Chapter 21 - School time

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Chapter 21

•Briza's P.O.V continued• "Give me one too.." Blake said. "Here." Drew said while passing him a cigarette. "You guys are fucking taking all of my cigarettes." Drew said while putting the pack in his pocket. "And your point is?..." jayk asked sarcastically. "Shut up Panda." Drew said while blowing out the cigarette. "I swear the next person who calls me that is a dead man." Jayk threatened. "Is that a threat or a promise?" Tc asked while putting the cigarette between his lips. Jayk just glared at him. "Shouldn't we head back to school so we won't be late.." I said. "Briza your such a good girl.." tc said while walking towards me. I just looked at him as he got really close. "And that's what I like about you." He said while our chest were pressed together because his hand was on my back pressing us together firmly. "Leave her alone Carter. Let's go.." drew said while stomping on his cigarette with his combat boot. Then Tc let me go and grabbed my hand and we walked to his Range Rover. The ride was quiet because Devin went with blake in his car. When we got to the school I got out of the car and so did tc. Then I saw jayk, blake and drew walk up to me. "Let's go to our class.." jayk said. "All of us have the same class together?" I asked them. "Yup! Let's go." Jayk said while linking our arms together. "Let's all skip really fast to class." I suggested. "What kind of guy skips?." Jayk asked. "Not in a billion years!" Drew said. "Never!" Blake replied. "Please you guys!" I pleaded while looking at them with sad eyes. They would never say no to that. "No.." Jayk said. "That doesn't work on us." Blake said. "Ugh.. you guys are no fun!" I said while unlinking my arms from theirs. "Really we're no fun. You should come to our party tonight." Drew said. "Which one? The one with all the jocks? Where you guys celebrate your victory?.." I asked. "No those are gay parties. All those jocks are stupid!" Jayk said while running a hand through his hair. "Then which one?.." I asked. "The one's we throw are the shit! Drugs, Alcohol anything, you name it. We have it.." Blake said while smirking at me. "I can't.." I said. "Why?" They all asked at the same time. Dorks. "Because, I'm going to go to a party on Saturday so I don't want to go to one tonight." I said. "You don't have to drink.." Jayk said. "I'll think about it." I said. Then we got to our class. "So you guys decided to come to class today?" The teacher said in a sarcastic tone. "Hello to you too Mr. Twain.." drew said while sitting down in the front row next to a geeky kid and putting his legs up on the desk. "Move!" Jayk told the kid that was sitting next to drew. In a heart beat that kid got up and moved. Then Jayk sat down next to drew. Then Blake got in front of the two desks that were next to drew's & jayk's. They were in the front row also and two girls were sitting in them. "Both of you move." Blake demanded. They both got out off their seats quickly and blake sat In one. "Why aren't you sitting down Love?" Blake asked. I just sat down next to him and he put both of his legs on the desk. "Scott, english.. feet off the desk." The teacher said. "Prick." Blake said while taking his shoes off. "Why didn't the teacher say anything?" I asked blake. "About what?" He asked innocently. "About you calling him a prick and about you and Jayk making people move out their seats." I said. "He's scared of us.." He replied while laughing. "Why?.." I asked. "Because let's just say we're capable of a lot of things.." He replied and started to pay attention. During class Blake would look at me and smile, and drew and Jayk would make funny faces at me. I would return them back when Mr. Twain wasn't looking. "Class is finally over.." Mr. Twain said relieved. "Mr. Twain why does it sound like you want to get rid of us?" Drew asked in a fake hurt tone. "Get out.." Mr. Twain replied. "Before I leave I want to know if your gonna go to the game?" Drew asked. "Why?" Mr. Twain asked. "Cause if you are I'm sure you'll be wearing my jersey number right? Cause I'm your favorite student." Drew asked in a sarcastic tone. "Out now." Mr. Twain replied. "Fine, fine.." drew said while putting