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"No one said life was going to be easy; they said it would be worth it."

Two years ago:
Thea POV
I swagger into my new school, grabbing everyone's attention. I made sure to dress up real nice especially today, since I needed to win over the entire student body. I walk by each student and watch how all their mouths drop and their eyes glaze over in awe. I hide a smile to myself, knowing exactly how much I was affecting these kids. I flip my dark hair and bat my hazel eyes.

As I walk by, I wink and flash them a secret smile.

All the silence in the high school has caught the queen bee's attention and she stands up, her face twisted in an outraged, jealous expression. 

With her, stand her two lap dogs- pretty lap dogs, if I do admit, but probably as dumb as mud is brown. Queen Bee's gaze sweeps my body once and glares at me. "And who exactly are you?" she asks with sass. 

I smile with a touch of nastiness. Though I don't have a reason to be nasty, I want to be able to control this school. You could call it a personal flaw: I love to be the center of attention. In every aspect of my life. Don't believe me? Just ask my brothers. "I am your soon to be queen of Shelton High," I reply haughtily. 

She blinks, taken aback by my bold statement. Then she laughs, as if she doesn't believe me. "Oh, sweetheart. You must be new here. Do you know who I am?"

"Obviously the stupidest person in this school if you think you stand a chance against me."
There's a collective gasp that runs through the crowd watching this whole exchange. I hide another smile, as her face turns bright red with embarrassment. This is going exactly as I planned. Soon, she'll be too embarrassed to show her face in front of the school and it'll fall to me.

"No, I'm Jenna Walters and *no* one dares to speak to me like that. Who do you think you are, waltzing in here and being a bitch to me?" she snarls.

I go a touch further by adding, "Oh, you obviously haven't heard of me but I think it's pretty obvious. I'm Thea Devons, the transfer student. Where I'm from, I was queen of the school and I guarantee you that I will have this school in the palm of my hand within a month."

She smiles wickedly, not looking worried for a second. "Of course you will," she says sarcastically. "How's this? You win this school over by next month and I accept defeat. Or you leave if you don't make the deadline. Deal?" Her voice is full of sweet venom and I know without a doubt that even if she loses, she isn't giving up quietly."

What she doesn't know is that I love challenges; they're like a stroll in the park for me. I grin wildly. "Sure. Deals on."

She sneers at me. "I'll make sure that you won't make it."

During fifth period, I get up to go to the bathroom and get jumped just as the door as the door closes. I'm quickly tied up and placed on a chair. And can you guess who I got jumped by?
Ding! Ding! Ding! 

You guess right! Jenna's goons. 

I test the bonds on my legs and hands and smirk. It's so obvious that these girls aren't becoming professional kidnappers anytime soon. Besides, I've had so much experience getting myself out of rope as a kid. When you grow up with four brothers at home, this becomes second nature. 

As a prank, my brothers would always try to get me to fall into their little Boy Scout traps. And I fell for them every single time. Over time and with practice, I got better and better at breaking out of the ropes until they finally gave up with trying to trap me. I never would have thought this possible but I'm actually grateful now to them for teaching me how to get out of these loosely tied ropes. 

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