Chapter 22

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The room was painfully silent waiting for Connor's oppion of me. I looked at the floor afriad to stare in to his eyes and find out that he didn't approve of me or that I wasn't his mate just another girl he wanted to play with. It wasn't long maybe ten secounds and I was looking in to his eyes and feeling the rest of the world drowned out I didn't even notice Taylor come in. It literally felt like it was just me and Connor in the room. He slowly walked towards me and got on his knees until we were eye level.

"Now look at you". He whispered. "Your gorgeous. You will make all the female wolves jealous ".

At his words of praise the whole room let out a breath of air. Because if his words hadn't been of praise but of disdain then he would have been basically rejecting my wolf and me.

"Taylor look at you sister". My mom beamed. "Isn't she beautiful"?!

"Yea she sure is ". She replied sarcastically.

"Well enough of this lets take Cait on a run". Billy said.

The room was filled with excite whispers and tearing clothes as one by one everyone turned into a wolf. Ally came up and bumped heads with me. She was really excited I had finally turned so no we could talk in our minds and as long as we put a block up no one would here us.

"Your sisters jealous".Ally laughed inside of my head.

"Why is she jealous? There's no reason to be ". I replied.

"Oh Cait you beautiful I'm taking you to a mirror right now". Ally squealed and then started to walk off with me following right behind her.

"Will make this trip quick seeing as Connor's yelling at me to bring you back".Ally said.

As I stepped into my room and looked into the full length mirror I was surprised at what I saw. I was a pretty big wolf with shiny goldish brown fur and sparkling pure gold eyes with flecks of green. Everyone was right my wolf was beautiful to bad my human self couldn't be.

"Alright lets go". Connor voice boomed in my head. I could tell ally got the same message cause I could here them arguing back and forth. I slowly trotted out of the room leaving ally by her self.

The room was full of waiting wolves who wanted to run and seeing me got them all excited.

"Alright here is the rules for the night no hunting and no running out of the States border also Connor you will watch over caitlin. Mike gets Ally and Eric gets Taylor. I'm not saying you all cant run together I'm just saying who you boys are responsiable of". Billy said to us all we all told him we agreed with his rules and then we were off me and ally trying to see who was faster in a race I beet her by a foot and the teasing she got from everyone. Apparently she was the fastest in the pack and loved to show off. After about an hour of walking Ally wanted a remach that I happily agreed to. "Ready, set, GO"!!! Connor called for us. I was off already a little ahead of her. We were racing back to the house which is about 4 miles from were are now. Taylor as much as we didn't like her was invited tojoin us but she gave us an attitude saying we were to childish. The harder I pushed my self the more I thought and the more I thought the sadder I became. Me and my sister use to be best friends now were enemy's it was funny how things work out. I wonder if we could ever be friends again? I already knew the answer but it was worth pretending it was still a mystery. Of course I won the race to the house and we were all there before Billy, Lilly, and my mum. We all headed to our seperate room except for ally who was following me to mine. I needed to be taught how to turn back.

"Alright. First things first picture your human self. Don't make your self look any different Cait other wise you wont ever turn back"

I slowly formed a picture of my self while I pushed away all negative thoughts of my self in my head.

"Alright next start from your head down picture your wolf self human". She instructed.

That part was easy and I was soon huddled on the floor baked in human form. At that moment the guys thought it would be a good idea to ask if I was back to normal.

"Is she ready"? Connor yelled while walking in the room.

He seriously should've waited for the answer because Mike and Eric were right behind him. Connor eyes instantly flew to my baked body and he checked me out very obviously.

"Oh whit". Eric whistled. As Connor was becoming a very aroused human.

"I got him". Mike said while dragging Connor away from my room.

Authors note

Sorry guys for the wait I hope the chapter was good.

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