Chapter 15-Explaining

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Chapter 15

•Briza's P.O.V continued• "Well, ugh! Do I really have to tell you?" I asked. "Yes!!" She shrieked. "Fine nosey ass!" I grumbled. "Shut up you would have been the same way if I had a cute guy crushing on me!" She said with a wink. "Whatever!" I said laughing. "Okay," I said then took a deep breath. "Well first you left me Alone with him.." I said glaring at her. "Shut up you know you wanted to be alone with him." She said laughing. "So," she said. "God your so impatient." I said laughing. "Wait.. before you go any further did you lose your virginity?" She asked. "No!" I said. "Sorry.." she said amused. "Okay back to what happened. He bought me a drink and then we made small talk & then he just like started to like pull me close to him & it felt uncomfortable so I got up and told him I was going to go look for you." I said but Vi interrupted. "Woohoo!" She said. "Shut up!" I said laughing a little. "And then he said that you were busy and he pointed at you and I saw you with Niall and then he pulled me on his lap." I said looking at the road ahead. "What the fuck!" She screamed laughing. And the car swerved a little and we almost crashed. "What the fuck Vi you scared me!" I said laughing. "You sat on his lap!" She asked pretty amused. "Yes but I got up." I said. "Then he introduced me to his friends, you already know them." I said. "Yup and they sound hella boring!" She said rolling her eyes. "Their not.. it's just I don't know what their problem was when I introduced you.." I said. "Well go on!" She said. "Then Me, anne & kynlee went to the dance floor and we started to dance.." I said trying to remember the rest. "OH FUCK!!" I said remembering what happened with that guy Damion. "What?" She asked coughing. "I just remembered something!" I said my eyes wide. "That's what you needed to say? You made me choke on my water!" She yelled. "Sorry.." I said rolling my eyes. "So what did you remember?" She asked. "Well I left the girls and went to the restroom, and you can't say shit about me cause I was drunk!" I warned. "What, what?" She asked impatient. "Okay when I got out of the restroom and there was this guy named Damion I think and he Umm. Well he pushed me up a wall and started to grind on me." I said. "Oh. My. Gosh! You make me want to fucking be single again!" She said laughing. "But then I stopped him and told him that I was there with someone. So he stopped and then he said that Maybe next time me and him could hook up or something." I said. "Damn you are SO lucky!" She said laughing. "No I'm not! And he also had tattoos." I said. "Even Better!" She said referring to Damion's tattoos. "Then I walked back to were kynlee& anna were and Tc was right there. He was so fucking high and he was drunk too." I said. "I told you he did drugs." She said in a matter-of-fact tone. "So then me and him started to grind." I said. "Was he good at it? Cause sometimes there are guys that fucking suck!" She said. "I guess." I said. "And then Devin came and told us that we were leaving and TC was fucking drunk and he started to accuse Devin of checking me out and he started to beat the shit out of Devin." I said sending a shiver down my spine. Just reminding myself of the incident sends shivers. "Oh. My. God!" I said. "What happened next?" She asked. "This isn't a soap opera." I said laughing a little. "Well the guys weren't doing anything to help him so I was going to go and yell at Tc and ask him to stop but then Jayk chased after me and told me to stay out of it. Then I started to cry and I was begging them to help him. Then Blake pulled TC off of Devin and TC was furious and started to yell at Blake then Blake yelled at Tc and told him I was watching and then TC looked at me and he hugged me. Then we went outside and we went to his flat. When we were inside he started to smoke more weed and then we went to bed." I said. "So what happened when you guys got in bed?" She asked me with a wink. "Shut up and listen." I said laughing. "We started to make out and then he started to take off my shirt but I stopped him and then we went to sleep." I said. "Why stupid?" She asked. "Cause I didn't want to have sex." I said. "Why not? He is cute and your a fucking seventeen year old virgin!" She said laughing. "Fuck you!" I said laughing. "Well we're here!" I said. "Damn Niall is already here." I said. "Yeah, he drives fast.." She said. "I need to tell you something else.." I said. "What?" She said excited. "I'll tell you when we get inside." I said. "But in my room.." I said. "Kay.." She said. "Niall!" Vi yelled once we got inside. "I'm in here with Ms.Nicole" He said. "Why?" I mumbled. Then we walked in. "Are you cooking?" I asked amused. "Yeah, you didn't know I cook?" He asked. "You don't." I said. "I know but I'm trying to learn.." He said. "Are you going to tell me?" Vi asked me. "In the room." I mouthed her way. She just nodded her head. "Tell you what?" My mom asked. "Nothing." I said smiling at her. "Okay, girls go get ready for Dinner." She said. "Mom why isn't Jessy making dinner?" I asked. "Cause I thought I would cook for you girls today because it was your first day at your new High School." She said. "Okay," I said. Then me and Val started to walk toward the stairs. "Oh, wait before you tell me whatever the fuck you need to tell me. How come Sexy made you leave with him during lunch?" She asked. "Did you just call him Sexy?" I asked laughing. "Yup!" She said. "That's what I need to tell you.." I said. Then we walked upstairs. "Spill!" She said once we got inside my room and she locked the door. "Okay so.. Me and TC got to his house and he apologized for beating Niall & then he told me that he was my first fucking kiss and I got mad and I was about leave but then he asked me to stay. So I did and then me and him went to his room and he started undressing & he was about to take off my clothes but I stopped him." I said to Vi "Why did you stop him?" She asked. "Shut up and listen!" I grumbled. "Fine, go on.." she said. "Then he said that we weren't going to do anything he just wanted me to be comfortable when we were sleeping. So I let him take it off." I said. "Oh my gosh what are you wearing under your clothes!?" She asked. "My black lace under wear and bra." I said. "Damn this is getting good!" She said. "Then we got in bed and I asked him when I was going to be able to leave and he said at 6' and I asked why. Then he insisted that I spend the night and I disagreed and he asked why and I told him that I was going to the game with Jason tomorrow. And after that he just freaked out and we started arguing." I said. "Already arguing like a married couple! Eh eh!" She said nudging my shoulder. "So then I was about to leave and he pushed me up a fucking wall and started to grind on me and then he led me to the bed and told me to tell him when to stop and then he just kissed" I said. "And we were about to you know...." I said. "But what? Let me guess you stopped him." She asked. "No idiot, the boys came to his house." I said. "Sucks to be you!" She said laughing. "Really cause in the car you were wishing you were me." I said laughing. "Shit I still do.." she said playing around. "But before I left Devin gave me a kiss on the cheek." I said. "Now I want to be you again." She said playing around & then walked out of the room.•Briza's P.O.V ended•

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