Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

"A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal."

-- Steve Maraboli

Emma POV

Grama is glad I had a good time, "as long as I didn't take any drugs." I reassure her that I'm just hung over and there's nothing to worry about.

Later, I drop by Thea's house, looking for Landon. I'm kind of hoping I can avoid Gabriel and Thea at all costs but of course, life isn't fair like that, so who opens the door? None other than the devil himself.

Gabriel's eyes widen when he sees me. "What the bloody hell happened to you?"

I glare at him. "Is Landon home?" I snap, so impatient to receive an answer. I don't know why I even asked him, since I saw Landon's Dodge in the driveway when I walked up.

I switch my question to a statement. "Landon's home, so I need to speak with him."

Gabriel makes a sweeping motion into the house mockingly and I fight the urge to growl at him. Jerk.

I go upstairs to Landon's room, where he's busy looking out the window with a spacey look in his eyes. As soon as he hears the door opening and closing behind me, he growls out, "I said I don't want anything, Thea."

I touch his arm gently. "It's not Thea," I say softly.

He spins around to face me, relief so evident on his face that I feel a strong pang of guilt hit me squarely in the chest. He hugs me fiercely and kisses me roughly on the head. "Oh, Emma. I was so worried about you! Where on earth did you disappear to last night?"

I shake my head and sit down on his bed once he lets go of me. He inspects me from head to toe to make sure I'm completely fine. "Long story short, I ended up passing out outside of the club and this guy that I was talking to before drove me to his house and then dropped me off at home this morning."

"A guy? A guy took you to his house?" Landon sounds livid and fire shoots up in his eyes.

I nod, not really understanding Landon's reaction. "Yeah, he helped me."

"You know what he wants in return, right? He figured he'd do something to help the pretty, helpless, drunk girl and she'll repay him with sex."

"Landon!! That's not--"

"You don't even know the guy! He could've been a rapist! You don't even know him! Didn't you ever hear the term, 'Stranger Danger'?"

"I did but--"

"But what, Emma?! Are you seriously trying to justify what you did? That was a stupid move on your part and you know that!"

"He wasn't a rapist, Landon! He was the perfect gentleman!"

Landon rolls his eyes. "You're so naive, Em! Any moron could sound sincere, sweetie!"

"You're an asshole, Lan," I spit at him.

He scrubs his face with his hand in frustration. "I'm sorry I'm being such a douche. I was just so worried about you."

I feel myself softening and I lean forward to kiss his cheek. "I get it, Lan. I do. I'm sorry I'm such an idiot."

He gives me another bone-crushing hug and picks me up from the ground.

"Landon!" I squeal. "Let me go! I can't breath!"

He sets me down and grins. "Alright, gorgeous, let's go downstairs."

We stop by the kitchen for some snacks. The kitchen is dark, except for a small ray of light coming from someone's laptop. The light reflects off Gabriel's face. There's faint music coming from his plugged-in earplugs.

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