Chapter 4

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The moment I stepped out of the car there were gasps of the freak has a hot friend or do you think she'll give me the babes number? I shook my head at all of them. How stupid could they be They may become popular and completely desert me but they didn't seem like the type of people who like to sleep around.

"Hey. Can you show us to the office Lin"?Eric asked.

"Of course I can. Maybe you guys will get some classes with me". I replied.


It was very slow going trying to move through the growing mob of students of Lee High. The only high school in the town of Lee,Massachusetts.

"wow. Are the kids here always like that"? Ally questioned.

"No only when they see new ummm ummm good looking people". I stuttered.

"Hmmm that's stupid. Looks aren't everything".

"Were here".

Mrs.Rose the nicest secretary you could find in any school. She was in her late sixties with white hair and many wrinkles from smiling so much.

"What can I do for you dearies"? She asked.

"Were here for our schedules".Eric said.

"What's your names honey"?

"Eric and Allison Tomson". Eric replied.

"Here you go".

The moment they got there schedules I compared them to mine and we had all the same classes together. I squealed excitedly. Ally looked at me like I had two heads and Eric seemed losses.

"We have all the same classes together". I explained.

"yay". Sly said and did a little happy dance.

Brinnng Brinnnng.

"That's the bell come on I'll show you to your lockers there right by mine". I said and walked away.

The first class of the day was math. Of course I get to start a good day off with a crappy class but with my new friends I think math might just start to get interesting. During math I sat with Eric,Ally and one of my other friend Rose. Rose was really pretty with red hair that never frizzed,pale skin, and hazel eyes. Rose and Ally hit it of right away apparently they both liked to pull pranks on other people. I remember one time when I slept over her house she put make up all over her brother and made him go and get coffee. He actually went and got it and was surprised when the hot girl at the drive through laughed in his face when he asked for her number. By the time lunch came around I had never laughed so hard. Ally and Rose both kept making fun of the teachers. Eric was silent most of the day and only talked when his name was asked or when he was called in tothe office.

I found it odd they a guy like Eric was shy but what can I say anyone can be scared of crowds. At the end of the day there was another fight over if they were going to give me a ride. I hurriedly agreed when I was again threatened with being thrown Into the front seat again.

"Why do you guys insist to give me a ride? You just met me yesterday".

"You seem like a nice person". Whispered Eric.

"Your really nice it's really cold out and we thought you might want to get out of as much possible time with out your sister as you can". Ally said.

"Thanks that's really nice". I whispered.

Just then I realized the car had never stopped and we were pulling up to my house.

"Thanks for the ride".I yelled as they pulled into there drive way right across the street from me.

"Will see you tomorrow at 7:45". Ally called.

I tried as hard as I could to be silent and slip up the steps to my room. But the bodies coming out of my room stopped me short. I know I should have just walked away but the fact she was doing dirty things I'm my room probably on my bed. What I did next I don't know what caused it but the second I opened the door I saw everything clearer. All the colors were brighter and sadly what Taylor and that random boy were doing on my bed was so much clearer and for some reason that just made me angrier. I grabbed Taylor of her latest boy toy and whipped her to the ground.

"Who the he'll do you think you are". I screamed.

"I've put up with some much of your crap but not this". I said punching her in the face.

No screams were heard from her she got up still completely naked and yelled "You want to fight then let's fight"!

I wasn't scared for some reason I wanted to draw blood and Taylor was the cause of this strange need. Taylor took the first swinging and I dodged just missing her fist by inches. The minute I got up into my fighting stance she was there again throwing punches while I tried to avoid her swings and till she hit her mark she had hit me in my eye so hard i seen stars. This made something Inside me scream with rage and I sent my fist hurtling towards her face. I heard the sickening crunch before I seen the blood. She cried out in pain making a horrible part in me smile in satisfaction. I brought my knee up and hit her in the stomach her a crack erupt in the room. Then he was there. Eric came and grabbed me by the arms and dragged me into the hallway kicking and screaming.

Authors Note

Hey I figured I would be uploading on Wednesday because I was trying to make a really long chapter but then I realized I didn't want to much happening in one chapter because I don't want you to get bored with me and stop reading which will make me really sad. Umm plz plz plz tell anyone who you think will like my story about it cuz I rlly want to see more readers and other stuff..... Tell me how I'm doing and who's side your on Taylor or Caitlin? Does anyone have a sister like Taylor?

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