped. From what he found out today she was a noble, high class saiyan. That meant her genes were strong, even if she wasn't. That meant that Cyler could not die, at least not on his watch. Why didn't I think of this before, he asked himself. Because you where too busy being an ass to notice, his inner self answered. He growled inwardly, SHUT UP!

"You really need to apologize to her," Bulma chastised.

"I will," Vegeta answered plainly.

"I mean honestly that's just terrible, you should've seen her sad little face when she left. How dare you say 'I will'? The least you can do is- wait-what?" Bulma finally realized what he said. "You will?

"Yes, I must, not for her sake but for my race's sake."

It was everywhere the blood kept oozing out. Man I didn't think this through, Trunks thought to himself. When Mom finds out about this I'm as good as dead. He glanced at his right arm which Cyler was limply hung over. Maybe that was a bad analogy.

Trunks held on to Cyler tighter, the blood from her was making it hard to keep a grip on her. There was so much of it on his clothes, face and he bet it was in his hair too. His problems were nothing compared to Cyler's condition, her hair was caked with blood and her eyes were glazed over. Dirt littered her chubby face and wound, in short, Trunks had to hurry.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, "You might be my aunt, but I'm older than you. I should've known. My Mom's a genius for Dende's sake." He sighed. "I guess that just means I'm not one."

"Hang in there, please."

Blackness...I hate the dark, it was dark for so long, I just came into the light again. But the darkness is all I know, my brother hates me, I might as well sleep some more. NO! I can't I'm a princess I have to be alert. My parents gave me away to protect me. But all I know how to do is scare people. It's terrible no one's afraid of me here. I guess it's best to sleep.

Vegeta snapped his head up towards the sky. Bulma giggles slightly, "Don't tell be its twins this time."

"No woman, that girl is hurt badly. Trunks is on his way here. Go prepare your medical room." Bulma was shocked but ran as fast as she could to her lab.

'I hope Cyler's okay, what happened?'

Vegeta shot off into the sky and before long he was directly in front of a bloody Trunks and Cyler. "What the hell happened boy?" Trunks halted suddenly and started to mumble things.

"Um, no time for that dad she's dying. You fly faster than me, take her to mom!" Vegeta knew Trunks was avoiding eye contact and the subject, but he took hold of Cyler nonetheless. As he flew toward Capsule Corp. his stomach was in knots, he couldn't believe he tried to kill her before. Just looking at her limp body made him sick, he didn't realize it yet, but even though she was weak she was still family. Now that he thought about it Bulma was weak but he tolerated her, and he still didn't know if his unborn child would be weak or not. Maybe he just had to accept Cyler as one of his family members that couldn't defend themselves, well at least for now.

'What... I see light. I got to get to it; I hate the dark, it's warmer now too, I feel safe.'

Vegeta landed and ran straight to Bulma's lab. While he was running Cyler grabbed his arm and muttered, "Warm". When he arrived at the lab he saw all the Z fighters gathered around the area. Korin rushed over to Bulma, who took the senzu he gave her and melted it down to a liquid. Vegeta cleared his throat and Bulma's eyes filled with tears when she saw Cyler's condition. She gestured toward the medical bed and the warriors made a path for Vegeta to walk through.

He placed Cyler on the bed and turned away from her. He shouldn't care about her health, but he did. Bulma prepared an I.V. that had the melted senzu in it and attached to Cyler. The wounds slowly started to close and heal, but Cyler didn't wake up.

"Why isn't she waking up," Chi-Chi asked while crying hysterically.

"She lost to much blood," Bulma answered; worse off than Chi-Chi, "She might not wake up."

Trunks fell to his knees crying and Goten ran to his side, trying to say that Cyler will be okay. Trunks wasn't having it through. It was his fault; if she died he'd never forgive himself.

((A/N: WOW! I'm on a roll! Did you like this chapter?))

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