Chapter 12

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I walked to the yard with Ally, Billy and Connor. When we got there Connor wanted us all to turn around.

"Why". I asked.

"What do you think when we change are clothes like stay on"? Ally questioned.

"Ummm well yeah". I said.

"Nope so doesn't happen". Ally said.

"Yep so you better turn around before you see something you don't want to or do want to". Connor added quickly. "I would just change but mum said she was tired of picking up our clothes".

"Oh ok". I said and quickly turned around. At first all I could hear was Connors booming laugh echo all around the yard then there was the noise of bones popping and clicking back together. It sounded painful but there were no sounds of pain coming out of Connors mouth. As soon as the change started it ended. When I heard a howl from behind me I couldn't help but turn around and look at the huge creature that stood before me. I dropped to my knees and the majestic wolf whimperd at me in concern. Connors wolf was a sandy blonde color but on the right side of his face was a patch of purly white hair that went around his right eye then wrapped around his right ear and met up with the white surrounding his eye. I think he tought I was afraid of him because he slowly started to back up from me.

"No come back". I whispered.

Connor came bounding towards me. With a wolffy grin on his face.

He landed in front of me with his head resting on his front paws. I slowly moved intill I was sitting cross cross apple sauce on the ground. I gently move Connors heavy head into my lap. I gently moved my hand to the top of his head and patted the fur. I then slowly scratched behind his ear when Connor leaned up to my down cast face and licked me.

"Aww come on Connor. That's nasty"! I screeched.

He continued to lick me intill I was flat on my back with him in wolf form on top of me.

"Connor. Get off of me you fat dog". I wheezed.

"Close your eyes I heard". Ally said softly. I bet she was trying not to break the happy mood.

"Open them". Connor whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes afraid if I opened my eyes to quickly he might still be naked and I would get a picture of something I wasn't ready to see. Not that I would ever be ready to see him naked. Or would I.....

"Come on I'm fully clothed". Connor teased.

"You better be". I said.

"I promise". He said.

I opened my eyes all the way to see Connor standing right in front of me with his extended towards me. I grabbed his fingers and he pulled me up. He pulled me up so fast I landed softly with a thud against his chest.

"I knew I would have you falling all over me". He said with a cocky smile on his face.

I couldn't help but stare at him like he was an idiot in till I got the joke. I quickly pulled my self out of his chest.

"Way to go Connor had to go ruin the moment". Ally sighed.

"I know son. We were just about to give you two some alone time". Billy joked.

I couldn't help but blush at Billys words.

"Aww come on dad your making her blush". Ally giggled.

"Come on act serious now I'm sure she has questions. That she wants answers to". Billy said while chuckling to him self. "Follow me".

We followed Billy to two benches under a large oak tree. Connor took my hand and led me to the benches closest to the trunk of the tree. When he sat down I went to let go of his hand but he pulled me down on to his lap. I tried to get up but he let out a low moan that made me stop moving around. When I was sure he wouldn't make that noise again I started to try to move out of his lap he moaned a little louder than before.

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