Chapter 20 - Dinner

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Chapter 2O

•Briza's P.O.V continued• "Why are you doing that?" Anna asked Devin while laughing. "Cause your boyfriend the Gay Panda.." he said while jayk tried to brake free but the guys held him tighter. "Said that he would rip my balls off but their still fucking right here." He said looking at jayk. "Fuck off Fox." Jayk spat. "Let me go.." jayk said then the boys let go of him. Drew was the only one still laughing hard. "Shut up." Jayk said. Drew just put his arms up acting like he surrendered. "Well where do you wanna go you guys I'm fucking starving!" Devin said. "The bar." Drew said while he put his arm over kynlee's shoulder. "To eat Scott!" Blake said. "Anything." Drew said. "And what do you want to do TC." Blake asked tc. "Bree." Tc replied while looking at me with lust. "Oh my fucking gosh did he just say that?" Jayk asked while laughing hard. Blake's jaw just clenched and I just stood there so fucking uncomfortable. "Well you guys could go do that in the back of your car when we're finished with lunch." Jayk said while looking at me for my reaction. "No." I said. "We might just." Tc said while licking his lips. "Seriously what do you guys want besides beer and bree?" Anna joked. "Oh I know the place just a couple blocks down from here." Jayk said. "Let's go!" Devin said. "What cars are we going in?" Drew asked. "Our own." Tc replied fast. "Damn, carter is really eager to get somewhere alone with bree." Drew replied. "How did you know?" Tc asked Drew while winking at me. "Let's go.." anna said. "Is it okay if I go with you guys?" Devin asked. "No.." tc said. "Yes." I said while grabbing his arm. Tc's jaw clenched when he saw my hand on tc's arm so I let go. Then we got into the car and devin got in the backseat. "So Briza your going to our practice before the game right?" Devin asked me. "Umm I don't know." I said. "Yeah she is." Tc said while glancing at me. Then we got to the place Jayk was talking about. It looked really nice. When we got off everybody met up at the front. "Let's go in.." Blake said. "Yeah, let's go I'm fucking hungry!" Devin whined. Then we all walked in. "Hello Blake I'll get you a table right away." The Man said at the front. He looked scared of the boys. "Follow me." The man said. Then we all got in our chairs. I was in the middle of Tc and Jayk. Tc's hand was resting on my thigh. I'm so happy I'm wearing jeans. We all started to look over our menu's. "What are you going to get love?" Tc asked me. "Umm.. I don't know." I replied. "Maybe after this I could have a little bit of you?" Tc whispered in my ear while he slid his hand higher. I just stopped his hand. "What are you gonna get bree?" Jayk asked me. "Don't know yet." I said sticking my tongue out at anna as she glanced at me from the side of jayk and we both started to laugh. "You should try there pasta." Jayk suggested. "Alright." I said while smiling at him. Then the waiter came over. "Umm y-you guys ready to order your d-drinks?" A blonde guy asked while stuttering a little. "Yeah.." Blake said. They all started to order I just pulled out my phone and saw a text from Vi. 'Where the hell are you?' It said. I replied with 'Eating lunch with Tc and the others.' And put my phone away. "And what would you like to drink sir?" The waiter asked Tc. "A coke." Tc said. "And you Ma'am?" The waiter asked. "Same please." I said while smiling. "Alright your server will be coming by to ask for your o-orders while I go get the drinks." The waiter said and walked away. "That bastard looked so nervous." Devin said while laughing. "I know fucking pussy." Drew said while laughing. Then a girl with blonde hair came by. "Hello I'm going to be your server. "So what would you like today sir?" The lady asked Blake. "I'm going to pick you up after school at 5:10." TC said to me. "Umm alright. Are the girls going to the practice too?" I asked referring to Anna and Kynlee. "Yeah." He said. "I'll take the shrimp and the rack of ribs with some mash potatoes and corn and greens beans and a small order of pasta." Devin said. "Damn all of that. It's Lunch not Breakfast and Lunch." Blake said. "And you sir?" The lady asked tc. "I'll take the steak." Tc said. "Alright and for the beautiful girl right next to you?" The girl asked referring to me. "I'll take the pasta." I said while smiling at her. "Alright your food will be out in 10 minutes." The girl said while leaving. "Damn she is hot. I think I'm gonna get with her in the restroom when I'm finished eating." Devin said. "She was alright." Blake said. "I've seen way prettier.." Blake added while glancing at me. I just blushed and looked down. Blake is so cute and sweet. Unlike tc. He's a fucking prick. "Come with me to the bathroom." Tc whispered in my ear. It was a big turn on when I felt his hot breath on my neck. "Why?" I asked. "Just come. Please." He almost begged.Then he got up and held my hand in his and led me to the restroom. Then I heard someone whistle behind us. Drew. Tc just flipped him off and started to chuckle. When we got in the restroom it was empty so he pushed me up a wall. "We're going to make this quick." He said while unbuttoning his pants. I stopped his hands and he looked up. "What?" He asked. "No " I said. "I know.. wait why not" He said while continuing to undo his pants. "No I'm not.i wanna eat im hungry." I said once again stopping his hands. "You know what?" He said while pushing me up yhe wall "I can't wait any longer.. so tonight.. is the night." He whispered on my neck."Let's go back to the table.." He said while fixing his pants. I stopped his hands once again and put both of my hands on each side of his face and kissed him. He just hummed into the kiss and pushed me up the wall. "Damn." We heard someone say while walking into the restroom. Jayk of course. I just started to giggle and tc let me down. "Get the fuck out." Tc said. "Whatever you say big guy." Jayk replied with a smirk and left. "Let's go." He said while smiling at me and grabbing my hand. We walked back to the table and everybody was staring at us. "Hello you guys." The waiter said. "Here's your food don't touch your plate its really hot." She added. "Okay.." blake said. We all got our plates and started to eat. When we were all finished the waiter came back. "Dessert?" She asked. "Can I have a little bit of you?" Devin asked her lowering his voice and making it sound a little raspy. She just got out a pen and gave him her number. I just looked at tc and he was smirking at Devin. "I respect you now." Tc said while getting up from his chair. Jayk just started to laugh. "He's becoming a man.." drew joked. "How much?" I asked the boys while grabbing my wallet. I had a couple of hundreds in there. "No darling we'll pay." Devin said. "Sure?" I asked. "Of course." Blake said. While they were paying I walked to the girls. "What happened in the restroom?" They both asked at the same time. I just giggled. "Nothing I swear. We just kissed." I reassured them. "Man, maybe next time. Eh?" Kynlee joked while nudging my arm with her elbow. I just started to laugh. "Let's go girls." Drew said while standing by the exit while the other boys were out side. When we got outside devin, jayk and Tc were smoking. "Pass me one." Drew said and tc gave him a cigarette.

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