Chapter 2-Chestnut haired

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Chapter 2

·Jamie's P.O.V continued• "Well, umm can I get A..." Vi was ordering then I noticed there were 3 boys staring at us. One had dark brown hair with a streak of Blonde , the other had Blonde hair that you could tell was obviously dyed, but he had beautiful eyes & the other had chestnut hair and eyes that you could get lost into. But what the fuck am I thinking I'm never going to see them again.. well at least I hope! "Jamie what the fuck are you looking at?" Vi asked then turned around to see what I was staring at.. I was looking at the boy with the chestnut hair. "Ooo you like him huh?" Vi said. "No you fucking twat I don't like him I was just looking over there cause they were staring at us!" I stated. "Whatever .. anyways what the fuck do you want to drink?" She asked. "Whatever you got and do you always have to use swear words in each sentence Vina ?" I asked her. "Abso-fucking-lutely!" She said then we laughed. "Well has the lovely lady made up her mind?" The guy behind the counter asked and I think its totally appropriate to say he was hella fine, and on his name tag it said Jack. "Ummm.. yeah I will have the same as her please." I said. He just said "Anything for you beautiful." And then I heard someone clear out there throat behind me. "What the fuck did you say, she is mine and I don't want anyone hitting on her you got that mate?" He asked Jack, and I turned around to see a chestnut haired boy right in front of me. Jack just left to go make the coffee and me and Vi exchanged two terrified looks. "Excuse me, but I don't know you!" I said. He raised his eyebrows "Well, I'm really sure you'll hear about me soon, Bye love." He said with a wink and left. Jack came back with our coffee and gave me a smile and I returned it. "Damn, that was heated, what if they started fighting for you?" Vi asked. "Well I would be scared .. but shut up let's stop talking about it cause the chestnut haired one kind of scares me". I said. "Well he is sexy, he was like...Hey don't talk to her like that she is my girl and I don't want blah , blah , blah" Vi said in A man voice and we started laughing. "Whatever come on let's just go home and get ready it is already 6 o'clock and we need to be ready by ten." I said. "Okay, let's have a race to the car!" We both ran and Vina tripped and I started to crack up. "Ha loser!" I said and started laughing. "Do. You. Need. Help?" I laughed out. "No I don't need help from your bitch ass!" She laughed out. "Thank God I didn't get hurt or else I would go to the club with a big ass cut on my leg!" She said. Then we got in the car and got home. "Do you want us to get ready In my room or yours?" Vi asked. "Hmmm any one." I said. "Fine my room it is, hurry get your fat ass in here so we can get ready!" She yelled from upstairs. "Coming Hoe!" I yelled. Vi took a shower first and by the time I got out Val was finished with her make-up. It looked cute. "Damn, you look sexy!" I said with a wink. "I know, I know!" She said and we started to laugh. "Well, sit down!" She commanded. "Okay." I said. • Jamie's P.O.V ended•

•Vinas P.O.V started

• I finished Jamie's make-up 30 minutes later.. and she looked beautiful. "Can I look in the mirror now!?" She whined. "No, be patient!" I said "Now!?" She asked "There now I'm finished!" I yelled. She looked in the mirror "It looks cute, Thanks!" she exclaimed. "Welcome, now go get your ass dressed!" I ordered. "Fine, mom!" She said in a sarcastic tone. I just laughed. We got finished in about 35 minutes. We both looked Hot! "Damn, I would screw us!" I said. " yeah!" She laughed. "Well, what are we going to go in?" I asked. "My car or in a taxi?" She asked. "Taxi cause we are going to get wasted!" I yelled. "Okay, just quit yelling cause I'm going to call a taxi." She said. "Fine." I said. Hmm... we should take some shots before we get there. "Jamie look what I found!" I yelled. "What, and the cab will be here In 15 minutes." "I found some patron, let's take some shots before we go!" I yelled. "Fine!" She said while walking into the kitchen. "Damn, these are strong!" I said while coughing. She just laughed. Then we heard a honk from outside . "The cab's are here!" She yelled like the guys from Jersey Shore. We started laughing and looked in the mirror really quick to fix are hair a little. "There let's go." I said and we left and got in. When we got there it was packed. "Damn, so how are you going to work your magic with this long ass line?" I asked her motioning quotes around the word magic. "I don't know!?" She said. Then me and her went to the front of the line pushing threw body's. "Hey what are you ladies doing up here .. there's is a line you know?" The security guard asked. •Vinas P.O.V ended• •Jamie's.O.V started

"Yeah but..." I was about to talk then I heard a husky familiar voice behind me. "Their with me." He said. I looked back and saw the group of people Me and Vi saw at Starbucks

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