Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

"Either you control your attitude or it controls you."

Emma POV

That whole day, I spend my time with Landon, the family clown. Over the last few weeks, Landon and I have become closer than I am with Thea.

For some reason, Landon has taken it upon himself to teach me self defense. His reasoning is, "You never know when you may need it."

Now, Landon shows me a new move for self-defense. He instructs me to warm up. After an order to relax, he goes into trainer mode and I follow his movements. This is the only time that I've ever seen the joking guy serious.

After I've become familiar with the move, we review it for a few more minutes, then he tells me I'm free to go. I grab my water bottle and start to head in when I see the drapes on the kitchen window fluttering shut.


Gabriel POV

I hear the shower running upstairs and wait impatiently for Emma to come out. I know I'm acting like an ass to her and wonder to myself, not for the first time, why in the world I'm reacting to her this way.

I know there were sparks of attraction when we first met and I think that's what scared me. But what annoys me now is that Landon and Emma have become really close and I feel like that's breaking our family apart. Before Emma came along, the Devons family got along well and we did everything as a family and with Emma here now, that wasn't the same.

And I saw how she practiced today with Landon. The way she moved with purpose and determination only made my attraction to her more real and strong. I didn't know if she felt it as well, but I'm not willing to act on my feelings.

After a few minutes in my own mind, I head upstairs to talk to her, and maybe explain myself to her, when I hear her soft, tinkling laugh coming from Landon's room. My mind instantly turns to something I don't want to think about. Is she there with Landon?

There's no noise coming from there now but then I hear rustling of sheets and then a soft moan that has me instantly hard. And then, I shake my head to clear it because now I'm thinking, 'Oh hell no! There is absolutely no way in hell that I was going to stand out here and listen to Emma and Landon going at it in my house!' Did she really think that she could come in here and seduce my brother right in his room? Not only was she taking up all his time from spending it with us, but now she was f*cking seducing my brother in his room!

That's it, I decide. I'm going in and beat Emma into a pulp. And Landon. What is he even thinking? I reach for the door knob, when suddenly, I hear a soft yelp of pain. "Ow, Landon, not too hard!" Emma squeals.

That only fuels my burning fire. Uh uh. No way. This definitely wasn't happening. Without allowing myself to think about what's really going on in Landon's room, I barge in, feeling steam coming out of my ears and every pore. I stop short when my eyes fall on Landon and Emma on the bed. Landon's hands pause over Emma's back and his puzzled expression freezes his hands and stops the f*cking MASSAGE he's giving Emma.

Emma turns her head around to look at me but when she notices it's just me, she looks away and doesn't say anything. That burns, even though I acted like a complete ass to her first. It stings somewhere deep and I look to Landon with venom in my eyes and voice, when I spit, "Hey, Lan." Then I turn on my heel and leave the room.

Emma POV

I haven't seen much of Gabriel, but then I didn't have time to really notice his absence. Hanging out with Landon really took up much of my time, outside of school. Our friendship turned into slightly more when he gathered enough courage to ask me out on a date. YES, A FREAKING DATE!!!

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