Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

"Nobody said life would be easy; they said it would be worth it."

Gabriel POV

   My siblings threw me and Emma a surprise "welcome home" party when we were released from the hospital. Thea would not leave us for a second. She probably felt guilty that it was all her "fault" that we got into that accident in the first place. In reality, it was my fault, because I was telling Emma shocking news while she was driving. It really could've waited. Should've, would've, could've but didn't. Oh well. Can't change fate.

Family, friends and most of my college friends came. The evening was nice and the weather was perfect so we hung out by the beach for the most part. 

My brothers and I agreed that we were going to go back to college for the next semester. The girls were going back to school as well. The drama had ended and we could finally go back to our normal lives.

I took off two months later in my red Mustang, Roy driving, as I was still a little hesitant to drive a car again, after my major accident-and my brothers trailed on after me. In school, my friends greeted me with a major hugs and smiles and they all said they were thrilled to have me back again.

Joy Festerfield, a girl that I had flirted with on and off during my first few semesters at college, came to hug me. "Gabriel!" she announced happily, giving me a huge hug. "I'm so glad you're back! And well! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to your party!"

I stifle my urge to roll my eyes at her. She was the type of person that almost always spoke in exclamation. Except for when she asked a question.

She laughs when I nearly pitch forward from her attack for a hug. "What's the matter?" she teases. "Too heavy for you?"

I smile tightly. "No, just my leg isn't used to extra weight." I gesture to my foot that's in a cast. I've only been back for less than fifteen minutes and she's already managed to get on my last nerve.

She latches onto my arm and grins a grin that would've had me thinking about her for the rest of the day. But I don't even pay attention to her. I've got Emma, after all. "So, tell me what you did without me! Who did you see? Who'd you meet?"

I carefully pry Joy's hand away from my arm and make her look at me with her full attention. "Joy, I have a girlfriend now."

She looks offended. "What? But I thought I was your girlfriend!"

"No," I correct. "I told you in the beginning, when we first met, that I'm not going into something serious and deep with you. And you agreed. Remember?"

She pouts. "I don't want that, though! I've never wanted that! You know I want more!"

"Yes, but I'm not giving you more."

She seems to get over her displeasure super quickly because she brightens the next second and chirps, "So who's the lucky girl?"

I smile, thinking of Emma. "Her name is Emma," I say. "She's a senior in high school."

Joy's face pulls into a disgusted frown. "Why a high school girl, Gabriel? There are so many hot college girls here!"

"I was actually not looking for a girlfriend. It just happened," I reply.

She keeps prying me for more information about Emma, when Landon and Hunter waltz past us. "Heya, brother," Hunter calls out.

I widen my eyes and try to gesture at Joy without her noticing. I signal an SOS sign to my brothers, hoping that they would receive my message and come save me from this annoying leech. Hunter just looks at me with a confused look on his face, batting his eyes, puzzled.

Landon understands immediately and I love him for that. He calls out, "Hey, I need some help with something, Gabe! Can you help me?"

I nod and smile a relieved smile at Joy. I try to look as apologetic as possible. "Sorry, Joy," I say. "Duty calls."

She pouts. "Okay, fine! I'll see you around! Welcome back again!" She gives me a quick peck on the lips and saunters off to find her next victim.

Landon laughs as I approach them. "You look like a caged animal there, Gabe. Are you afraid of a girl?"

I scowl at him. "I'm not scared of her," I say. "I dislike her, that's all."

"If I tell Emma, she's gonna be real jealous," Hunter taunts.

I want to strangle him. You better not tell her. She's going to be so pissed."

Landon rolls his eyes and makes his voice sound like he's talking to a baby. "Aw! Emma made little Gabwiel sound like a wimp! She's gonna be so upset! Boo-hoo!"

I glare at my brother. "Shut up, Landon. You obviously don't know a thing about love. You haven't had it hit you upside the head yet. You're just jealous of my relationship with Emma."

"Of what?" he snorts. "Having an annoying girl all over me? No thanks, I'll pass."

My brother obviously doesn't understand anything about love. Neither does Joy. She doesn't realize that it doesn't matter that I'm a sophomore in college and Emma is a senior in high school. What matters is that we love each other so deeply. All it matters is that we have a lasting love. Who cares how many years we have between us? I mean, it's not like it's a five hundred year difference. We're only three years apart. Come on!

I separate myself from my brothers and go to my first class back in college. I try to concentrate. I really do but I can't. Emma hangs in every thought of mine for the rest of the day.

Emma POV

School without Gabriel around is boring. Thea and I came out as twins and the school gave us different schedules so the teachers wouldn't mix us up. We only share two of our classes throughout the entire day.

During study hour, I text Gabriel to see how he's doing. My answer comes back thirty seconds later: I'm ok.

What r u doing now? I text him.

Nothing. Just sitting in class thinking about u.

I send him a smiley face to show how pleased I am to hear that.

You're haunting me! I won't b able to learn anything if all I'm thinking about is u!

I grin and look up to make sure the teacher isn't looking at me. When I see that he's not, I go back to texting Gabriel.

So, what's up? What are you doing now? he asks.

I have study period now. I'm so bored. I miss you. :(

Me too. Too bad I have a whole semester ahead of me until I can see you again.

:( Ik. There's no breaks that you get to go home for?

Nope. Sorry. I wish we had Christmas all over again or something so I can see you.

"Emma Devons! Please put your phone away!" the teacher calls.

I look up guiltily. "Yes, sir."

I type a quick ttyl to Gabriel and put away my phone.

Shona and Sabine look over my shoulder and roll their eyes at me. "Ugh, Emma! Can you be social please? You're, like, always on your phone now," Sabine complains.

"Totally!" Shona agrees. "Hang out with us."

I plaster a bright smile on my face that I don't feel. "Okay, so what do you guys have in mind?"

The girls look at each other with wicked grins on their faces. "Shopping!!"

Hey guys, sorry this chapter is so short. It's a filler. Next chapter will be better, promise.
Anyway, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter! I'll see you all soon with Chapter 18!


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