Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones to help you back up."

Emma POV

I climb into Landon's black Charger and he whistles as soon as he sees me. "Hey, gorgeous! How you doing'?"

I laugh at his impression of Joey from Friends. "Hey, Lan. Let's go."

He slicks his gelled up hair back with his hands and wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Aren't you going to comment on my devastating good looks?"

I crack a forced smile when that reminds me of Gabriel and how attractive I find him.
Once we're inside the club, we immediately find our way to the dance floor. Landon's a great dancer and I'm not the only one who realizes it. Many girls stop by us and give him their number, flirt and drop hints about wanting to get together. This one girl even asks him straight up. In front of me.

But despite the fact that Landon's being hit on constantly, we have a good time.

The music blares through the speakers and I feel all my frustration and pain fall away. My hands float above my head and I let myself lose my defenses on the dance floor. Landon's been batting girls away for the entire length of time that we've been here but I wave him away when he shoots me a frown and a protective look. Finally, with Landon gone, I dance by myself. Not that being alone bothers me. Not really. I close my eyes and let the beat pull me away. My body has a mind of its own and moves in time to the rhythm.

I haven't had much to drink thanks to Landon's constant reminder that this isn't my grandmother had in mind when she told me to go have fun. But when he looks away, I sling a bunch of shots of something I don't even know.

At last, when my body feels like lead, all sweaty and barely walking straight, I leave the dance floor, shoving my way through the mass of bodies. When I finally make it past everyone, I leave the club for some fresh air.

Outside, I pass by a making out couple and a deep pang of longing hits my chest and I rub at it until it goes away.

Vision blurry, my speech slurred, I walk right into a solid wall and when I look up, there's an insanely hot guy staring down at me. His green eyes sparkle under his dark hair, which is cropped close to his head. He looks sort of familiar, through that hazy fog. In an instant, my foggy brain calculates his age and I come up with twenty-five. This guy looks twenty-five; at least that's what my groggy brain is thinking.

His lips curl into a slow smile. "Hey there, sexy thing. What're you doing all alone?"

My hazy brain is so out of it, I'm not even feeling those stranger-danger alarms inside my head. "I'm not alone," I slur. "I'm here with someone. But I needed air."

"Where's your friend?" he asks.

"Inside still. His name is..." I scrunch up my nose in thought. "Um, his name is... Um, something that starts with an 'L'. I don't really remember. Whatever."

"How much have you had to drink?" this sexy G-d asks me.

"Not much," I try to tell him. "I've only had a shot of vodka, a shot of tequila and a few other shots. That's it."

The guy rubs a hand across his short hair. "That's a lot, beautiful."

"Nu-uh," I try protesting. My vision swims for a second but I shake my head, not wanting to pass out in front of this gorgeous man.

"Come on, let's go inside and find your friend to take you home."

"Mmmmmm...." My eyes shut involuntarily and I'm out.

Emma POV

   I don't know how long I was out for, or where I am but when I come to, I find myself in an unfamiliar location. I'm on a couch and when I open my eyes all the way, I wince at the light pouring in through the window. A face peers down at me in concern.

   A super hot guy is sitting next to me and I flush with embarrassment. Oh g-d, please tell me I didn't sleep with him!

   "Hey, feeling better?" he asks.

   I make the mistake of nodding, and my vision swims and my head pounds like I was just run over by a truck. "Where am I?" I ask through gritted teeth. "Who are you?"

   "You slammed into me at the club yesterday and I brought you to my house since you passed out before you could show me who you came with," the hot guy says. "What's your name anyway? I didn't catch it last night before you knocked out."

   I blush at the mention of me passing out in front of this jaw dropping man. "Emma. Emma Stone."

   "I'm Jet. Jet Haddix. Do you remember what happened last night?"

   The last name rings in my head and I wonder where I heard it from. I look around slowly and gingerly shake my head. Jet notices my wince every time I move my head and he slaps his forehead. "Oh g-d, I'm such an idiot. One sec." He gets up and I admire his backside without him seeing me check him out. He comes back a minute later with a cup of water and two Aspirins.

   I swallow them down quickly and smile gratefully at him. Then something occurs to me. "Where's Landon?"


   "Landon," I repeat, just in case Jet hadn't hear me the first time.

   "Oh, are you talking about the guy you came with? You were muttering his name last night when I asked who you came with but you didn't seem to remember it. Anyway, who's Gabriel?"

   I feel myself blush until the roots of my hair. "How do you know Gabriel?"

   He grins at my reaction. "I don't know him but you kept muttering his name while you slept."

   I stare at him in horror. "Gabriel? Gabriel Devons? Ugh! I can't believe I was muttering that ass's name!"

   Jet sounds and looks really surprised, as if he's familiar with Gabriel. "Gabriel Devons? Who is he? Ex- boyfriend?"

   I snort. "Yeah, sure. He's an arrogant, selfish d*ck who only sees himself."

   Jet smiles sympathetically. "I know the type, trust me." He sighs. "Anyway, do you want a ride home?"

   I get up and stumble. "Where's your bathroom? I'm gonna be sick," I moan.

   He quickly directs me to the bathroom and I reach it there in time, before I vomit.

   Once I feel slightly better, Jet meets me by the front door with a cup of coffee. "Here you go," he says, handing it over to me and opening the door. He grabs his keys and locks the door behind me, before leading me to a sleek, beautiful BMW. He opens the passenger seat for me and I smile gratefully at him. Wow, he's gorgeous and he's chivalrous? Gabriel should take lessons.

   While he drives, he says, "I suggest washing your face before you face your parents. They'll flip."

   I keep in a snort. I never knew my dad; he skipped out on me and my mom when I was barely able to walk. My mom died when I was twelve years old, my grandfather died shortly after and now it's just me and Grama. And even though we both like pretend that Grama's fine, she's not, and her cancer is slowly, slowly eating her up. Her skin tone is pale and she's so thin and weak and tired all the time. Her breathing has become so heavy and I'm constantly afraid that Grama's days are almost at an end. 

I try not to think about that as Jet drops me off at my house and I thank him profusely for his hospitality and kindness. He winks at me and gives me his number, writing it in my palm. His skin is warm and feels nice. "Call me, princess. Anytime."

   With that last comment, he drives down the street, disappearing in the early morning haze.

Hey everybody! Hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 6. Yes, yes, I know, I ended it on a cliffhanger. (Evil cackle) The next chapter is really awesome but I'm going to keep my mouth zipped. Not saying a thing... Nope, not one word. Lol

If you can drop a comment or a vote, it would really make my day.

Anyway... See you all next time!

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