Chapter 9 - TC finds out

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Chapter 9

•Tc's P.O.V started• Me and Jaimebwere so close to kissing and then she just fucking looked away and got off the car. What the fuck is wrong with her? After that I just drove off really mad. Than my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I said... "It's Jayk!" He yelled through the phone. "Hey man!" I yelled twice as loud! Then we laughed a little. "Where you at? I'm at your place!" He said. "I just dropped Jaime off at her house.. I'm on my way." I said. "So what happened after the club? Huh... huh?" He asked. "Shut up, nothing fucking happened! And I don't really remember what happened last night.. I remember most parts but not everything." I said. "Oh do you remember what happened between you and Devin?" He asked. "No, what happened, Jaime asked me the same question!" I said. "Well bro I guess I will invite all the boys over and we could all tell you." He said. "Is it something bad?" I asked. "A little but nothing big." He assured. "Kay, see you like in 10 minutes." I said. When I was driving I was remembering things that happened last night. I remembered when Me and Jay were grinding on each other and I was whispering things in her ear. I also remember when I snapped at her when she was asking me why it was so foggy in the room. Damn, I shouldn't have yelled at her.. but why should I even care she doesn't like me anyways. I also remember when me and her were laying in bed and I started to kiss her and I was about to.....but she stopped me. Ugh! I should have just started to make her want it! But why isn't she attracted to me? I mean I'm fit I have a nice face and all the other girls want me. Maybe its cause she has a boyfriend. But that hasn't stopped any other girl. Just cause she is a virgin doesn't mean she shouldn't want me. When I got in my drive way I saw the boys cars except for Devin's. "Aye bro." Blake said when I got inside my flat. "Aye". I said. "So what did you guys have to tell me?" I asked. "Well umm.." Jayk started but didn't get to finish cause Drew interrupted. "Well long story short, last night you fucked up Devin." Drew said like nothing. We all looked at him. "What I decided to say it the fucking easiest way!" He said. "Damn Man!" I said while running my hands through my hair. "Why did I fucking hit him?" I asked. "I guess Devin saw you and Jay grinding." Jayk said with a wink. "And?" I asked frustrated. "And he was smirking at you in a teasing way.. & you took it in the wrong way & you accused him of checking out Jaime & then you fucked him up." Jayk said. "Are you serious I fucked up one of my buds just for another shag?" I asked. "Well its cause you were drunk so you can't really blame yourself." Blake said. "Right.. Is Devin mad?" I asked. "What the fuck do you think?" Drew said. "Damn Man!" I said. "Are you going to apologize?" Blake asked. "I think I have to." I said. "Awww Tc never apologizes!" Jayk said while he touched his heart. "Shut the fuck up!" I said. "Jayk is right you never apologize for shit.. even when you f...... that girl that was my fuck buddy." Blake said. "Oh yeah." I said. "She wasn't any good anyway." I defended. "Well how about we drink some beer and smoke because we have school tomorrow." Drew suggested. "Yeah.." we all agreed. *3 hours later* "I'm starving!" Jayk yelled he was high and drunk. "The munchies are kicking in!" Blake yelled. "I'm fucking baked!" Drew said while laughing. "Damn, Drew your eyes are Really, Really red!" I said. Then we all started to laugh. "There are snacks in the kitchen. Put yourself to some use and go bring us some!" I said to Jayk. "Fuck you, the only reason I'm going to get them is cause I'm fucking starving!" He slurred. After a couple of minutes Jayk came back with a bunch of chips, cookies & other things. "So what happened between you and Jaime after the club?" Drew asked while opening a bag of chips. "He didn't do shit with her!" Jayk laughed out. "Fuck you prick!" I said. "So what happened?" Blake asked. "Nothing we just got home made out and fell asleep." I said."Awww .. Tc didn't get any ass this Saturday!" Drew yelled at the top of his lungs. "Shut up!" I said. "Oh guess what!!" Drew said excited. "What?" I asked. "Your fuck buddy is going to our school!" He said. "She isn't my fuck buddy!" I said sternly. "Someone is still mad that they didn't get any on Saturday!" Jayk mumbled while laughing. "No, its just earlier when I dropped Jay off.." I said. "Go on." Blake said. "Well we were about to kiss but then she made a fucking lame ass excuse and had to ruin everything." I said. "Aww that's cute, he's mad cause he didn't get a kiss." Jayk said making kiss noises. "You know what I will fuck you up right now!" I said getting up. "Oh yeah do it!" He said. He knew I wasn't going to do shit cause he is my best bud and he is obviously drunk and high. We both just sat back down. "She probably hasn't had her first kiss." Blake said while smoking. "So I could've been her first!" I shot back. "She probably doesn't want a 'bad boy'." He said motioning quotes around the word bad boy. "Maybe." I mumbled. "Want some?" He asked me handing me the blunt cause he already knew the answer. After a couple hours it was 10'o clock. "Well we should go.." Blake said. "Yeah, well Night TC bebby!" Jayk slurred. "Night guys." I said, laughing a little at jayk "Night!" Drew said while guiding Jayk outside cause he can hardly walk. "Night bro." Blake said and closed the front door behind him. After that I just passed out on my bed. •Tc's P.O.V ended

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