Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you."

Emma POV

I walk into my new school nervously. Looking around, I immediately realize that it's ten times as big as my old school. My gaze falls on a couple, making out by some lockers and my guy clenches. Great, this was never an issue at my old school, Shelter Rock High. PDA was frowned upon there. More than frowned upon. It resulted in a suspension, which wasn't worth it for that display of affection. 

As soon as I enter the school, I hear, "Thea! There you are! We've been looking for you!"

I step in cautiously, not wanting to get bulldozed over by whoever is looking for the person named Thea.


I see the office a few steps away and start heading toward it, when I'm yanked by an arm. I turn around to face two girls. "Hello? Thea? What's the matter with you? We've been calling you for the past half hour!"

I look back to see if maybe they were talking to someone behind me. When I realize that there was no one behind me, I swallow and quietly say, "Um, hi?"

"'Um, hi'?! Thea! Did you have, like, an amnesia during the weekend or something?"

Why exactly were they calling me Thea? Who was that? And what did they want from me?

I look between the two girls. "Um, I'm not-"

The blonde one rolls her eyes. "I'm Sabine and this is Shona. Your best friends? What's up with you? Did you seriously get hit by amnesia, or something?"

I shake my head and say what they want to hear. "Sorry, I'm just out of it today."

They glance at each other and shrug, walking away.
With a major sigh of relief, I turn around to face the office. After receiving my class schedule, I walk to my first class.

Just before I walk into my class, I get yanked away. I'm dragged to the gym. A bunch of guys stand in front of me, a pleading look in each of their eyes.

One guy comes forward. "Thea, please, we need your help. There's some dude that keeps pushing us around for being part of the math team. Can you please, please do something to stop it?"

Okay, I'm officially lost. Who is this Thea, who everyone seems to know and who seems to be the center of attention and help?

"Oh, I'm not Thea," I stammer.

The guys give me strange looks. "Yes you are!" one insists.

"No I'm not! I don't know who this girl is!"

They back away, whispering amongst themselves. Some turn back to me and give me weird looks.

What's that all about?

I pick up a basketball and bounce it hard, annoyed. "I'm not Thea!"

A new voice joins mine. "No. But I am."

I whirl around and gasp. I'm standing in front of myself! The exact copy of myself.

She looks just as shocked to see me as I am to see her. She stomps over to me and yanks at my hair.

I wince. "What are you doing?"

"Wanted to see if you were a fake," my replica says with attitude. "I'm Thea Devons, as you probably already know."

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