Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

"I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you."

Thea POV

The week passes uneventfully but Emma and Gabriel are acting really strange. They would lock themselves up for hours at a time in Gabriel's room. Then they would leave the house for a few more hours and return late into the evening. Honestly, I think they are spending way too much time together. They need to detach a bit. I'm happy for them and all but I think that they're going too fast. They don't seem to go anywhere without the other lately. Ever since last week. What happened between them? Had they slept together? 

As soon as that thought comes into my mind, I shove it away with all the force that my brain has. That is honestly an image that I don't need in my head. My brother and sister getting it on. Blech.

But honestly, that's the only thing that I can imagine. Last week, after their date, Emma walked into the house glowing like a lightbulb. 

I watch my brother and Emma carefully for the next few days. They would leave in the mornings and come back late at night, laughing about something secretive.

It's Friday when I watch Emma cleaning the table after dinner. Gabriel walks in, kisses my forehead, then walks over to kiss Emma deeply. He encircles his arms around her waist as she washes the dishes. She releases a happy, content laugh and leans back into him. He rests his chin on her shoulder and kisses her neck.

I cough loudly to remind them not to start making babies right in front of me. I groan. Ugh! They're so in love, why don't they just get married?

After a bit, the kissing stops and I feel that my brother and sister are having a "telepathic" connection. They're discussing things without even saying a word. Their eyes seem to be communicating. 

I stand up to leave but Gabriel calls me back. He makes me sit back down and tells me that whatever they are going to tell me needs to be kept a complete secret. None of the other boys could know so I agree. I'm a pretty good secret keeper.

Gabe and Emma glance at each other and then Emma takes a deep breath. As she raises her hand, I instantly notice the beautiful, thin, yet classy diamond ring. It sparkles brilliantly under the kitchen lighting. I gasp before she even tells me... "Gabe and I are engaged."

I stare at them in shock. "Engaged?!?!?!" I whisper. Only moments before, had I been thinking that they were so in love, they should just get married!

"Yes, are you're the only one that knows this so don't tell the boys, okay?"

I nod stiffly, breaking eye contact with them. This is ridiculous! They're moving waaaaay too fast! They've only dated... Wait, it's already been one and a half years. So why does it feel like it's been too fast?

Emma frowns at my reaction. "Say something," she says.

I can't even speak. This is one of the rare moments when I'm utterly speechless. I can't find any words to describe my shock.

Gabe takes Emma's hand and shoots me a disgusted look. "So?"

I close my mouth and take a deep breath, licking my lips, trying to regain my voice. When my words return to me, I speak. "You're getting married," I repeat stupidly.

"Yeah." That brilliant smile reappears on my sister's face and I smile back weakly. "Isn't that so exciting?"

"Yeah. Fabulous," I reply without any enthusiasm.

Emma frowns at me and leave the kitchen to accept a phone call. Gabriel leans forward and hisses at me. "What's the matter with you? Emma is so happy and all you can manage is a crappy, non-enthusiastic reply? Come on, Thea. Enough with the petty jealousies! She's family. I thought you only want happiness for your family. Doesn't seem so now. Or are you just jealous?"

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