Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

Emma POV

As Gabriel opens the car door for me, I look up and smile at him. What strikes me as odd is the strange look in his eyes. It's a blend of mysteriousness and excitement. Nervousness.

After seeing the nervousness in his eyes, I start getting nervous too. What did he do to make him nervous? We only drank a glass of wine- albeit the best wine I ever had in my life- each so neither of us are drunk. I glance at the MPH level every so often, making sure we aren't speeding, but sure enough, ten minutes onto the road, we were pulled over by a cop.

"ID and registration pleas," the young, dark cop requests. This one looks new to the job because he doesn't have a belly from the donuts. I crack a nervous smile at my attempt of a joke.

Gabriel gives his information to the officer with a strange, calm, yet nervous and excited expression on his face. We wait. With each passing second, I'm getting more and more tense as the air in the car becomes more charged with nervous energy. When the officer looks up again, he says, seriously, "Sir, ma'am, please step out of the car."

I shoot a terrified look at my boyfriend. I know that we weren't speeding because I made sur of that. We didn't drink too much; of that I was certain. So what were we being stopped for? I step out and Gabriel comes over to my side.

"What did you do?" I hiss at him.

The cop motions Gabriel to the trunk of the Chevy and orders him to open it.

With shaking hands and feet, I turn my back to the two guys. What did Gabriel do? I close my eyes. G-d, I hope he didn't murder someone and stuff the body into his trunk...

Wow, where the hell did that come from?


I don't turn around at the sound of Gabriel's voice. My heart is pounding so hard that I half wonder why he can't hear it. I'm surprised to even hear Gabriel's voice at all, over the ruckus my heart is making.


Again, I ignore him.

A hand lands on my arm but I blindly shove it away. "Em. Turn around. Please. Look at me." There's a desperate note to his voice and that makes me turn around. Slowly, I turn around, afraid of what I would see. Gabriel with handcuffs, a dead body, illegal drugs. But I see none of that. Instead, I see.............................

Gabriel, on one knee, a beautiful, simple diamond ring nestled inside an open, velvet box in his hand.

Suddenly, all air punches out of my lungs and I struggle to breath. What does this mean? My mind is too muddled to think straight.

Gabriel. On one knee. Proposing. To me. I'm being proposed to. By my boyfriend. Gabriel. Holy sh*t. No. This can't be. I can... This can't be happening... H-How is this even happening?

Tears spring into my eyes, burning the back of my eyes. My hand flies to my mouth as my tears fall down my cheeks. I-I-I can't... This isn't real. It can't be!

"Emma." The soft quietness of Gabriel's voice draws me back to the present, into my own body. "I love you. I've never met anyone like you. You pulled me in from the first moment I saw you staring back at me in Thea's driveway. Obviously, I hadn't known that you two were different people at that time but when I officially met you in the backyard, I knew. You are my one and only, my love, my heart, my life. Emma Devons-Stone, will you marry me?"

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