Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

"Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place."

Five months later...

Emma POV

Feeling that it's such a gorgeous weather outside, Thea and I walk home from work instead of taking the car. Thea is talking to Roy on her phone and she sounds so happy. 

I look down at my own phone and sigh. Gabriel hadn't texted me much today or the whole week, in fact. He said he was having finals and he couldn't afford to get distracted. I let him be because I wanted him to get the good grades that he deserves but I'm so lonely.

I'm graduated high school this month and I'm already signed up to Gabriel's college, ready to go this far. I'm so nervous for a change in scenery but I'm excited for the new experience. 

I walk up my house steps- I moved into Thea's house. With the help of my brothers, I sold my grandmother's house and transferred all my stuff to Gabriel's room. He isn't there because he's still in college but for now, I sort of have my own room.

Thea's room is much too small for two girls so I had a choice between Gabriel's or my other brothers.

There's an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway and my heart jumps in my throat. Is Thea expecting company? The car parked is a sleek, silver Chevy Camaro and looks brand-new and gorgeous. I don't recognize this car.

Thea, though, pays no attention to the new car. She just unlocks the front door and walks in, still talking to Roy. I go to my room- I mean, Gabriel's room- to change and start on my homework.

Someone's in the room when I'm walking in. The person is changing into a blue t-shirt, his arms flexing and rippling as he pulls the t-shirt over his head. His arms are well built and defined, with muscles on his back and I could just imagine what his front looks like, since I know this body so well.

Around his torso, though, is a long, ugly scar that stretches from one side to the other. It isn't a thin scar; it's deep and it looks like a full grown snake. On his forearm is another long, deep gash that stretch from his upper forearm to his elbow but it doesn't look as bad. There are three giant scars running down his back, looking like a rabid wolf had clawed through his skin.

My heart caught in my throat, I whisper, "Gabriel?"

He whirls around, his shirt dropping into place. His face pulls into a happy smile, though it looks troubled. "Emma!" In two fluid movements, he's across the room and I'm in his arms. He kisses me deeply and affectionately. "How are you doing?" he asks when he pulls away. "Sorry I couldn't speak to you these past two weeks. I had insane tests."

I can't even reply. Instead, I stupidly squeak, "What are you doing here?"

"School's over, gorgeous. I'm here for the summer!" he announces happily.

I wrap my arms around him and dig my hands into his soft hair. "Yay!" I squeal.

Gabriel kisses me deeply. "I'm glad to se you after so long. You don't know how much I've missed you. I had to take those stupid tests and I couldn't even speak to girlfriend normally."

I giggle, too elated at his presence to be upset that Gabriel hasn't spoken to me all week. I understand that he had major testing these past two weeks and I forgive him. Of course I do. I love Gabriel.

I kiss him back and we back back, crashing onto his bed together. I laugh lightly against his lips and I feel them turning up in a smile. I slid a hand under his shirt and his body shudders under my touch.

He kisses my neck. "Dress up nicely tonight, babe," he whispers in my ear.

I shiver and kiss him. "Why?"

"Don't ask questions. Just do as I say."

I giggle. "Of course, boss."

Gabriel's kisses trail up slowly to my lips again. "Good. I'll see you later. Meet me outside at seven sharp. Better be on time or I'll have to punish you."

I pull back with a wicked grin on my face. "What if that's what I want?"

He rolls off me, resting on his side. His eyes sparkle with mischief and happiness. "Oh, don't worry. You'll get that too."

I kiss his cheek and sashay out the door. "Whatever you want, babe."


It's a gorgeous evening, with a wonderful weather, just like during the day and I dress up nicely. With Thea's help, we pic out a dress for me- a cream colored dress that's tight at the chest, then flares at the bottom stopping mid-thigh. I do my make up and Thea does my hair.

When I go outside to meet Gabriel at 7 sharp, my heart stops beating when I see him leaning against the silver Chevy Camaro that I saw earlier today. He's dressed in an elegant, dark blue collared shirt and dark jeans. He honestly look like a model that just stepped out of a magazine.
He flashes me a heart-stammering smile and winks at me, opening the passenger door for me. "Your ride awaits, milady," he says with a grand sweep of his hand and a bow.

I smile widely at him as I take my seat. He shuts my door, then walks around to get into his own seat.

"Is this you car?" I ask, unable to hold that question back any longer.

He grins and revs the engine. "Of course! I sold my Mustang and got this baby instead. I named her Akira."

I roll my eyes. "Why did you name your car? That's so weird."

He shoots me a playful frown. "Hey, be respectful. And don't be jealous, babe. I'm taking you out, not Akira. I love you."

I try to hide my satisfied smile but fail. "I'm glad to hear it."

It turns out that Gabriel had made reservations at a really upscale restaurant. It's an elegant and breathtaking restaurant, with sparkling chandeliers and dazzling lights. While we order, we chat about stuff, getting caught up on all the things we missed about each other. We share memories and the night passes with peels of laughter coming fro me and animated stories from Gabriel. He tells me about the stupid girl named Joy that followed him around school all year like a puppy, even after he told her he had a girlfriend. Gabriel makes a joke out of everything and I truly have a blast.

We don't want the night to end, so we go for a walk in the now-dark park. We drive home in a comfortable silence and change into our pajamas quietly. It's late, so we go straight to bed. I climb into Gabriel's bed, enjoying the feeling of the coverings and sheets brushing against my bare skin. I had worn my usual pjs: a tank top and shorts. Gabriel just wears pajama pants.

After whispering to each other for another two hours like middle school girls, we finally curl up together and fall asleep. Gabriel's warmth seeps into my back and I bask in the joy that comes together with being with my love. I inhale his manly scent and smile to myself. Gabriel is mine and no one could have him but me. He's taken.

Alright, so that's this chapter. Hope everyone liked it. Please drop a comment or a vote. It'll make my day!!
Anyway, see you next time with my next chapter!!

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