Chapter 11-Friends

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Chapter 11

•Briza's P.O.V started •"What's your first class?" I asked Blake just to make convo. "Biology, but I'm not going to go?" He said. "Why?" I asked. "Cause Me and the boys never really go to all our classes." He said. "Only when we have to. We usually have the geeks do our homework cause we gotta keep our grades up if we wanna be in the futbol team." He said. "Oh is TC on the futbol team." I asked. "Yeah, he's the Co- captain." He said looking straight ahead. "Who's the captain?" I asked. "Me." He said looking down at me smiling. "Oh that's cool." I said looking away from his gaze. "Yeah well here's Science girls." He said. "Thanks." Vi said. "Thank you Blake." I said. "My pleasure girls." He said and then winked at me. "Oh my gosh! My life is SO screwed up!" I mumbled before we entered the class. "No it's not! You have to hot guys crushing on you!" Vi said really excited. "But there both in a gang!" I said. "Right.." She said her excitement leaving. "But did you hear him! He is the Captain of the Futbol team!" She said. "I know that's so sexy!" I said before we entered our class. "You girls must be the new students!" The teacher said while smiling at us. "Yeah, that's us." Vi said. "Names?" She asked. "I'm Vina & this Briza." Vina said. "Oh, well vi you could go sit next to Olivia & Briza you could sit next to Xavier." The teacher said. "And my name is Ms.Falls." She said. After that a girl and a boy raised there hands I guess to show us were to sit. When I sat down the boy smiled at me. "Hey, I'm Xavier." He said while shaking my hand. "Hi I'm Briza." I said smiling back at him. "I'm going to call you Bree, Kay!" He said. "Okay." I said. "So why did you move here from England?" He whispered so Ms.Falls wouldn't hear us talking. "Obviously your not from here cause you sorta have an accent." He added. "To just start off new." I said. "Oh, you & your sister could come hang out with me and friends." He said. "If you want." He added. "She's not my sister but yeah." I said laughing a little. "Oh sorry I just thought you guys were sisters cause you both are beautiful." He said smiling at me. "Thanks." I said looking down at the science book. "You should come to the futbol game this week. I'm on the team." He said. "Maybe." I said. After that we started to pay attention. "Okay class is over." Ms. Falls said. After that everybody flooded out of the class room door. "Hey, I want you & your friend to meet some of my friends alright?" Xavier said. "Okay.." after that he pulled Me and Vi over to a group of people. "Hey guys this is Vina and Briza!" Xavier said to the group of people. "Hi my name is Danielle but you can call me dani !" A beautiful girl said. She had brown hair and brown eyes. "Hi." I said. "Hi my name is Carousel!" A girl with Blue hair said. "Hi." I said shaking her hand. "Hi beautiful my name is Jason, I'm Xavier's best friend." A cute guy said and he didn't have a British accent. "Yeah he's on the futbol team too." Xavier said. "Hello," I said in a shy tone while shaking his hand. "Get out the way lover boy!" A girl said behind Jason. "Hello my name is sierra." I just started to laugh. "Hello." I said. "Well, let's go to second period." Xavier said. "You want me to show you around?" Jason asked. "Ummm no, my friend is already showing me around." I said. "Oh, who?" He asked. "Me." I heard behind me and when I looked back I saw Blake. "Alright I'll see you around Breezy." Jason said and left

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