Chapter 16-Niall shhh??

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Chapter 16

•Vi's P.O.V started• But I can't believe all the guys that are after her. She should have a little fun with this. "Yup now I want to be you again." I said joking around. "How long is Niall going to stay here again?" Bree asked. "Only five more days." I said. "Are you serious!" She said. "Nooooo!" She yelled than ran to Niall and embraced him in a big hug. "What?" He asked putting the plate on the table. "Thanks for helping me set the table Nilly" Ms. Holt said. "Anytime!" He said. "Did you just call him Nilly?" Bree asked her mom. "Yes why?" Ms.Nicole asked. "Only WE call him that." Bree said pointing at me then herself. "Whatever, come eat girls." Ms. Nicole said. "Why are you still hugging me really tight?" Niall asked Bree. "Oh yeah! Cause your only staying here for the rest of the week." Bree whined. "Well, I can't stay here that long cause I have school." He defended. "Ugh! School sucks!" She groaned. "I know.." he laughed. "Let's go eat." I said. "Yeah.." Ms. Nicole agreed. "This table is SO big." Niall said trying to make conversation. "Yeah, it is SO big!" I said while winking at Bree "Shut up!" She mouthed. Niall just looked at us confused. I felt like teasing her about what happened between her and that sexy haired boy. "Thanks Ms. Nicole it was delicious." I said. "Thank you Vina." She said with a smile. After dinner I ran upstairs away from Briza. "Come here!" She yelled while chasing me up the stairs. Damn she is fast. I couldn't stop laughing while running away from Bree. I ran inside my room and as soon I was going to shut the door, Bree's shoe blocked it. "Open!" She demanded. "Nope!" I said. "Nialler!!" She yelled. "What Brezzy?" He yelled while walking up the stairs. "Help me open the door." She said. "Alright." He said. "No babe don't." I said. "Why do you want me to help open the door?" He asked Bree "Cause Vi is a pervert!" She said. "How?" He asked. "I'll tell you when we get in." She said. "What makes you think your going to open the door!" I asked laughing. "We are! And when we do... Oh you don't want to know!" She said. "Whatever you couldn't hurt a fly!" I said. Then all of a sudden I was pushed out of the door way. "Got you!" Bree said then tackled me. "Oww!" I yelled and we both started cracking up. We were both out of breath so we just laid on the floor. "So are you going to tell me why you were running from Brezzy?" Niall asked me while pulling me on top of his chest. "No!" Bree yelled. "Why not, I'm sure he would love to hear what happened today." I said. "Vina." She warned. "Tell me! Tell me!" Niakl yelled. "Promise you'll protect me if she tries to kill me." I said. "Of course." He said. "TC and Bree almost fucked," I said. Then she got up and ran at me. Niall got her and hugged her tightly so she wouldn't be able to get out of his hold. "Let me go!" She said. "Awww my baby is growing up!" Niall said while hugging her. "I know." I said. "Shut up I'm going to kill the both of you when I'm free!" She growled and started to laugh. "Now, now.. be nice." Niall said. "OK let me go." She said. "Promise you'll be good." Niall said. "I'm not a 5 year old." Bree groaned. "You guys act like it.." he mumbled. "I heard you!" We both said at the same time. "Promise." He said. "Fine." She said. "There your free." Niall said and let her go. "So how was it?" Niall asked acting like a girl. "Shut up." She said laughing then shoved him. "But really who is the ass fuck imma show him a lesson?" Niall asked. She started to giggle. "He is this guy that goes to our school." She said simply. "He wants Briza." I said. "He said that she is his.." I said motioning parenthesis around the word 'his'. "Hell no!" Niall said. "Your not going to lose your virginity to him." Niall said. "You don't tell me what to do." She said. "Right, but if you need me for anything at all. Tell me." He said in a serious tone. "I will loser." She said laughing. "Kay girls well you guys better do your homework." Niall said then left my room. "Why did you tell him!" She mumbled. "Cause he is one of your best friends." I said with my eye brows raised. "Right, well let's get started. She said. "Shit! I didn't get all the homework." She said. "Ha loser." I said. "That's why you shouldn't skip school." I said. "Ugh. Shut up!." She said. "Did any of the teachers ask why I wasn't in class?" She asked me. "Nope." I said. •Vina's P.O.V ended• •Briza's P.O.V started• After about an hour I was finished with my homework Vi still had a couple of more things to do. "I'm gonna go get a snack, want one?" I asked her. "Yeah!" She said. "What?" I asked. "Whatever you get sweet cheeks." She said with a wink. "Shut up creep." I said while throwing a pillow at her. Once I got down stairs I saw Niall watching T.V. "Sup Loser!" I said. "Hey.." he said staring at the screen. "It's 11:00 why aren't you asleep?" I asked him. "Bout to ask you the same thing." He said. "We're up cause we have home work. Now what's your excuse?" I asked him while walking into the kitchen. "Damn we have a lot of junk food!" I mumbled to myself. "I'm watching my favorite movie." He said while walking into the kitchen. "Oh, were do you sleep?" I asked while getting some juice. "Guest room duh! Your mom won't let me sleep in Vi's room." He said. "Typical." I said and we started to laugh. Than I got a couple of fruit snacks and a big bag of chips & got two glasses of juice. "You need help caring that upstairs?" He asked. "Nope!" I said.Then I put the fruit snacks in one hand and the bag of chips under my arm and held the juice in the other hand. "Your crazy." He said laughing. "Whatever! Well umm we'll be upstairs if you need anything." I said than ran upstairs.•Briza's P.O.V ended•

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