Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

"People you care about most in life are taken from you too soon."

Gabriel POV

All I see is light. In it, I see both my sisters- Thea and Emma. A slight breeze is in the air and I feel like I can finally breath. The meeting around us is beautiful and peaceful. Bright colored flower beds rest under my feet and I inhale the sweet scent of the plants.

Emma looks a little creepy, like a zombie, all vacant and empty-looking. 

Thea looks sad and upset. "Come back," she whispers. Her voice cracks and tears run down her face. It breaks me to see my sister crying like that. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. Please come back."

I cock an eyebrow at her, remaining silent and the whole image begins to fade. Emma continues staring at nothing with that same vacant look in her eyes. She doesn't even wave good-bye. Everything fades into the bright light and I see nothing once more.

Thea POV

I go to school for the next month, every day a brand new struggle for me. After school every single day, I visit Emma and Gabriel. Unfortunately and fortunately, there's no news, either good or bad, about either of them.

Landon comes into Gabriel's room now while I'm visiting. These visits really consist of me staring at my vegetable sister and foster brother in their beds. Emma looks equally still and doctors are starting to get worried. Either of them should've woken up by now.

My brother slips his arm around my shoulders and stares at Gabriel too. "They're not healing, are they."

I sigh and stand up. "No. I'm so worried. They should've shown some sign of change by now."

Landon smiles gently but sadly at me. "Give them time, Thea. Give them time. They'll recover." But even though Landon tries to remain positive, I know that he's just as doubtful that they'll wake up.

Hunter saunters in as well and hugs me. "Hey. No new news on either of them?"
I shake my head, then pause. "Wait. What are you guys still doing here? Shouldn't you be in college?" I ask, confused.

Hunter shrugs. "We finished our semester already and we're not going back until they wake up." They don't add "or they die".

Landon looks at me as if I just grew a pair of horns on my head and wings on my back. "Do you not see a family crisis right now? How will we pay attention to school if we have Emma and Gabriel on our minds?"

I shrug, just as Nick comes in. "No news?" he asks. He looks very drained.

The boys and I shake our head and Nick sighs. "For the love of G-d," he moans, his voice cracking.

I leave the room, unable to stand there with full grown, tough guys that are on the verge of breaking down.

I bump into Gabriel and Emma's doctor on my way out of Gabe's room and he gives me a relieved smile and informs me that Emma has started to recuperate and will be moved out of the ICU soon. Roy hops up from the waiting room. "Hey," he says, coming up beside me.

I nod in his response, not in the mood to talk.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" he asks. "We'll bring some back for your brothers."

I nod again and take a deep breath before speaking. I really appreciate the gesture. He's being extremely kind and patient with me. "Sure," I reply. "Let's go."

Emma POV

All I've heard for weeks now are voices. I was out for so long I don't even know what day, month or year it is anymore. All I remember is climbing into the car with Gabriel to bring Thea back home. Gabriel and I were so worried about her so we went on a drive around town and that's all I remember.

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