Chapter - 18 You dont have a Choice

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Chapter 18

•BRIZA's P.O.V started• "Well girls I'm gonna go watch the movie." Niall said while getting up. "I'll come!" Vi said while getting up. "No.. you have school tomorrow." He said. "Prick." She mumbled. "Good night babe.." niall said while pecking her lips then Vi pulled him closer and they started making out. "Ewww what the fuck! Get a room." I said while throwing a pillow at them and we all started to laugh. "Night Bree .." Niall said while walking out of my room. "Night." i said I laughed and got up and closed my door then got In bed. Then I heard my IPhone beep. 'What are you wearing tonight in bed? (; -TC xx'. That fucking prick. "Clothes.." I replied back trying to get on his nerves. *Riiiiingg* "Ugh who the hell is calling at 12:00?" I mumbled. "Hello?" I asked into the phone. "What the fuck do you mean by clothes, what kind?". Of course it's fucking TC. "It's none of your business." I whispered into the phone trying to stay quiet. "Really?" He said. He sounded mad. "Really!" I said. "We'll see tomorrow." He said then hung up. What the fuck is wrong with him?.. After that I just fell asleep. *In the morning* "Wake your lazy ass up it's 6:56" someone yelled. I opened my eyes and saw NIALL. "What the fuck! Why did you guys wake up so late?" I asked while shooting out of bed. And started to get clothes out of my closet and drawers. "Just kidding its 5:12." He said while throwing a pillow at me. "I hate you!" I said. "I love you!" He said while getting out of my room. I took a warm shower. Then slipped some skinny jeans on and a plain white shirt and some all white convers on. I put my hair in a loose cute ponytail with a ribbon and put on some mascara and lipstick. Than grabbed my bag and my IPhone than walked down the stairs. "Hey sleeping beauty!" NIALL said. I just glared at him. "Hi." I said. "So what are you going to tell Jason?" VI asked. "I honestly don't know!" I said while grabbing a cereal box. "Girls I'm gonna go take a shower see you later." NIALL said while giving VI a kiss. I just looked at him. "Do you forgive me?" He asked while pouting his bottom lip. "What did he do?" VI asked. "He said that it was 6 something when it was 5:15." I said. "Sorry, do you forgive me?" He asked. "Fine.." I said. Then he opened his arms. "Don't I get a hug?" He asked. "Okay Bye girls." He said while letting me go. Then Me and VI sat down at the table while eating our breakfast. "I'm just going to tell him that TC asked me first." I said referring to Jason. "Alright.. you should just tell Jason the truth." She said. "No..." I said. "Why? This is all you need to say.. 'This Hot guy is forcing me to go with him, so I can't go with you'. She said. "Your an idiot!" I said while giggling. "Well let's go before it gets late." She said while putting her bowl in the sink. "Kay let's go." I said. When we got in the car an Ed Sheeran song was on. "Oh my gosh!" VI said while turning up the volume up. "Your obsessed!" I said while laughing at her. "I'm not obsessed I'm dedicated. Now shut up and let me enjoy the song." She said. "Fine.." I said while starting the car. When we got in the school parking lot VI lowered the volume. "I always thought High School would be terrifying. But it's not." She while unbuckling her seatbelt. "Me too! But were Juniors and we never got bullied." I said. Then we got off the car and started to walk. "Look who's over there.." She said. I looked over there and saw the girls, TC & the boys. "TC & his gang." She said. "Hey BREE& VI!" We heard some one yell on the right of us. Then we saw Dani and everybody else. We just waved at her. "BRIZA!" I heard someone yell behind us. JAYK. Then he motioned me to come over to them. I looked over at the girls and they were smiling at me and waving me over. I looked at DREW and he stuck his tongue out at me playing around. I did the same he just smiled. Then I looked at Liam and he winked at me. What the hell. TC was just looking at me and biting his lip. "I'll see you in first period." I told VI. "Kay.." She replied. Then I walked over to them and the girls and JAYK gave me the tightest group hug ever. "JAYK what the fuck are you doing. Only girls do that." DREW said while laughing. "Your calling me a girl when your the one who looks at him self In the mirror every fucking 10 minutes." JAYJ replied back. We all started to crack up. "Ha ha that was SO funny.." drew growled at jayk. "Calm down pretty boy.." TC said. "Whatever Cutie pie." drew said. Tc's jaw clenched. "Where's Blake?" I asked them. "HEY Briza!" I looked behind me and saw Blake running up to me. He gave me a big hug and spun me around in the air. "Blake let me go!" I yelled "Fine, fine.." He said and let me go. We just started to laugh. When I looked at TC he got up from his seat and his fist were clenched. I just stopped laughing and so did BLAKE. Then TC walked to me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. He was hugging me tight from behind. "So are you going to the futbol game?" JAYK asked me. "Yeah, with me.." TC said and looked at BLAKE. "Yay! BREE your going to sit with us while the boys are playing!" kynlee said. "Okay.." I said. "What were you wearing last night?" TC mumbled in my hair so only I could hear. "A shirt.." I said. "Mmm.. maybe tonight you could spend the night with me.." TC suggested. "No.." I said. "How about we make a deal if we win this afternoon, you stay." He said. "No.." I didn't get to finish cause he cut me off. "You don't have a choice babe.." He whispered in my ear.

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