Chapter 24 - The boys throw a party

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Chapter 24

•Briza's P.O.V started• "Aye aren't you coming with us?" Drew asked me. "No...Tc's going to drop me off." I replied. "No, no Tc you should come too so we could get ready together and do each others make-up." Drew said mocking us. "I'm sure you would know how to act like a girl.." Devin said while walking past Drew. I just started to laugh. "Why does that fucking prick always call me a girl.. His Fetus ass is lucky that I don't finish him!" Drew growled. "Calm down fag .." Tc teased. "Haha real funny Tc." tc said while walking away. "I'm going to go talk to the coach alright.." tc said while leaving. "So your going to the party right?" Blake asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Trust me.. it's going to be like no party you've ever been to." He said. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked. "Both." He said while walking away. Then I walked to the restrooms so I could call my mom and ask her when she was getting home & so I could make up an excuse on why I wasn't going to come home. "Hey beautiful." I heard someone say behind me. "Oh hey Damion.." I said trying to stay calm. "So you guys didn't beat my school teams ass like you said." I said trying to make it less awkward. "Maybe next time princess." He said while laughing. "So I'm throwing a party tonight you should come.." He said. "Umm.. I don't know, I was going to go to tc's party." I replied. "Well just in case here's the address." He said while writing the address on a piece of paper. "Bye." I said. "Bye Love.." he replied while kissing my cheek. I just stood there frozen. "Hope to see you there later." He said while walking away. "Hello?" I heard my moms voice on the phone. "Umm mom are you coming home tonight?" I asked her. "No honey, Work." She replied. "Alright well see you tomorrow morning." I said and hung up and walked towards the boys. "Well we'll meet you guys at drew's.." tc said to Kynlee. "Kay.." She replied. When we got in the car their was an awkward silence. "Why did you go talk to Damion? Was it cause I was talking to that other girl?" He asked me while looking straight ahead. "No.. I was just walking and bumped into him and he started to talk to me." I replied while looking out the window. "Well you shouldn't have kept the conversation going.." tc said with his jaw clenched. "Well you shouldn't have been flirting with that Whore.." I spat. "Don't talk to me like that." tc said through gritted teeth. After that I just let the conversation go. When we got to drew's house drew and the girls just got there also. "Bye.." he said. I just got off the car and grabbed my bag and walked to the girls. "I call doing Briza's Hair!" anna yelled. "Ugh.. you guys yell to fucking much!" drew groaned and we started giggle. "That's not fair.." kynlee whined. "Yes it is.. I called it!" anna said. When we got inside the house drew said that he was going to be in the living room. "Your house is nice drew." I said. "Thanks." He said while getting a beer from his fridge. "Umm where's the party going to be at?" I asked him. "dev's place." He replied. "Get your ass up here!" kynlee yelled from upstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back. "I told you guys to stop yelling. I have a headache!" drew groaned. "Whatever pretty boy." I said while walking up the stairs. "Your lucky I like you Briza. Cause if I didn't, you would be dead for calling me that." Drew yelled from downstairs. "What did you bring?" kynlee asked me while I walked in the room. "Oh I brought a red dress and some black heels.." I said. "Good. That means I get to put on Red lip stick on you." She said with a wink. "Kay I'm gonna go take a shower in the guest bed room and Briza you can shower in here.." anna said. "Kay.." I said. "I'll take a shower after you Anna.. so hurry your ass up." kynlee said. "Wait Briza did you bring like a big T-shirt or something to wear besides your dress while we get ready?" kynlee asked me. "Shit. No I forgot." I said. "Kay here let me go get you one of Drew's T-shirts." She said while walking to her dresser than handed me the shirt. I then grabbed my bag and closed the restroom door. I just took a quick warm shower and jumped out and just put on my under wear and the T-shirt. "Let's blow dry our hair while kynlee's in the shower." anna said. "Kay.." I replied. Then we heard a knock on the door. "Umm girls are you guys dressed cause I need to get my shit." Drew said while knocking on the door. "Yeah, you could come in." anna said. "Hey are you wearing my shirt?" drew asked while grabbing his cigarettes. "Yup. Have a problem with it?" I asked him. "Nope not at all.." he said while scrunching his nose up at me and anna in a joking manner. "Hey babe." kynlee said while walking in the room. "Hey are you wearing one of my shirts too?" drew asked kynlee. "Yeah.." she said. "Kay well I'm gonna go get some beer and stuff for the party. Devin asked me and the boys to all bring stuff for the party." Drew said while walking out the room. "You guys are there going to be drugs at the party?" I asked them. "Yeah." kynlee said while curling a strand of hair. "Why?" I asked. "Cause we all do them."Anna said simply. "What kind?" I