Chapter 8- Vi is back

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Chapter 8

•Jaime's P.O.V continued•When I got inside the house I just wanted to go to my room, drink some Advil and take a nap forever. "Hey Jay!" I heard from a familiar voice while I was taking Tc's jacket off. I turned around to see Vi and Niall on the couch. What is he doing here? I ran to Niall and embraced him in a huge hug. "What the fuck are you doing here!" I yelled. "Just thought I'd visit my two favorite girls & this house is huge Jay!" He said. "Yeah I know huh, & Oh my god! We should go to the park, or actually the mall. Or , or we could go to.." I couldn't finish my sentence cause Vi interrupted. "Calm down Jaime!" She laughed out. "Your right, I have the biggest fucking head ache ever! I should just go bed & leave you two love birds alone for at least one day." I said. " And oh yeah Aren't you the one who promised to take care of me if I went to the club with you?". I asked Vi sarcastically and stuck my tongue out at her. "No, I.. I..Ugh fine!" She said. I just started to laugh. "You forced her to go to the club with you Vi?" niall asked. "Yup, she did." I said. "Looks like I'm going to have to punish you." He said with a wink to Vi. "Ewww you guys make me want to vomit!" I said while walking up the stairs. They just started to laugh. "Vi, can you get me some advil and a glass of water?" I yelled. "Yeah!" She yelled back. "Ugh! Stop yelling I have a headache!" I yelled. She was always good with hangovers, unlike me. When I got in my room I fell on the bed and went under the sheets. "Here you go." Vi said while handing me the advil and glass of water. After I finished drinking the water I went back under the covers and Vi tucked me in. "Where is my mom Vi?" I asked. "Wasn't she supposed to be here like she said?" I asked. "Well, your ass got lucky, She had some things to do involving her job." She said. "Of course." I mumbled. "What happened last night? Were did you go?" She asked. "Can I tell you tonight?" I asked her. "Of course, loser." She said. I just giggled a little."Well goodnight." She said. After that I completely passed out. *9 hours later* When I woke up I checked my phone and it was 6 o'clock, and I felt way better. When I went down stairs I saw Vi And Niall cooking. "Hey Jay!" They both said at the same time. There the cutest couple ever! I just laughed. "Hey nerds!" I joked. "What are you guys making?" I asked. "Spaghetti!" Niall said. "Its almost finished!" He yelled while I was walking back up the stairs. When I got to my room my phone was ringing. "Hello?" I asked. "Ermm is Jaime there?" A familiar voice asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked again. "Hey its Kynlee!". "Oh hey weirdo!" I said through the phone joking around. "Hey don't call my Girlfriend that!" Another familiar voice said. "Ewww is Drew on the phone?" I joked. "Yeah, why you have a problem with me?" He asked playing around. "Cause if you do I'll make sure to fix it!" He joked. "Man, Kynlee we're not going to be able to talk about private things with him around." I joked around. "I know!" Kynlee said in a fake sad tone. "Whatever!" Drew said and then all I heard was him and kynlee laughing on the other line. "So, Jay what I wanted to ask you was what school are you going to attend?" She asked "The Galod Academy." I said "Why?" I asked. "Oh my god that's fantastic to hear. Me, Anna and the boys go there, and they have the best futbol team!" She said excitedly. "Oh yay!" I said, in a fake happy tone that I hoped Kynlee wouldn't hear. "What's wrong love, you don't want to see us everyday?" She asked in a fake hurt tone. "No its not that it's just I'm still a little shaken' up about what happened between TC and Devin". I said. I wasn't lying but that also wasn't the complete reason why I don't want to have to see the boys everyday. I also just don't want to have to see TC cause he is such a dick at times & I don't want him to ruin the rest of my highschool experience. Or to scare off any boys or Friends. Like he scared of the guy from Starbucks. "they were just drunk and TC will get over it sooner or later." Kynlee assured. "But the thing is TC doesn't remember the fight.. so the boys need to remind him about what happened." I said. "Kay, I'll make sure they do." Kynlee said. "Well we'll see you tomorrow Jay!" Kynlee said. "Kay." And after that I hung up. "Damn!" I shouted while coming down the stairs. "What's wrong?" Vi asked. "What's not wrong!" I said to her while walking past her. When we got finished with dinner I ran up to my room and jumped in the shower than started to blow dry my hair. "Hey Jay" Vi said while walking in my restroom. "Hey." I said. "Our first day of school is tomorrow!" She yelled in excitement. "Yup, guess what." I said. "What?" She asked. "TC and his friends go to the same school we're going to." I said. "That kid that likes you?" She asked. "He doesn't!" I laughed. "Yeah he does and guess what I heard about him!" She said. "What?" I asked. "He is the leader of this gang named After Romeo& there totally bad ass! He also does drugs and he smokes, and there is SOOO much more things he does but the guy didn't have time to tell me everything." Vi said. "Who was the guy?" I asked. "I don't know.. some guy that bought me a drink." She said. "Oh. My. Fucking. Gosh. What am I going to do?" I asked Vi "I don't know but for sure your not going to get him mad cause I heard he also has anger issues and he also hits girls and he is just a fucked up mess!" She said. "I'm just going to try to avoid him." I said. "Kay." She said. "Oh yeah.. aren't you going to tell me what happened the night at the club?" Vi asked. "Can I tell you on the way to school tomorrow?" I asked. "Ugh! Fine." She whined. "Oh and were is my mom?" I asked. "She left a little while ago to go have dinner with her friends I guess." She said. "Oh." I said. "And were is Niall going to sleep?" I asked. "On the couch." She said. "Oh." I replied. "Well I'll let you get ready for tomorrow." She said. "Kay goodnight Vi." I said. "Night." She said and left the room. After that I finished my hair put on my P.J's and then tucked myself in and I started to think about tomorrow & after that I fell asleep. •JAIMES is P.O.V ended

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