Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedacated to SarcasmRocks! Thanks for reading and commenting.

I slowly walked down the stairs of the big house with Ally. Feeling ver self conscious. What if the other brothers hated me? I thought.

"Does my eye look bad"? I asked for the hundredth time.

"No not at all. You just have a little bit to much make up on it". She said. sounding a little aggravated.

"Sorry I know it's annoying but I I I don't want to look stupid and like a girl who likes to fight". I stuttered.

"It's alright the family will love you. Well everyone but Connor. He doesn't like anyone really so don't take it personal". Ally said as we reached the end of her massive staircase.

"Hi Caitlin nice to see you again. Let me introduce my self since my son for got to last time.I'm Lily". She said in a cheery voice.

Lily was beautiful. She didn't look a day over 25. She had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes with some what tan skin. She looked a lot like Ally and Eric.

"I'm Billy. Lilys husband". A handsome man who again looked very young. He had black hair emerald green eyes and tan skinned. He was very tall like 6feet 4 inches.

"I'm Mike". A tall boy said. He wasn't as tall as his dad but he was pretty close. He looked just like his dad except his eyes looked were a bluish green.

"Well you already know me" Eric said getting up and hugging me. It made me blush a deep red and a boy who hadn't introduced himself grunt and give me a sneer. I guessed he was Connor.

"That douche over there is Connor". Ally said.

"Ally don't call your brother a douche at the dinner table". Lily said. It made my mouth drop down a little in shock at fragile Lily saying douche.

"Ok mom". Ally said.

"Alright let's eat". Billy said

"Hon you'll sit between Eric and Ally". Lily said.

"Ok". I said.

As we sat down I stared in awe at the meal prepared before me. There were two chickens, a ham, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans and rolls. It was a huge feast for a family of this size.

Ally seeing my shocked face whispered "These boys eat like pigs".

"Ohh". I giggled.

The plates with food were slowly passed around the table. Like Ally said the boys piled there plates high with food. So the girls got to get there food first. We all waited in till the last person to get food was down then we ate. The dinner was pretty much silent except for me and Allies

whispering. All during the dinner Connor shot me dirty looks. He was the first one done with dinner. He walked through the door to the kitchen and ran the water. When he came back out he headed to the front door.

"Were are you going Connor"? Lily yelled.

"I'm going to see Taylor". He called back.

"No your not". Lily said.

"What ever". He said and opened the front door stepped out and slammed it close.

"Screw him". Ally said. Let's go get are plates cleaned up. I got up out of my chair and followed Ally to the kitchen.

When we finished with our plates we headed to Allys room.

"Here's a towel. I bet you want a shower". Ally said. I nodded gratefully. Here's some pjs". I rook the folded clothes from her. "I'm taking a shower in my bathroom. There's a bathroom eight doors down from here that you can use".

"Thanks". I said walking towards the door to the hall as she walked to her bathroom.

Walking in the hall way was like walking in a maze. So I counted the doors till I got to eight. When I opened the door what I saw shocked me. The room wasnt a bathroom it was a boys room. I know I should have just walked right away from the room but curiosity got the best of me so I walked in and silently closed the door. The room was a shade of blue. (Typical boy room.) there was a king size bed like 30 feet in front of the door with a black Comforter and black and navy blue pillows. There was a little office thing on the left side of the room just like Ally's. Except the colors were blue and black. Then on the left side was an entertainment center thing. It had a black rug and a blue couch. On the wall was a flat screen T.V. And a stereo system was hooked up to a shelf. There were also a ton of game systems like the X-box and play station.

"What the he'll are you doing in my room". A deep voice screamed. It was Connor.

"I.I.I.Im sorry I was just curious and I thought this room was a bathroom". I stuttered dropping my voice as I got to the bathroom part.

"Well it's obviously not a bathroom". He said.

I turned around fast and speed walked to the door.

"Don't come in here again. Ok". He said softly.

"Of course".

I counted eight doors on just Allys side of the wall this time. I actually made it to a real bathroom this time. I wasnt shocked at what I saw. This room like every room in the house was beautifully decorated. The walls were a pale yellow and there was both a tub and a huge shower. I looked in the shower and seen no shampoo,conditioner, or soap. So I checked under the sink and found a variety of different shampoos and stuff. I chose the vanilla smelling stuff. I hoped into the shower and thought it was kinda awkward that I was showering in a house full of boys. I hurriedly washed my self and stepped out of the shower, dried my self off and put the pjs on. The pants were navy blue with abercombie written on the left thigh in white. There was also a white tank top with a dear over my boob. Both things still had tags on them. I walked with my dirty clothes and towel in my hand to Ally's room.

"What took you so long"?

"I went into the wrong room and it was your brother Connors room and he yelled at me". I rushed out.

"Ohh I should of told you to only count the doors on my side of the hall way. I'm so sorry". She sighed.

"Its ok". I said.

"Here's a brush. You need one". She said throwing one at me.

I caught it on top of the dirty clothes.

"Oh you can keep the clothes I probably wont were them. Just toss me the towel". I flung the towel over to her and started to brush my hair. I looked over at the clock it was 11 I wonder how it had gotten so late. It seemed I had only been here for an hour or two.

"I don't know about you but I'm tired". She yawned.

"Yeah I am".

"Alright I'll show you to the guest room". She said heading out of the door.

She led me to the door next to the bathroom I had used.

"Nitey nite Cait". She said hugging me.

"Nite see you in the morning". I said.

"Alright love ya". She called out while she walked back to her room.

"Kk love ya too". I yelled back. Feeling happy that I had another friend besides Rose who told me they loved me.

"Could you two shut up". Connor yelled.

"Don't be a dick". Ally yelled back.

No answer was heard to that.

I slipped into the room and shut the door. It looked exactly like Ally's room except in purple. I padded softly to the bed and slipped under the warm comforter and fell easily into a deep sleep.

Authors Note

I'm so sorry I haven't updated since last week but I just didn't have the time to. I'm gunna start dedicating these chapters to the people with my favorite comments. So comment away :) and vote/fan plz it will really motivate me to wrote quicker and maybe longer chapters.

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