Chapter 3-Club

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Chapter 3

•jamie's P.O.V continued•

He had a smirk plastered on his face. What the fuck was he doing here, damn he is like everywhere. He was wearing black jeans and a black V-neck, he looked hot. Damn what am I thinking."Sorry T.C, I didn't know." The security guard said. His names T.C? Was he scared of T.C? "You look hot tonight and What are you doing here babe?" He whispered in my ear while we were pushing through the security guards. Vina was walking right next to me, shivers were sent down my back when he whispered in my ear. "Ummm, well me and my friend Vina wanted to go out and we ended up here." I said ignoring his last comment. "Oh, well guess what love, since your new to these Nevada clubs you can hang around with me and my friends." He said. "How do you know I'm new here?" I asked. "I have my ways" he whispered in my ear and then kissed the spot right were my jaw and ear met. I just looked over to Vi and she gave me a wink. "Help me!" I mouthed to her. She just giggled a little. "But me and her just wanted it to be me and her tonight" I said. "I wasn't asking" he growled. Damn he has a bad temper, My breath started coming out faster while he slid his hand down to my lower back. If it was somebody else who did that I would slap them but TC was kind of terrifying. We passed through sweaty bodies and got to the bar "I'm going to dance!" Vi stated and walked away into the crowd. "What do you want to drink babe?" TC asked. "Umm whatever you get." I said. Then a guy came up to me , and he was handsome but he had a lot of tattoos and piercings. "Hey my names Jayk, and I'm TC's best mate!" He said. "Hi I'm Jamie." I said holding my hand out for him to shake but instead he pulled me into a tight hug. I looked over to TC and he was just watching us with a smile. "Your really strong.. and your hurting me!" I whispered. "Sorry Love, and that is my girlfriend over there and I'm sure you guys will be good friends!" He stated pointing to a girl with black hair I think but I can't tell cause it is really dark in here. "Oh she looks lovely!" I said. "Thanks, well I will leave you alone with Tc." He said with a wink and TC just started to laugh and pulled me into his side and I felt really uncomfortable. "Ummm, I think I'm going to go and find my friend, Vi." I said and started to get up but then he pulled me onto his lap. "I think she is occupied with someone." He laughed out. I looked up to see Her with Niall. Did he fly to the U.S to visit us? Yay! I had a big smile on my face and forgot were I was sitting. I got up and sat next to TC. "I really liked it better when you were on my lap." He said and started to chuckle. Ugh he is such a pig! "Well babe let's talk about you." He said. "Well umm my dad is in England and I moved here with my friend Vi and my mom to start off new and that's pretty much it." I said. "Oh how do you like the U.S so far?" He asked. "It's alright I guess." I said he just laughed. "Let's go meet my friends love." TC said. We were walking threw body's and were approaching a crowd with smoke around them. "Aye TC come try some of this!" A guy said and he was the one with dark hair and a streak of blonde. TC grabbed the cigarette I think it was but it looked different. "Damn, I really needed this!" TC said puffing on it with his eyed closed while still holding my hand in his right. • JAMIE'S P.O.V ended• •VINA's P.O.V started• I was just dancing by myself when I saw a familiar face.. it looked like NIALL. I'm probably just going crazy. Wait it is him cause he is staring at me! He walked up to me. "Hey Babe!" He said normally. "What the fuck, when did you get here and how did you know we were here?" I asked while pulling him in for a hug. "Well babe I saw you and Jamie walking in here then I went to my hotel and got ready then drove here and here I am!" He said. "I missed you so much!" I said into his chest. "I missed you to baby!" He said with his chin rested on top of my head. "I could only stay for 4 days though, cause I can't miss to much school." He said. "Okay, but these 4 days are going to be so fun!" I said. "Alright!" He said laughing. •Vina's P.O.V ended•

•Jamie's P.O.V started• "What are you smoking?" I asked TC while coughing a little. "Weed, want some?" He asked. "No, I don't do that stuff and I'm not planning to." I said. "Your loss." He said shrugging. "Didn't you say you were going to introduce me to your friends?" I asked ... "Oh yeah." He said and crushed the cigarette under his shoe. "Guys this is Jamie, introduce yourselves." He said pulling me in closer to him. "Hey I'm Anna and I'm Drews girlfriend!" The girl from earlier said. "Oh yeah...Jayk told me you were his girlfriend in the best possible way." I said. She just laughed. "Well it was nice meeting you hun!" She said. "You too!". She actually has Dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is really pretty, but she has a lot of tattoos. "I'm Drew!" The boy that had brown hair with a streak of blonde said. "Hi." I said while shaking his hand. "Hey Love, My name is Blake, Blake English!" He said "Hi Blake." I said with A smile. He is cute! "Hi I am Jayk!" He said. "I already met you!" I said and we both just started laughing. "Hi I'm Devin." A boy with blonde hair and pretty eyes said shyly. "Hi." I said and he gave me a hug. He gives the best hugs! "Hey I'm kynlee, Drew's girlfriend." She said. "Hi." I said with a smile. She had purple hair and it looked good on her, and all of them had tattoos and piercings. "Well, that's all of us! Devin said. "Yup, well let's go dance!" Anna said pulling me and kynlee to the dance floor. Me and Kynlee were just laughing. When we got to the middle we started dancing. I moved however my body wanted to move. My hips swayed to the beat. "I'm going to get us some drinks!" Anna yelled leaving. "She is fucking crazy at times!" Kynlee said while me and her were swaying our hips. I just laughed. "You guys are cool to hang out with!" I yelled so she could hear me cause the music was loud. "Your not that bad yourself!" She yelled, and we both started laughing. Anna came back with like nine shots. "Drink up bitches I only got nine because they are really, really strong!" Anna shouted over the music. "Damn Ane, these are strong!" I said. "Yay!  Jaime made me a nickname!" Anna said. "Well your nickname is going to be Jay !" She said. "Okay!" I said while I took another shot. "How old are you guys?" I asked them .. feeling my head getting a little fuzzy. "Seventeen, but Blake, Drew and Jayk are eighteen I think right anna, and why?" She asked "Yeh!" Anna slurred while starting her next shot. "Im 17 So how did you guys get in here?" I asked ignoring her question. "Cause we know people." And with that I let the conversation go

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