Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

"You shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever."

Emma POV

  Thea and the boys are invited over during the weekend. I have a lot of home and school work to catch up on, but Gabriel stays with me.

   The day before our agreed day to meet, I study my speech about what I plan to say to them, about ten times. Gabriel watched me in silence the entire time and now he speaks up. "You're not eating again, Emma. My siblings don't need such a fancy explanation. Yo don't even need a whole speech to do it."

   I shrug my shoulders and begin at the top of my speech again, as if he hasn't said anything.

   He stand up and places his hands on my shoulders. "Emma, you need to eat something. I'm worried about you. Eat. Now." He points to my still-warm food that rests on my nightstand but I glance at it in disdain.

   When I shake my head at the food, Gabriel crosses his arms across his broad chest and shakes his head stubbornly too. "No, then no. Eat your dinner and I'll give you your speech back."

   I sigh and sit down on my bed. I'm so nervous for tomorrow. What if they don't believe me? I can't bring Grama back from the dead to tell them herself. What if they don't want another sister and don't accept me into their family for real? What if they decide they don't like me anymore and they won't talk to me? What if they laugh and think I'm delusional? What if they make fun of the fact that I fell into a depression after my not-even-biological grandmother passed away.

   Gabriel taps my shoulder. "I'm waiting," he says.

   I pick up my fork reluctantly and start eating half-heartedly. When I finish, he's grinning at me with his self-satisfied grin. Truth to be told, I'm glad that he took my paper from me. I don't want to practice my speech anymore. Now, I want Gabriel to hold me. To kiss me. To make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world for him. (DO NOT START SINGING THAT SONG BY RIHANNA!!) The way he's staring at me hungrily makes me think that he's thinking the same thing.

   He steps a little closer and places a warm and heart melting kiss on my lips. "Come on. Don't you want to review your speech another ten times?"

   I pull him closer, enjoying the sweet and musky scent that's all Gabriel. "Not anymore."

   He pulls back slightly, chuckling, his gray eyes sparkling with amusement. "Had I known that kissing you would get such a positive response from you and get you to stop reviewing your dumb speech, I wouldn't have tried so hard."

   I laugh. "Maybe. Too bad you were trying to get me to stop reviewing my speech the hard way."

   Gabriel growls playfully and pushes me onto my bed and tickles me until I'm gasping for air and tears are in my eyes.

   He pulls away, smiling. For the first time since I met him, his eyes are shining. Alive and happy. "Come on, Princess. Let's go to bed. You'll want to study in the morning before they come."

   I know he's teasing me but when he called me "Princess", in reminds me of Jet Haddix. I need to call him and see how he's doing.

   I go to change in the bathroom and take my phone with me. After changing into my pajamas, I dial Jet's number.

   He answers almost immediately. "Hello?"

   "Hi, is this Jet?" I ask, even though I know it is. As if I could forget his voice.

   "Yes, who's asking?"

   "This is Emma Stone, the one you helped at the club a while back."

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