Chapter 6: Inner Strength

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"You never know how strong you are... until being strong is the only choice you have." ― Cayla Mills

((Cyler is pronounced: Sigh-Ler))

Cyler continued to pump her legs through the long curved hallways. She was distraught and actually quite pissed. Every time she tried to look on the bright side of things, Vegeta's smug face popped into her head. The bad part was the burning sensation she got on her neck every time she saw or thought of him. Why'd he do that to her, if she was weak why even waste his time causing harm to her. She felt like the bruises were like a branding of the true nature of the Saiyan Prince, and her strength as a whole.

She slammed open door after door, looking for an exit from this accursed place in which Vegeta called 'home'. This was too much for her to handle, her legs began to wobble, and Vegeta was too much for her. For a second she thought about just blasting a hole through any wall and high tailing it out of there. Then she got a grip and realized that doing that would only give Vegeta a reason to kick her ass again.

"I hate that smug BASTARD!" She screamed with all the malice her child like voice could muster. She had finally made it into the kitchen and kept repeating this phrase louder every time.

Krillin walked over to Eighteen holding Marron's hand. "That was crazy, I wonder if that kid's okay. I mean I know Vegeta isn't 'Mr. Sunshine' but that was way over board." Krillin let go of his daughter's hand and allowed her to run over to her mother. "It's like come on she might even be his sister!"

Eighteen opened her mouth to respond but Cyler voice echoed through instead.

"I hate the SMUG BASTARD!" Cyler flung open the sliding glass door; knocking it off its hinges and shattering it in the process. Everyone looked up to see Cyler seething with anger. She snapped her head in the direction of Krillin. "And I damn sure don't need your pathetic sympathy either!"

Krillin took a step back; bumping into Eighteen, who looked ready to blow a fuse. "I don't care if you're Vegeta's sister or not, apologize to my husband."

Cyler breathed heavily from her nostrils, "That's funny because Vegeta doesn't care either!" She shot off into the sky and flew away. Trunks rushed into the back yard soon after, and shot off in pursuit of his eight year old aunt. It was weird being one year older than your aunt.

Cyler landed in a forest and began demolishing trees. Some got attacked with Ki blasts others got pummeled with kicks and round houses. Its save to say after Cyler blew some steam it was a waste land and no longer a forest. She hunched over trying to catch her breath as sweat trickled from her brow.

"Hey," Trunks whispered in ear her from behind. She instinctively gave him a kick to his man parts and began walking away from him. "What was that for?" He asked; his voice an octave higher than usual.

"Don't sneak up behind me." She dead panned.

"It isn't my fault you can't sense energy like everybody else." He said rolling his eyes in her direction.

"Whatever just leave."

Trunks took a look at his surrounding before laughing mockingly, "Can't beat up my dad so you beat up trees?" He squatted down and picked up a hand full of ash and sprinkled it back onto the ground. "You know you are pretty weak-"

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

"Let me finish, I was going to say, but you can get stronger."

Cyler's tail twitched slightly and Trunks knew he had got her attention. "All you got to do you almost die." Cyler spun around to see Trunks in her face smirking. That stupid smirk looked just like Vegeta's stupid one.

"What are you..?"

"Look since you're a full blood saiyan, if you almost die and recover you'll before stronger. Trust me my dad has almost died a lot of times." Cyler smiled at this, just the thought of Vegeta writhing in pain made her happy. "He even almost got killed by that guy Krillin you yelled at earlier, when he first came to Earth."

"Really?" She giggled like a child. It was sad that the only time she acted giddy like a girl was over war and death. Trunks nodded knowingly and reached out his hand towards her.

"So, aunty you want to give it a go?"

She grabbed his hand and shook it in return, "Why not?" To his surprised she began clenching his hand tighter and tighter. "But you better not kill me."

"Or what, you'll come back from the dead and kill me," Although it wouldn't be that hard given the Dragon Balls and all. "Fine I won't kill you, purposely, anyway.

"Alright then on with it," Cyler lifted her arms to her sides, while Trunks powered up a Ki blast. She closed her eyes tightly and started grinding her teeth. Trunks finished powering up his attacked and released full force towards Cyler's abdomen. Cyler could hear the whizzing noise the ball was making as it approached her. The heat from the energy within it was making her sweat.

Then she felt it. The blast ripped through her stomach, ripping the life out of her in an instant. She opened her eyes slightly, it was blurry and the world was crooked. She could see Trunks rushing towards her with a panic look. He kept saying something like he 'didn't think this through'. She slowly traced her hands to her stomach, there was a hole.

A hole...a hole in her stomach...


Her eyes became wide with panic. She was going to die, why did see listen to Trunks? Did she really want to hurt Vegeta that badly?

Oh, what's this, blackness clouding my vision? That's not good.

Cyler fell to her knees before falling flat on her face.

No, she thought, this isn't good at all.

((A/N: thanks for reading guys comments are appreciated!))

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