Chapter 10-School

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Chapter 1O

•Jays P.O.V started•"Wake up Biatch!" Vi yelled. "Ugh! Shut the fuck up and let me have five more minutes of sleep!" I mumbled. "Jaime don't use that language!" My mom said. "Your here?" I asked. "Yes, I won't be coming home till eleven girls." My mom said while walking out the room. I got back under the sheets but someone ripped them off of me. "What the hell! I just want 5 more minutes!" I yelled "We all know what 5 minutes mean to you!" Vi said. "And what does it mean to me?" I asked while sitting up. "It means 45 minutes now get your lazy ass up!" Vi said. "Language!" My mom said while she walked passed my room. "What time is it?" I asked. "Four thirty!" She said. "Oh my god it's SO early!" I whined. "Well we take a long time to get ready! We like to take all the fucking time in the world! I meant freaking." Vi said so my mom wouldn't correct her language. "That's my girl." My mom said from her room. After that me and Vi started laughing. "Fine, just cause I love your dumb ass, I'll get up!" I said. "I mean dumb butt." I said so my mom wouldn't get mad. "That's my girl!" Vi whispered copying my mother. I just started to laugh. "Vi?" I said. "Huh?" She asked. "Can you come get ready in my room?" I asked. "Kay, let me go get my shit." She said. "Okay, I'm going to jump in the shower." I said. "Kay, me too and then I'll meet you in here." She said. *1 hour later* "Hey loser." Vi said while she walked in my room. "What time does school start?" I asked. "Eight thirty." She said. "Good we still have a lot of time." I said. I started to blow dry my hair. Vi already blow dried her hair she was starting to straighten her hair. When I finished I started to straighten my hair. *1 hour later* Me and Vi finally finished our hair and make-up. We only put on Mascara, foundation and lipstick. I was wearing blake jeans and some red van hightops, a black and white stripped shirt and red lipstick. Vi was wearing a red shirt a skirt and some flats and clear lip gloss. Vi put her hair up into a loose ponytail while I kept mine down. *45 minutes later* We were finished completely, but we still need to eat some breakfast. It's only Seven. "We look cute!" She said while checking us out in the mirror. "Shut up and let's go eat some breakfast I'm starving!" I said laughing a little. "Yeah, let's go." She said. "What is Niall going to do today?" I asked Vi while we were walking down the stairs. "He has a friend here I guess." She said. "Hey girls Jessy made some pancakes for you girls." My mom said. "Who's Jessy?" Vi asked. "The maid.." My mom said. "Oh." Vi replied. After breakfast it was 7:15. "Well mom it looks like we should be leaving now." I said while putting my plate in the sink. "Kay bye girls! Have a good day at school." She said. When we got in the car we put on my Cody Simpson CD. We were singing along, until we got to the parking lot of the school. When we got out of the car we started walking to the office. "Damn who's that?" Some guy asked he looked like a Jock. "Ewww!" Vi whispered in my ear. "I know!" I mumbled. When we got inside the lady gave us our schedules and Me and Vi luckily have most classes together. "Yes bitches!" Vi said I just giggled a little. We still had like 20 minutes left before classes started. So we went out to the field. "Sup babe.. what's your name?" A jock asked me. "Br..." I was about to talk but I heard a familiar voice interrupt. "None of your fucking business bruh, She's TC's!" A guy said. I looked back and saw Devin. "Oh. My. God!" Was all I could say when I saw all his injuries. "I'm so sorry!" I apologised. "It wasn't your fault, Tc was just drunk and probably just paranoid by the weed." He said. I just hugged him. Then we both heard some one clear there throat. Vi of course! "Aren't you going to introduce me?" Vi asked. "Sorry this is Devin, Devin this is my friend Vina." I said. "Hello!" She said. "Hello." He greeted back. "Are you mad at Tc? I asked him. "Yeah." He said. "Oh." I said. "Hey babe!" I heard someone say. I looked back and saw kynlee and the boys behind her. Drew looked at me with evil eyes but he was just playing around. "Sup!" I said while hugging her and sticking my tongue out at Drew. We just started to laugh. "Whatever, I'm not mad cause I know that I'm the one that gets to take her home". He said sticking his tongue back at me. "I know.." I said in a fake sad tone. "Hey Jaymeeesss!" Anna said while hugging me. "Your squeezing me too tight!" I said laughing. "Sorry!" she apologized. We both laughed. "No need to apologize, I liked it." I said with a wink and we both started to crack up. And then I turned around and Devin was gone and Vi was just walking around a little further away from us talking on the phone while smiling. She was talking to Nialler I bet. I turned back at them and saw TC glaring at me. Obviously he was still mad at me. Why does he even fucking care. "Hey Guys." I said waving at all of the other boys. "Hey!" Blakr said. "Heeeey Girlllllll!" Jayk said playing around. "Shut up!" Anna said while slapping his back playfully. I just started to laugh. "Do I have to say Hi to her?" Drew asked playing around. "Shut up and Come hug me." I said laughing. "Oh I want you guys to meet my friend Vi right now." I said. "Where is she?" Jayk asked. "Over there." I pointed at her. "Oh, she looks nice." Jayk said. "You mean fucking hot." TC said and we all looked at him. Was he really trying to get me jealous. "What?" Blake asked. "Yeah she looks totally bang able." I said playing around. "Are you Lesbian?" Drew asked playing around. "Eww stop No, I was playing." Then we all started laughing except for TC. "Looks like TC was trying to get somebody jealous, but he failed miserably!" Jayk said laughing. Then we all started laughing harder. "Fuck you!" He said. "She has a boyfriend TC. Just so you know." I said. "That could change." He said smirking at me. "You better not try and brake her & Niall up you twat! He is one of my friends and if you brake his heart I will.." I said. "You will what?" He asked glaring at me. "Fuck you senseless!" Jayk said laughing. "Your disgusting!" I said. "Exactly you won't do shit. You know why". TC said. "Why...why?" Jayk asked. "Shut up!" Anna said. "Why?" I asked. Damn I was terrified in the inside but on the outside I didn't look too scared. "Because your mine! All mine!" He said. "Damn TC show her who's boss!" Jayk said and then anna slap his arm and they started to argue a little. "Hey!" I heard behind me. "Hey vi." I said. "Well guys this is Vi." I said. "Hey." Jayk said he looked so serious so did all the other boys. "Hi." She said back. After all of them said there Hello's and everything Me and Vi started to walk to our class. "What was up with them. Why did they all look so serious?" She asked. "I don't know". I said kind of confused. "They were probably trying to act all hard just cause there in a gang." She said laughing. "Shut up vi before they kick your ass!" I said playing & laughing a little. Then the bell rang. "Where the fuck is our class anyway?" She asked. "I don't know let's ask a teacher or something." I said."Hey.." we heard someone yell then we saw Blake. "Hey Blake?" I said. "Let me see your schedule!" He said. I gave it to him. "Why do you want to see it?" I asked. "Too see all your classes so I could show you around." He said. "Oh, thanks but you don't have to." I said. "No its fine." He said. "Thanks." I said and hugged him. "No problem." He said and then walked me and Vi to are first period.

•Jaime's P.O V ended

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