Chapter 29 - Guess Who's Back

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Chapter 29

•Jaime's P.O.V continued• When we got inside of Starbucks my eyes immediately fell on Jack I think his name is. Damn I forgot it already. A smirk plastered on his face when he saw me walk in with Vi and nialler. He was sitting at one of the tables with another guy. "Oh my fucking God." I whisper shouted. Their friends? "What?" Vi asked. "Oh and Isn't that the hot guy that on our first day here tc told off?" Vi asked referring to Jack while nudging my shoulder. "You should try to get at him." She said with a wink and bursted out in laughter. "Yup.." I replied. "And there's Damion the guy you wanted to me to tell you about.." I added while swallowing a lump in my throat while I looked at all the bruises on his face. "You know you like him at least a little.. He's hot." Vi replied. "Who?" I asked. "I don't know both of them.." she said while shrugging her shoulders. "I'm right here.." niall said while shaking his head. Vi rolled her eyes. "I'll take a frap." Vi said while laughing a little to the guy behind the counter. "And you?" The guy asked from behind the counter. "The same." I said while looking anywhere but at Damion and Jack's table. "What're you getting?" Vi asked niall. "Nothing, I'm not into all that coffee stuff.." he replied. "And will that be it for you guys?" The cashier asked. "Yup." I said. "Alright, your total is.." The guy continued. "One of them is looking at you.." Vi said. "Ugh.." I replied. "That's not nice to say.. is it." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned to see Jack. "Oh hey Jack, I think your name is." I said. "Yeah." He replied while chuckling. Then niall came up to us. "Here are your coffees, and please hurry and get em', they fucking burn." He said while handing them to us. "Your an idiot." Vi laughed. "You guys should come hang out with us.." Jack suggested. "Who are you?" Niall asked. And he says that he has manners. Fucking liar. "I'm Jaime's friend." He replied with a smirk. "Oh, yeah, sure." Niall said. "Come on.." Jack said while grabbing my hand in his. "I didn't know that you knew Damion." Jack said while we walked over to their table. "Yeah, I do." I replied. When we got to the table Damion looked at me. "Hey." I said in a small voice. "Hey babe." He replied. He didn't seem angry. I just giggled. "I'm sorry about what happened. It was all my fault if I-" I started but then he cut me off. "Its not your fault." He stated with his eyebrows furrowed. "Its that fucking Dicks fault.." he replied. "If he didn't kiss that other girl than nothing would have went wrong. But I'm happy that it did happen because we got to spend time with each other.." he replied cheekily. "Yeah.." I replied while looking down. But it hurt to remember what tc and that slut did. "Come on don't be sad.." He said. "Why are you so nice to me? If tc hit you after what happened." I questioned. "Cause your beautiful and sweet and innocent." He replied while standing up in front of me. "Why don't you come hang out with me and Jack today?" He asked. "Can't.." I replied. "Why?" He asked. "Cause later I'm going to the club with the girls.." I replied. "And right now we're going to go to an amusement park I think, Cause umm my friend is going to leave in a while." I added. I should've added that I'm tc's property or whatever the fuck he calls me, but I didn't want to mention him. "What friend?" He asked. "Me." Niall said. "Oh, where to bro?" Damion asked. "Going back to California." He replied. "Oh that's cool.. the weather over there is the best." Damion replied. "And the waves are the best." Damion added. "Your a surfer?" Niall asked Damion."Yeah but I'm not the best." He replied. "You?" Damion added. "No, I'm not really a good swimmer." Niall replied. "Oh.." Damion replied. "Yeah.. but you guys should come to the amusement park with us.." niall said. "Yeah that would be cool." Jack said. "So looks like we are going to hang out after all.." Damion said with a wink. He looked so hot in his jeans, vans, muscle shirt and Snapback. The shirt fit him perfectly. It showed off his strong arms and you could tell that he had a six pack. "Umm.. ready?" Damion asked me while catching my eyes graze his body. "Yeah.." I replied while blushing slightly.

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