He's Just Trouble A Afterromeo / Tc Carter Fanfic

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Jamie's P.O.V:Me and Vina jumped out of the car as soon as we got in the drive way Vi's mouth dropped open "Holy Fucking Shit!" She said I just laughed at her. I was kind of used to this.. my mom and dad were wealthy and I wasn't like them at all.. I don't like to brag just because I have money. Anyway, me and Vi went inside and took a tour of the house and it is really big. "Fuck this house is huge!" I laughed at what Vi said she has a way with her words . Me and Vi went to our rooms and started to unpack. I just unpacked things I need for to  night . I will finish tomorrow. I'm to lazy to do it now. I could here Vina from her room yelling in rage "Open you fucking piece of shit box!" Told you she is crazy... She has been my friend for so long! Her parents divorced a while back. I guess they just got tired of each other , but Vina said she was happy when they divorced because her parents would always argue and when they left each other she just didn't have to worry about it any more. I was happy when her mother let her move to Nevada with us. I told my mom the only way I would move to Nevada is if Vina would be able to visit us ever y month ,but my mom insisted that Vina moved with us. She liked Vi as a friend for me cause she said she is a "good influence" but she is always the one that gets us in trouble. But its a little fun.

End of Jamie's P.O.V

Vina's P.O.V:

This fucking box wouldn't open so I gave up on it and decided to go see what was up with Jamie. She was just sitting on her bed staring out her window in her own little world . I wonder what the hell she was thinking about. Hmmm I'm going to scare the shit out of her. I crept up on her "AHHHH!" I yelled she fell of the bed. I fell to the ground dying of laughter it was so funny! "What the fuck was that for!" She screamed. Then I saw her running towards me .. was she going to really tackle me? And then I felt her on top me. "Get off of me care bear looking puppy!" I yelled at her . "Nope!" She laughed. "Well if your going to just ride me like you rode Justin Bieber at our other school than do it!" She gasped at my comment and started laughing "Ewww your disgusting I would never have sex with a Senior you idiot! Especially not a Sexy one!" She yelled and started laughing again. "I just said that so you would get off of me Stupid ass!" I said and started to laugh. Then we heard a knock on the door and Ms.Nicole was there. "Why don't you girls go outside and meet the neighbors or go check out the neighbor hood? We have a park a couple blocks away and it look nice." Me and Jamie exchanged looks and got up from the floor and went down stairs. "Be careful, and I won't be back till the morning girls." Ms.Nicole said . "Okay." We both said . We got in the car and "22" was on by Taylor Swift. "22, it feels like one of those nights!" We both sang aloud with the radio turned up loud. I turned it down "Where are we going?" I asked Jamie "Wherever fate takes us." Jamie said with a wink. "Whatever.. with your stupid ass Shakespeare quotes!" I said and stuck my tongue out at her and i started laughing. We ended up going to the mall. We saw Forever 21 and ran inside. "Try to look for somethom for tonight!" I said. "What no I don't want to go out tonight!" She whined. "Please I moved to Nevada to be with you and this is how you reward me?" I asked in a fake hurt tone "But were under aged and you know I can't control my alcohol!" She said. "Bitch I could have a "little talk" with the security guards and I will carry you home or you could go home with a fine ass guy!" I joked & winked at her . "Shut the fuck up, but fine we'll go out just cause I love your dumb ass!" She stated "That's why I love you cause whatever crazy shit I do your always there with me!" I said "whatever" she joked & stuck her tongue at me. Me & Jamie were at so many stores looking for the perfect dress. And I found mine it was beautiful it was tight of course .. it was red & I got some black heels to match with it. Jamie was new at this so I helped her with her outfit it was super sexy! It was a black dress & it was tight and it displayed her curves perfectly. It was cut on the sides of her torso she also got some black heels with spikes in the back . She was going to look irresistible!

Vina's P.O.V ended

Jamie P.O.V:

I don't really want to go out tonight with Vi but I guess I don't really have a choice she picked out my outfit & and it was really revealing but I liked it .. but if my mom saw what I was going to wear she would fucking go crazy but at times I don't care what she thinks of me . Cause she expects me to be this perfect little girl that I was when I was smaller but I changed . I'm older now. "Hey Jamie can we stop at Starbucks on our way back home? Please!" Vi pleaded "Fine, Whatever makes you shut up!" I laughed "Fuck you!" She laughed out. We got in the car and started to listen to my new Demi Lavato CD . "I think I'd have a heart attack!" I sang out loud. We got off the car & went inside starbucks and saw that it was empty that's strange.. but there were 5 guys and 2 girls sitting at a table . They all had tattoos & piercings. They looked like they were trouble so I tried not to pay too much attention to them. "Damn they look hot as Fuck! To bad I have a boyfriend!" Vina said. "You would actually date one of them?" I asked her. Why the fuck did I ask her that of course her crazy ass would date one of them. "Yeah, is that bad?" She asked we just looked at each other And started laughing. & and that's when I noticed they were staring at us.

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