Chapter 14

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I ended up staying in Ally's room because my smelled like paint. Let me tell you it was the best night of my life.

"Ally". I whispered.

"Yeah"? She said.

"Could you move your ass over so you scaly feet don't touch me"? I questioned being completely serious cause for a girl who likes lotion she sure didn't use it. Touching her feet was like touching sand paper.

"Ohh noo you didn't just say that". She said trying to be ghetto.

"Ohh yes I did girlfriend". I said trying to be ghetto right back.

Causing both of us to crack up laughing.

"Shhhh". I said still laughing causing my self to choke on my spit which made Ally laugh harder.

"When we were both quiet I whispered " Do you think we woke any one up"?

"Naah. This family could sleep through the end of the Earth". Ally whispered.


I had "These girls fall like dominos" by Nicki Manaj stuck in my head so I started to hum it and making funny faces.

"What the hell are you doing"? Ally laughed out.

"I don't really know". I said kinda confused. Which made her laugh even harder. Remembering what I had just been doing I started to laugh too.

We both went silent when we heard her door open. We grabbed the nearest things to us and got out of bed. I had grabbed some sort of perfume from off her bed side table.I couldn't help but panicked as I did this because it was really dark and I couldn't see about a inch away from my face and Ally with her werewolf sight didn't look like she could see either and she had something shoved up her nose so she wouldn't snore. Also what worried me was how someone got into the house without the Tomsons getting them. I mean i know there deep sleepers but god damn someone was in there house.She was on the other side of the bed so I couldn't see what she grabed. It looked kinda like the shape of a lamp. We slowly advanced on the figuring creeping in her room. I didn't need to take the cover off the perfume because it was already off so I just checked to make sure the spray thingy was facing our attacker. When I was close enough to the stranger I aimed for the top of the figure and sprayed and sprayed and sprayed in till my finger hurt from pumping the top. I heard a hiss of pain as I sprayed then some glass breaking as Ally hit the person over the head. Causing them to scream and bend down a little. I instantly tried to get them in the eyes and was pleased to hear a groan exscape from the things mouth.

"Could you two please stop". A familiar person groaned.

"Oh my god Eric. I'm so sorry". Ally said.

I walked over to the light and turned it on and seen Ally holding a broken white lamp in her hand and Eric with blood shot eyes and a cut on his forehead.

"Wow. Next time I come in here at night. I'll remember to bring a bat to defend my self". Eric said while rubbing blood away from the bottom of his already healing cut.

"What were you doing in here"?Ally asked.

"I wanted to join the party". Eric whimpered sounding like a hurt puppy. Well I guess he really was.

"What party are you talking about"? I said my voice filled with shock. We couldn't be as loud as a party could we?

"Whatever". Ally said. "You can stay but your on the floor".


"Well I'm going to grab the dust pan and throw out this lamp". Ally said and walked out of the room.

"What time is it"? I asked.

"It's like midnight". Eric said.

"Sorry if we woke you".

"You apologize for waking me up but not when you beatme with a freaking lamp and blind me with some horrible smelling perfume. What kind of a fucked up world are you from"? He jokingly questioned me.

"I'm really sorry about that".

"Yeah now you are". He grumbled. Which caused me to laugh. "And you didn't wake me up. I was just about to go to bed".

"Ahh. Well I guess I'm not that sorry then". I said with a small smile on my face.

Eric growled playfully at me then he tackled me to the floor. I couldn't help the girly sqeak that came out of my mouth. He pinned me to the floor and started to tickle me. Uncontrolable laughter left my lips causing Eric to grin from above me.

"Please...Stop"! I gasped out.

"I'll stop of you tell me Im the hottest man you have ever met, the smartest, the funniest and lastly that I'm better than you".

"But....Your.....Not".I choked out with laughter. Thinking of hot guys made me think of Connor and his lucious black hair, leaf green eyes, a nose that had most defiantly been broken but only added to his hotness, his full pink lips and how they felt on mine. Then lastly his toned body and six pack when he was pressed up against me when he had kissed me. Not even thinking I raised my knee up and got Eric in the

Family jewels. He rolled off of me and groaned in pain. Holding his friend in his hands.

"Damn....That was one kick". He heaved out. "I doubt I'll be able to bring a baby into this world. Now my mommy and daddy won't have a grandbaby from me and it's all your fault". He pouted like a two year old.

"Ohhhh grow up". I said. "I bet it doesnt even hurt that bad men just over react".

"Alright".'he said. "Have you ever been punched in the boob"?

I nodded slowly shielding my boobs from him.

"Alright well imagine the pain of that times four".

I couldn't help but groan at the thought of that. I heard Ally coming up the stairs and looked towards the door. Were Ally appeared a minute later.

"What took so long"? I asked.

"I couldn't find a place to put the lamp". She sighed.

"How about the trash"? I questioned.

"I didn't won't my mom finding it". She said in a duh tone as she swept the glass up and put it into a bag that went into her trash can.

"I'm bored". Eric whined.

"I have an idea". Ally said with a devious smile on her face.

Authors Note

Sorry it took so long to up date but I had a little case of writers block.

I wonder what Ally's planning? Can anyone guess.

Also want to remind you I have a cover contest going on for this story and each cover gets posted on my Facebook. I have a Facebook especially for Wattpad so feel free to add me. The email is

I hope you liked the chapter.


P.S. Have I gotten any better at writing since the beginning of this story????

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