Chapter 7 - Anger Issues

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Chapter 7

•TC's P.O.V started• Man my fucking head hurts! Ugh why does my chest feel a little heavy. Then I looked down and saw jaime. What the fuck is Jaime doing here. All I remember is when Jayk asked me if I wanted to smoke with him and I agreed and everything else before that. Fuck, lets hope me and Jay didn't.....! Cause if we did she will hate me and I wanted her first time with me to be romantic. Even if I sound like a fucking girl. I don't care. Jaime's head is resting on my chest and her hand is on my torso. She still looks stunning while she's sleeping. I'm going to go get some aspirin for this fucked up head ache and then maybe make some breakfast for her.. Actually I'm not cause then she'll tell the boys and there goes my reputation. After I drank my aspirin I went and got in the shower and when I came out jay was on the bed and she looked scared and worried. •TC's P.O.V ended• •Jaime's P.O.V started• Oh my gosh my head hurts so much! Vi promised she would take care of me if we went out so that girl better get me some Advil or Aspirin. Once i got up I thought Where the fuck am I? Oh my god! Did I go home with some guy, and what the fuck am I wearing? I wonder how Vi got home. Cause she couldn't go home with anyone last night cause Niall is her Boyfriend! She better have not cheated on him cause he loves her a lot. "Hey babe, your finally awake." A familiar raspy voice said. Then I started to remember things that happened last night..."Fuck." I mumbled to myself. When i turned around you could tell he just came out of the shower cause was only in a towel, and he looks hot! "What happened last night?" I asked. "Honestly I don't know." He said. "But I'm positive we didn't have sex." He reassured. "How do you know that?" I asked him really worried. "Babe I know when I have it, because every morning I wake up naked and wanting more." He said. "Okay good." I said. "Damn, that's cold!" He said. "What?" I asked. "You really, really don't like me do you and you don't want to have sex with me huh?" He asked me. "Of course I don't want to have sex with you I don't know you and you have no idea what happened last night do you?" I asked him looking down at the ground remembering parts of what happened last night."No what happened?" He asked. "You don't remember what happened between you and Devin?" I asked him. "No, can you tell me?" He asked me in a annoyed voice. "I don't think I'm the one who should tell you. You should ask one of the boys." I said "Okay?" He said confused. Then he started to remove his towel. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked him. "I'm going to get dressed." He said. "Well can you get dressed in the restroom or just put the towel back on and let me leave?" I asked. "Why? You never seen a guy naked?" He asked in a amused tone. "No." I said in a embarrassed tone. He laughed for a while and said "You can take your hands off your eyes now I'm going to get dressed in the restroom." He said. He got out after a couple minutes. "You ready?" He asked. "Umm yeah let me just put on my dress." I said. "Kay I will just be in the living room". He said. After that I picked up my dress from the floor and went inside the restroom. I made sure to lock the door and I twisted the knob just to make sure that it was locked. Damn, I look a mess! My hair is all tangled and my make is smeared. Ugh... I just wet my hair I found some mousse and put that on. I washed my face put on my dress and came out and put on my heels. When I walked in the living room Tc was just watching some T.V. "Here's your shirt." I said while handing it to him. His house is really nice & big. "Keep it. It looks better on you." He whispered in my ear and then walked to his room and when he got back he had a blazer on and a jacket in his hand. "Here, it's really cold outside." He said. "Thanks." I said. When we got outside the cold wind blew across my face and it sent shivers down my whole body. Tc pulled me close to him and then opened the passengers door to his Range Rover and then ran around the car to the drivers door and entered. When we started to drive there was an awkward silence. "Umm... Jaime what do you do for fun?" He asked me. "Umm me and my friend Vi love to shop." I told him giggling a little at the thought of that weirdo. "Oh and you?" I asked. "I don't really do that much shit. I just go to school and get high with my friends." He said his eyes focused ahead of us on the road. "Oh." I said looking out the window. "So you should tell me your address." He said. "Oh yeah." I said. After I told him my address it came back to the awkward silence. "Were here." Tc woke me up. Damn I fell asleep. "Thanks Tc." I said. "No problem." Tc said. I was about to leave but then I felt a hand on my thigh. "Don't I at least get A kiss babe?" Tc asked. "Hell no!" I said "What the fuck did you just say, don't talk to me like that!" He growled. "Fuck you." I said when I was about to get out the car he grabbed my wrist. "Sorry Bree." He said. Did he just call me Jay like Anna? "Where did you here that from?" I asked. "Last night Anna called you that." He said. "Oh." I said. "Well bye." I said about to leave until I felt Tc grab my wrist again. He pulled me toward him and we were just centimeters away. We were staring at each other and then Tc started to look at my lips. He was about to kiss me but I turned my head. "I got to go." I said while getting out of the car. Then he drove off and he looked really angry. He is the least of my problems I wonder what my mother is going to say when she see's me. Ugh! I have the biggest headache right now and I so don't need her bitching right now

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