Chapter 1: Unknown Ki

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"Real life is a funny thing, you know. In real life, saying the right thing at the right moment is beyond crucial. So crucial, in fact, that most of us start to hesitate, for fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But lately what I've begun to fear more than that is letting the moment pass without saying anything. " -Taylor Swift


It was good to finally have the whole gang together again. She even managed to hunt down Tien, Chiaotzu, and Launch. Life was finally smiling on us. She thought as she, her mother, Chi-Chi, Launch, Eighteen, and Videl cooked for the bunch of Saiyans they loved. But they also had other guest to feed, so that meant ALOT of cooking.

"Bulma, can you chop these?" Chi-Chi asked; holding carrots and onions towards Bulma. "Sure thing, Chi." Bulma answered as chipper as they come.

Chi-Chi raised an eye brow at her. Even Bunny, Bulma's mom, raised an eye brow at her. Bulma usually hated cooking for the bottomless pits also known as Saiyans.

"What?" The blue haired bombshell asked, as she caught Chi-Chi's look. "Why are you so... happy? You usually hate cooking."

"Why are you NOT 'so happy'?" Bulma answered a question with a question; turning to retrieve the cutting board and knife. "We can finally relax. Everything's better now."

*Outside in the backyard of Capsule Corp...*

"Hey, it's not that bad." Krillin spoke, trying to convince himself more than Goku. "Can you really see those many grays?" Hands over his head trying to stop Goku's inspection of his hair.

"Oh come on Krillin-it's only one- it was bound to happen." Goku said in an attempt to make his best friend feel better.

"Well, it's one to many, if you ask me." The ex-monk grumbled.

Their conversation ended immediately as the women came out with the food. "Everyone, except the Saiyans, get your food now." Eighteen said monotonously.

Goku looked as if he was a child, who just found out their hamster died. It wasn't fair, sure he ate a lot, but that didn't mean he'd be selfish.

Everyone in the backyard ran to get their servings of the feast. They all knew that if they waited to long the Saiyans wouldn't have one problem eating their share.

"Okay, now you all can eat." Chi-Chi said like a referee saying 'GO!'

The Saiyans flew to the table. Figuratively and Literally. And started digging in. Krillin stopped eating to stare.

"Krillin, you've known these guys forever and you're still not used to it?" Tien spoke to the ex-monk. Krillin simply shook his head from side to side very slowly.

"Hey, has anyone seen Vegeta?" Bulma asked no one in particular. "Yeah, he's right over there." Answered sweet Launch; pointing the corner of the yard.

"Thanks." Bulma said her voice octaves lower than before. Everyone knew what was coming now.

Bulma marched over to her husband very po'ed. She cooks, cleans, gave birth to a wonderful boy, another baby on the way. And he couldn't at least get his scowling ass out of this corner and eat!

When she reached him she was about to let him have it. But he put up a hand to silence her. He had that look on his face a look that meant something was wrong. Dende, she hated that look.

"What is it, 'Geta?" He scowled at her nickname for him. "Some one's coming, they're strong but even Krillin could handle them."

A relieved smile graced Bulma's lips. "Phew. Now come eat, okay?"

He smirked at her smile. "Sure whatever."

With everyone at the table chowing down everyone was truly happy. Well everyone except Roshi, who already get slapped by Launch, Bulma, Eighteen, Chi-Chi, and Videl during the first hour.

That's when all who could sense energy, whipped their heads in to same direction Vegeta's was in earlier. "I see you idiots finally feel that ki." Vegata said with a smirk.

"What a KI!?" Chi-Chi screeched. "I just finished dinner. I-it's not fair!" Chi-Chi said; head hung in despair. Everyone else fashioned a sweat drop.

"I see you felt it too, Vegeta." Piccolo spoke. "But it's nothing we can't handle."

"So does any one want to check it out it's nearing Earth, fast?" Chiaotzu shrugged.

"I guess so, I mean it couldn't hurt, right?" Gohan said standing up. In a matter of seconds all the guys except Roshi, Yajirobe, and Oolong left to find the energy source.

Roshi just sat and watched them fly away.

Aw, to be young again.

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