Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"My best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time."

Emma POV

As I pulled into Thea's driveway, I see another car doing the same. Into the same driveway as me. I climb out at the same time as the driver of the other car does too. My jaw drops as I take in his appearance.

His dark brown hair is swept across a tanned forehead, light gray eyes glittering in the sunlight. His lips are full, nose perfectly sculpted to fit his face and cheekbones sharp. Through his tight T-shirt, I can make out a hard toned stomach and chest. He's tall and lean, gorgeous and built. So much so, that he reminds me of an underwear model or something. He looks completely out of place in an ordinary setting like Thea's driveway.

Who is this gorgeous male specimen anyway? And what's he doing in Thea's driveway?

He grins at me as soon as he sees me. "Hey, Thea! Miss me?" I swallow when I hear his deep voice. His smooth, sexy, liquid lava voice gives me chills that run all through my body. "What, you're too good for me? I don't get a hug?" he teases.

I have no idea who this g-d is, but I walk into his open arms. His arms close around me and I feel his body warmth seep into me, through my clothes. I shiver. I never knew that I could react like this to a guy. He has an amazing guyish scent, woodsy, faint cologne and like men's body soap. Yum...

He pulls back with a cocky smirk. "That's record time for our hugs! Guess you really missed me."

I smile sheepishly. "I guess." I swallow hard again. My first words to him are 'I guess'?! What the hell was wrong with me? Here this guy is giving me hugs and claims to have missed me and all I say is 'I guess'?! I'm such an idiot!

Then, an inner voice yells at me, "Say I missed you too! Say something! Or else you'll be standing here awkwardly and this gorgeous g-d will leave you! Snap out of it!"

I finally give the gorgeous man a smile and hope it isn't a grimace. "I missed you!"

His smirk widens. "I could tell." He looks around and his gaze drops on a silver Lexus that I haven't noticed before. "Guess Nick beat me here. Honestly, the way he speeds out of the parking lot after school, you'd think someone's chasing him!"

I giggle, even though I have no idea what this gorgeous man is saying. He sounds so damn sexy, I just want to sit here and listen to him speak all day.

He turns to me, with a spark in his eyes that has me tingling. Mm, dayum, what I wouldn't do for a piece of this man. Then I catch myself. What the hell am I thinking? Obviously, this guy is unavailable if he's here for Thea. He's probably her boyfriend and I have no right to ogle him like this.

He throws an arm over my shoulder. "Well, what are we waiting around for? Let's head in."


Once we're inside, he goes to his room to settle in.

I go to find Thea. She's curled up on the couch in the room next to the kitchen, waiting for me. When she sees me, she gets up. "I really gotta pee. Stay here until I get back. If my brothers ask where my friend is, say she's in the bathroom."

My brow furrows. "Why are we keeping this from them, again?"

She spears me with a look. "They'll have too many questions that we can't answer."

"You wouldn't understand," she says and leaves the room, after looking both ways by the door. Then she disappears.

A moment later, a different guy- not the gorgeous g-d I met outside- sticks his head into the room. This guy is also good looking, and looks nothing at all like the Abercrombie model I met earlier. While the other one had grey eyes and dark brown hair, and muscles galore, this one had brown eyes, dark hair and thinner. Their facial structures were different and I knew that the guy from earlier was definitely not Thea's brother.

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