Author's note

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   Hey, everyone! New book written by muah! It is a completed book; it's already written on paper and all I have to do is type it up... When I find time. So please, bear with my crazy schedule of publishing the chapters.

   This book switches between several point of views- mainly between the main characters, Thea, Gabriel and Emma. (It just happens to be that the main character's name is Emma Stone but this is not a fanfic!)
   Grammatical errors are for sure there so please, if you come across one, please let me know- drop a comment so I can perfect my story.
   I also write many other books, so check them out. (The genres differ.)

Please, please vote and comment. It shows if you like my work and it'll really make me happy ;)

This book really has come a long way since its original, which I wrote in 10th grade 😊. After this book is finished being posted on Wattpad, I'm planning on editing it, to build up my characters more, like Thea's brothers. In any case, now that I'm done my long rant, I'll let you get to the first chapter.

   Enjoy this book! It's one of my faves. I know I enjoyed the process!😊

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