asked. "Mostly any kind you could think of.." Anna replied. "Who's going?" I asked. "A lot of the boys friends." kynlee replied. "Okay I'm gonna start doing your hair Kay babe." Anna said while plugging in a curling iron. "Alright.." I said. "Do you go out often?" kynlee asked me. "Like to clubs and parties?" She added. "No, just when my friend Vi wants to. I'm not really the type." I said. "And my mother would freak out if she found out I was going to a party like Dev's." I added. The girls just started to giggle. "Do you guys always throw parties?" I asked. "Yeah.." Anna said. *1 hour later* "Look now." anna said while turning me around. "Oh my god I look so.." I said but didn't get to finish. "Hot!" anna said. "Sexy!!" kynlee said with a wink. "Different.." I said. "Not really.." kynlee said. "Kay go put on your dress while we put ours on.." anna said. "Kay." I replied. When I put on my red dress it fit all my curves perfectly, and the heels made my legs look really long. When I walked out the girls looked so breath taking. "Oh my fucking gosh! Tc's not going to be able to leave his wondering hands off of you." kynlee said while giggling. "He's not going to even want to talk to any sluts or whores." anna said while laughing. I just started to laugh. "Well jayk and drew aren't going to be able to keep their hands off of you guys either." I said while giggling. "I already knew that.." kynlee joked. "Whatever.. I was lying." I joked. anna was wearing a blue dress that was really tight and some tan heels with her natrually wavy hair & kynlee was wearing a black dress with black heels and her purple hair was curled. They both looked stunning. "Are you guys ready?" drew asked from outside the door. "Yeah babe." kynlee replied and drew walked in. "All of you look beautiful." drew said. "Just kidding!" He joked. "Whatever.. look at you." anna joked while walking past him. He looked REALLY handsome. He was wearing some black jeans a plain with T-shirt and a jean jacket & his hair was in a quiff. "Are we late?" Kynlee asked. "Yeah.." he replied. "Fashionably late!" anna said while walking back into the room with earrings in her hand and started to put them in. "drew I'm going to borrow some of your earrings Kay." anna said. "Fuck no!" He replied. "I was kidding. I just wanted to see what you would say." She replied while laughing. "Whatever." He replied. "Let's go." He added. "Kay.." anna said and grabbed my hand. "Let's race down stairs." She said while looking at me. "Uh uh. Not in heels." I replied. "I'm just kidding." She said while giggling. When we got in the car Drew turned on some rock music and turned it up very loud. "Just so we could be pumped up for the party." He yelled over the music. I just started to laugh. When we got to devin's house Drew put down the volume and parked across the street. When we got off the car you could hear the music from inside the house already. "Man that's loud." I said. Drew just nodded his head and grabbed kynlee's hand in his. Then we saw Blake and jaym walking up to us. "Hey Babe!" jayk slurred while hugging anna. "Hey Bree!" He said while walking up to me and hugging me tightly. "jayk I think you've had a little too much to drink." I said. "Maybe." He said while grabbing anna's hand and leading her inside. "Hey drew." Blake said. "Hey bro." Drew replied. "Hey kynlee." Blake said while hugging her. "Hi." She replied and then her and Drew walked inside. "Hey Briza." Blake said while hugging me. "Hi Blake." I replied. "You look beautiful." He said. "Thanks you don't look that bad yourself." I said and started to laugh. "Thanks, I think.." He said while laughing. "Is Tc here?" I asked. "Yeah. But he's a little wasted." Blake said and stopped laughing. "Oh.." I replied. "Yeah so please be careful. If you need me for anything just look for me or one of the boys.." He said. "Kay.." I replied. "Let's go inside." He said while grabbing my hand in his. It was so warm and big but not as big as Tc's. When we got over to where Tc was I saw him and dev with a bunch of girls around them. "bree.. why don't you just hang out with me for a while." Blake said. "Yeah.. it looks like tc's busy..." I replied. Then he took my hand in his and led me to a group of people. "Hey guys this is Briza.." Blake said to the group. "Hey Beautiful." A guy said. "Back off she's Tc's." Liam said. "Hello Briza I'm Drake." A guy said and shook my hand. "Hi.." I replied. After he introduced me Blake started to talk to the group. Then I saw anna and kynlee walking up to me. "Let's go dance." anna said while grabbing my hand. "I'm going to go dance." I told blake. "Alright I'll be right here." He said. Then me and the girls started to grind and dance together. "Let's go sit down I'm tired." anna said. "Yeah.." kynlee agreed. I just walked over to Blake and his friends. "How was it?" He asked. "Really tiring." I said and sat down and he just laughed. "I'm going to go get something to drink, want to come?" Blake asked me. "Yeah.." I said and we got up. While we were walking through I saw Anna and jayk grinding on each other and I saw kynlee and Drew talking to a group of people. And when we got close to the drinks I saw Tc making out with a girl and he saw me too.

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