Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness."
-Charles Spurgeon

Thea POV

Emma and I go shopping today. We leave at ten in the morning and we are at the mall all day, preparing for Emma's date tonight. As we're walking back to my Genesis to put our stuff down, five guys appear out of nowhere and start to rough us up. Clearly, these guys are drunk, by the revolting smell on their breath.

Three guys start on Emma and two guys gang up on me. I see Emma's finger touch a number on her phone as she backs up. I know she has Gabriel on speed dial and she'd call him in a flash. I watch as she presses talk and waits impatiently for Gabriel to answer.

The five guys don't wait for the call to be placed, even though they aren't aware that Emma had pressed talk. Emma's hands drop as one of the guys yanks her to him and starts to kiss her neck sloppily. I watch in awe as she throws herself into self-defense mode, as Landon taught her.

I toss any other moves that I know but I'm no match for these two guys. Emma has always shown more interest in learning self defense from Landon. Every time Landon offered to teach me, I always ran away. And boy do I regret it now.

The guys have me overpowered in less than two minutes. The abandoned phone crackles on the floor when Gabriel's voice comes through it on speaker. "Hello?"

One for the guys kick Emma's phone with his foot but not before Emma yells out, "Gabe! Help!"

"Emma!" My brother sounds frantic. "Emma! Where are you?"

"We're at the mall, parking lot B," she yells, before her phone gets crushed by the shoe of a guy.

"Shut up!" the leader growls. "We're about to have uninvited company. We can't have that, now can we? We were hoping to do this slowly and avoid as much pain as possible, but you brought this on yourselves. We're going to have to do this hard an quick. It'll hurt but that isn't our problem. We were planning on hurting you as little as possible, until you decided to be uncooperative when you called your boyfriend."

"Leave us alone!" I finally shout. "What do you want from us?"

The leader sneers. "Well, isn't it quite obvious? We just want to have a bit of fun with you and your friend here."

"Let us go," Emma says firmly, but her voice wavers and the poor girl looks terrified. It would take a little while until Gabriel would arrive to help. What would happen until then?

"But that would ruin all the fun, wouldn't it?" the leader taunts. "The whole point is to enjoy ourselves, aren't I right, boys?"

The other four guys nod and smile at each other. With a belt, they tie our hands behind our backs, then tie us to a street lamp.

"Alright," the leader announces with a gleeful laugh. "Take them down!"

Mine and Thea's yells of protest decorate the wind as the guys rip off our clothes-- none too gently, I should add. Bright hot pain floods my body as I struggle to get them off me. Emma tries her hardest to fend them off but that only makes them even more violent and aggressive toward her. Helpless tears fill my eyes. If only I had taken Landon's self-defense instructions more seriously, I wouldn't be in this mess.

Anything about this process should've been sexy and precious with someone we loved but now it's ruined by a bunch of assholes.

Luckily, before they get too far, we hear a siren wailing in the distance, quickly gaining speed and sound as it draws nearer and nearer. Within seconds, four cars and one motorcycle have us surrounded. My heart takes flight when I recognize Roy's stupid motorcycle. I always scold and criticize him for his stupid motorcycle which is death on two wheels. But now, I can't be more relieved to see him.

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