Chapter 32 - You deserve this

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Chapter 32

*Jaime's P.O.V continued• When we got to the house we got off the car and went inside. "I'm tired.." I groaned. "Me too." Vi mumbled. "Vi are we still going out with the girls?" I asked. "I don't know.. you could. I don't feel like going out, I just want to lay down all day." She replied and laid down on the couch. "Come on.. you can't just lay down all week cause niall left." I said. "I know that it sucks but.." I started. "No, please don't start giving me a lecture about how life's to short and all that other shit.." she groaned into a couch pillow. "Well don't give me a reason why I should." I replied. "Fine I'll go but, I don't really want to go shopping.." she replied. "Fine, I'll go with carousel and Dani.." I replied. "Why don't you go with Damion?" She asked while removing the pillow from her face and giggled. "Shut up." I replied while grabbing a pillow and threw it at her. "I'm gonna go to Dani's are you sure you don't wanna go?" I asked. "Yes, I'm sure James.." she replied. "Why did you call me James ?" I asked while giggling. "Don't know.. just came to mind." She replied. "And are you going walking?" She asked. "Since its only a couple blocks?" She added. "Yeah.." I replied. "Be careful Kay." She said. "Alrighty." I laughed and walked out. •jaime's P.O.V ended• •Damion's P.O.V started• "That was fun.." I mumbled to myself as I walked toward my car away from Jay, niall & vina while they started to leave the park too. "Hello?" I spoke into my phone while I answered it. "Hey, we got him.. & he is fucking wasted" Jake replied. "Okay rough him up a little bit.." I spoke into the phone. "Alright, and hurry the fuck up." Jake replied. "I will.. bye." I said and hung up. When I got to my house I parked in the front and walked was in the middle of two guys and they were holding him while Jake punched him not to hard, but hard enough. "Ugh..." he moaned trying to clutch his stomach. "Oh, hey Damion." Jake said while I walked into the room. "Hey.." I replied while I walked over to tc while he glared at me. "Hey carter you didn't think I would let you get away that easily.. did you?" I asked while I chuckled. "Fuck you." He spat with blood coming out of his mouth a little. And with that I punched him in the gut. "Fuck." He groaned. "Its a shame that my beautiful girl, Jaime can't watch this..and see how weak you really fucking are." I spat and walked around him and that got him angry. "She's not yours you fucking prick." He yelled. "But she will be, I can do so many things for her. I can satisfy her needs.." I replied trying to make him furious just so I could have a reason to hit him. Jake was just standing behind me with the other tried to get out of the guys grip but he couldn't. I just laughed at his attempt. "You can't do shit for her.." he growled. "Why are you even trying so hard to keep her?" I asked and he looked down at the floor. "Wait, do you like her?" I asked while standing in front of him. He stayed silent. "Answer me." I demanded while kneeing him in his stomach. "No." He groaned. "Really, cause if you don't.. than why did you care when she was with me?" I asked and he stayed silent. That fucking pussy has feelings for her. "Ahhh,little tc has feelings." I laughed. "Oh, and I almost forgot. I still need to teach your friend a fucking lesson. What's that fags name? The one that helped you kick my ass?" I asked. "He's not a fag. You piece of shit.." He replied. "Who is he?" I growled. "Drew.." he replied while coughing up a little blood. "Yeah, him.. he's really fucking annoying."I said while staring at tc, purposely trying to get him angry. "I'm going to kill you," he said. "With my fucking bare hands." He growled while looking at me. "Bring him outside.." I said to the guys while walking out the front door. "Where to?" The guys asked. "The alley over there." I replied while walking behind them toward the alley. When we got to the alley I shoved him into the wall and punched him in the gut and he groaned. "Quit." I heard someone whimper. I looked behind me and saw Ashton with briza. "Get the fuck off of her." I growled. "Why? She's just some fucking whore who showed up at the wrong time." He replied while feeling her up and smirking. "Now." I said while pushing off of her. She looked scared of me. "Tc.." she said silently while tears flooded her eyes and than she ran toward him. "Jaime.." I yelled but she kneeled next him and started to hug him and cry. "Jaime?" He replied, obviously still drunk and high. "Why did you do this?" She asked me. I just stood in front of them. "He fucking messed with me, so he got what he deserved." I replied. "He's coughing up blood.." She said and helped tc up while he groaned. "What are you even doing here?" I asked her. "It doesn't matter." She replied. "I'm going to kill you." Tc growled. I just smirked and laughed at him. "I"m sure you will teddy .." I laughed. "And You weren't anything to me anyways jaime." I spat at her. "But I'm sure I'll see you somewhere.." I trailed off. "And when I do,be ready babe." I said with a wink and walked away from them. •Damion's P.O.V ended

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