Chapter 25 - Wtf

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Chapter 25

•Jaime's P.O.V continued• I just stopped walking when I saw tc and that girl. Then I felt tears weld up in my eyes. "What the fuck." Blake said which caught tc off guard. When he looked up he didn't look that drunk anymore. Then I let go of Blake's hand and started to run. Anywhere. Anywhere Tc wouldn't be. "Jaime!!" I heard Blake yell. tc didn't even try to come for me. When I got out side I ran as fast as I could in these heels. Than I reached a gas station. I walked to it and started to call Vi. "Jaime?" I heard from in front of me. I looked up and saw Damion with some guys. "What are you doing here? Why are you crying?" He asked me. I just wiped some tears away. "Did you come from tc's party?" He asked me. I just nodded. "What happened?" He asked me while walking closer and lifting my chin with his thumb. "Tc was with another girl.." I mumbled while looking away. "You know if you were mine this would never happen.." He said while hugging me. I just started to cry. "Come on stop crying.. Your too beautiful to cry." He said while lifting my chin again then he kissed me softly on the lips. "Why don't you come to my party?" He asked me. "Yeah?" He asked while grabbing my hand in his. "Alright." I said. "Boys this is Jaime.." He said while we were walking to the car. "Hey babe." A guy said while looking at me. "Hey.. I'm Max." Another guy said. When we got in the car Damion gave the keys to Max. The two guys sat In the front and me and Damion sat in the back. He got me and hugged me in his arms and I rested my head on his chest. "Did you drink over there?" He asked me. "A little.." I said. "Oh.. we're here." He said while grabbing my hand and leading me out of the car. When we got inside the house was huge. "Who's house is this?" I asked. "Mine.. well actually my parents but their hardly even here." He replied. "Aye Damion." A girl slurred while resting her hand on his chest. "Get the fuck off!" He said while shoving her hand. "Don't you see I already have a girl.." he said while looking at me while smiling. I just smiled back and looked down. "Aye Damion get the fuck over here!" A guy yelled. We walked over there and there was a group drinking. "Let me have some." Damion said. "Nah.. get your own." The guy replied. "Sharing is caring.." Damion joked. "I don't give a fuck." The guy replied and gave Damion a Wine. "Want some babe?" Damion asked me. I just shook my head. "Just try. it will calm your nerves." He said while drinking. "No.. Im fine." I said. "Who's she?" A guy asked. "Jaime.." Damion replied. "She's pretty." Another guy mumbled and he looked sweet and he wasn't drunk or high. I just looked at him and he looked at me and smiled sweetly. •Jaime's P.O.V ended• •Tc's P.O.V started• "Jaime!!" I yelled while I ran after her but then I lost her once I got outside. I ran faster than her but I got stuck through the crowd of people. "Where is she?" Blake asked me while walking outside. "I don't know.." I said while looking down. "Tc you fucked up.." He said while putting his hand on my shoulder. "I know.." I mumbled. "What happened?" Jayk asked while walking outside. "I'm going to go get her." I said while walking to my car. "You can't drive.. Your drunk." Blake said. "Me and Drew will go with you.." Jayk said while going inside to go get Drew. "She probably just went home." Blake said. "Well I'm going to go check.." I replied through gritted teeth. "What the fuck man.." Drew said while driving. "How could you do that to Jaime?" He added. "I know.." I said while looking out the window. "What if she's at Damion's?" Jayk asked. "Why would she be there?" I asked. "I don't know.. they were talking right? So he could have invited her or something." Jayk replied. "Go to his place.." I said to Drew. "Hurry up." I said. "I can't go any faster we're doing 83 miles per hour." He replied. Then we got to his place. When we got inside every body was either wasted, drinking, dancing or high. "Aye Carter what the fuck are you doing here?" A guy asked while walking up to me and the boys. Then Jayk just punched him straight in the jaw and he passed out. "Any one else?" Jayk asked while wiping the blood off his knuckles on his jeans. Than that's when I saw Jaime she was talking to a guy & I couldn't find Damion anywhere. "Go look for Damion and take him outside and teach him a lesson while I go get Jaime." I said through clenched teeth. "Don't do anything stupid Tc." Drew warned. Then I walked up to Jaime and that guy. Then out of nowhere she kissed him. I stopped walking and felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Then she stopped and looked at me. She looked drunk. I think she saw the rage in my eyes, because she backed away from him. Then I got him and punched him and couldn't stop. All the rage that was built up was slowly fading. "Tc! Please! Stop!" I could hear her screaming. "Your going to kill him.." she said while crying. I looked and saw Jayk holding her back like he did in the club. Then I got off the guy and walked over to her and jayk. "Bring her outside." I said to jayk and started to walk outside. When I got outside I saw Damion with drew. drew had him on the ground and was kicking him merciless. "drew stop." jayk yelled while running over to him. I looked back and saw Jaime she looked terrified when she saw drew kicking Damion. "Is this what you wanted?" I mumbled and grabbed her wrist. I should have never brought her into my life. I should have never got her involved with me. And never brought her into this mess. She looked so innocent and scared."Let's go." I said while walking toward drew & jayk. "She's mine.. you got that?" I asked Damion while kicking him. "Do you?" I roared. "Ye-Yes." He stuttered and then coughed up blood. drew just laughed. When we got in the car jayk sat in the back with Jaime hugging her and reassuring her everything was going to be alright.

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