his arms up acting like he surrendered. Jayk and blake just laughed at him and blake pulled drew's arm. "Let's get out off this hell hole.." blake said while laughing. "Right.." drew said while walking with us. "What's your next class love?" Drew asked me. "Language.." I said. "Great.. kynlee, tc and anna are in that class." Drew said. Fuck. Tc's in that class. "Good!" I said. The only reason I'm excited is cause anna, and kynlee are going to be there. And in that class they have tables that fit four people I think that's what Vi said. "We'll see you later.." Blake said and hugged me. "Bye." Drew and Jayk said. "Bye." I replied. When I started to walk to my class I saw anna and kynlee running toward me. "Yay! Your in our class!" Anna yelled while hugging me. "Finally!" Kynlee said while hugging me also. "You guys hug so tight!" I said while giggling. "Well let's go inside." I said. "Kay.." kynlee said. "Let's go to the table in the middle." I said. "No are table is back..... there!" Anna said while looking for their table. "Fine.." I said. "Here sit down right there because tc said to save him a seat next to you, and Me and anna will sit right here." Kynlee said. "Kay.. so you guys are going to the practice before the game right?" I asked. "Yup!" Anna said popping the 'P'. "Good.." I said. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" Kynlee asked. "Yeah she is." I heard a raspy voice say behind me. Tc. Then he sat next to me. "Good.. You should come to mine and drew's flat to get ready with Me and anna before the party." Kynlee said. "Okay but when.. after the game?" I asked. "Yeah.." anna said. "This is gonna be SO fun!" Anna squealed. I just giggled. Then the teacher arrived in the class and everyone got quiet. Tc just rested his arm on my chair and looked to the side to see the teacher. "Sit up carter this isn't some where you can just relax." She said. "I know its not somewhere you can relax this is fucking hell." He said while sitting up. Anna and kynlee started to giggle. The teacher just went up to the front and started her lesson. During class anna would kick my feet a little to get my attention. And me and the girls would just talk a little. "Bye you guys. Hope you guys enjoy the futbol game this afternoon." The teacher said while we walked out of the classroom. "Finally school is fucking over!" Tc groaned. "Bye see you at the practice." Anna said with a wink. I just giggled. "Bye bree." Kynlee said. "Bye." I replied. "Don't forget anything you need for the party cause after the game we're going straight to mine." She yelled down the hall. "Alright!" I yelled back. "Well I'm gonna go.." I told tc. "Hold on, I want a kiss." Tc said while pulling me toward him. Then he started to look at my lips hungrily. His eyes were darker than the usual. Then he kissed me softly. Then we heard a whistle. Then we looked and saw the boys coming down the hall way. They always come when we're kissing or do something and always whistle its annoying and a little funny. "Well I'll see you guys later." I said. "Don't we get hugs?" Jayk asked. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yes!" He shot back. "Fine.." I said and gave them all a hug. "Satisfied?" I asked. "Nope.." jayk said while winking at me. Then Harry pushed him. "Calm down I was joking!" Jayk said. Then I just walked away. "I'm gonna pick you up at 5:15 be ready." Tc said. Then I walked to the parking lot to see Vi and Dani by my car. "Hey cutie!" Dani said. "Hey beautiful!" I replied back. Then we giggled a little. "You ready for Saturday?" Dani asked. "Yeah, I just need to go shopping for my outfit." I said. "Me, you, Vi and carousel should go shopping on Saturday morning." She said. "Yeah that's sounds fun!" I said. "Yeah!" Vi agreed. "Kay see you girls later at the game. Except for you briza cause your gonna be with the sexy bad boy." Dani said while winking at me. Me and Vi started to laugh. "Whatever!" I said while getting in the car. "Damn.." I groaned. "What?" Vi asked. "Don't you remember who's leaving on Saturday?" I asked her. "Shit! Why did you remind me?" Vi said. "Sorry.." I said. "Well let's go home I'm freaking tired!" She whined. "Kay kay.." I said.

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