Chapter 13-His Room

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Chapter 13

•Briza's P.O.V continued• When we got in his room he shut the door and started to take off his clothes. When he was done he was just in his boxers. I just scanned his whole body with my eyes. He had tattoos all over his arms, chest and torso. He looked like an inked beauty. His face features looked so sad and tired in a way. Then he started to walk to me. He was about to take off my shirt but I stopped. My breath hitched in my throat. "What?" He asked. "I d-don't want t-to." I said. "We're not going to do anything you don't want to." He said. I didn't argue cause he has a short temper. I felt a lump in my throat and my throat started to feel dry. He started to take off my shirt after my shirt he started to take off my skirt. It fell to the ground and I stepped out of it. I felt so uncomfortable and exposed. I was just in my black lace underwear and bra right in front of him. His gaze wondered all over my body as he licked his lips and then came back up to my eyes. What a fucking pervert. I couldn't help but feel self conscious. His eyes were full of lust when he looked me in the eyes. •Briza's P.O.V ended• •Tc's P.O.V started• She looked so beautiful. She was just so breath taking and she looked like she was so nervous and self conscious. I just walked over to the bed and got under the sheets. "Come on." I said. I was really tired of arguing I just felt like laying down. "Okay.Briza mumbled before climbing in. She was so far I just wanted to hug her and feel her next to me. I pulled her closer and she was stiff. I just started to run my hand down her side and she got more stiff. I then rested my arm around her waist and pulled me her closer. I wanted her as close as possible. "Tc?" She whispered. I was so close to falling asleep. "Hmm?" I mumbled in her hair. "When can I go?" She asked. She really hates me. "When I wake up." I mumbled in her hair. "And when is that?" She asked. "At 6:00." I said. "But, my friend vi is going to worry and my car is in the school parking lot." She said. "How about you just spend the night?" I said just to hear her response. "No". She said. "Why tomorrow is Friday." I groaned. "Cause I'm supposed to go to the soccer game with someone." She said. I got furious when I heard that. "Who?" I asked threw gritted teeth. "Jason.. he's on the soccer team." She mumbled. "That fucking prick?" I spat. "He just wants a good fuck from you." I stated. Then her eyes got watery. "He fucks every slut he can get." I growled. "And you don't?" She said getting up from the bed. "You know what I could fuck whoever I want whenever I want!" I yelled. "So can I so why do you care if I go with him?" She spit back. "What part of Mine don't you understand?" I asked. "I'm not yours." She said. "You can't just own me." She said. "I could do whatever I please with you." I growl. "Fuck you!" She said getting up from the bed. "Your staying here." I said grabbing her arm. "Get away from me you sick bastard." She said. Then I pushed her up a wall and gripped both her hands and pinned them above her head. "Really you don't want this? After I laid her down we started making out passionately. "Please..Don't" she pleaded. After that I just laid down next to her. "I want you to come with me to the game tomorrow." I said. "Your on the team?" She asked. "Yeah I'm the Co-captain." I said. "Umm... but what do I tell Jason?" She asked. "That your coming with me." I said. "It's not that easy." She said. "Yes it is.. your mine now!" I growled. "Okay.." she mumbled in fear. I then pulled her onto me and started to undo her bra. Then I took off my boxers and we were completely naked.•Tc's P.O.V ended• •Briza's P.O.V started• He took off my bra and I was completely naked in front of him.Then he bent down and peppered kisses all over my neck. "I Love you..." he whispered almost afraid to say it. I was speechless. "Are you sure you want to"he questioned.I really dont care..."i said

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