Chapter 13

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When Connor leaned his head down for a second kiss my knees shook in excitement and as I leaned up to meet his delicious lips when Ally popped up out of no were and ruined the moment by yelling

"Awwww me and daddy knew this was gunna happen so we left". She sounded like a six year old.

"And dad didn't keep you away from us because"? Connor said taking a step away from me.

"He tried". Was all Ally said. Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front of the house.

"Why Ally"? I sighed.

"Why what"? She said with a devious smirk on her face.

"Why did you have to ruin the moment he was gunna kiss me". I exclaimed.

"Ohh I don't know I was just bored".

"Great. I can't wait intill you meet your mate".

"OH my gosh. He's your mate? If I had known I would have let you be. I just thought he wanted to use you for sex and awww I'm so sorry". She apologized.

"What do you mean you thought he wanted to use me for sex"? I questioned.

"Well Caitlin he was a player before he met you. His longest relationship was with your sister and that only lasted for a day. He usually gets together with a girl for a day". She whispered sadly.

"Great my mates a player. Anything else I should know"? I grumbled In frustration.

"Nothing much you should just ask him about his status in the wolf world".

"Now come on. I need to show you something".

She dragged me to my room but instead of the furniture in side I was met with painting tarps and black,silver,purple and blue paint. I was beyond happy those were my favorite colors.

"Are we painting in here"? I asked stupidly.

"Yep and redecorating to much your taste". Ally said excitedly. "We just have to wait for my mom to come in".

"Both of you go change". Lily said. "We are not ruining perfectly good clothes no matter if we have the money to buy them again times ten. Ally give her some of your old clothes I took hers out and moved them so we could paint the closet to".

"Ok". Ally chirped.

We walked down the hall and past Allys room. Which had me wondering were we were going weren't all her clothes in her massive closet in her room? She stopped in front of a door with slits in it and a letter A in pink cursive and pulled it open. When we stepped inside I noticed there were tons of old things in here from Ally's childhood doll houses, barbies, radios, fake cell phones, books and many many other types of toys but also against one of the walls were racks, shelves and a dresser full of old clothes starting with baby clothes which were hung up ending with clothes that looked like they would still fit her except that they were dirty and had holes in them. She handed me a pair of baggy black sweat pants with a big bleach stain on them and a tight plain white t-shirt on that was cut across the bottom so it reached above my belly button. Ally was wearing something similar to me except her sweat pants were purple and had a ink stain on them.

"What is this"? I asked.

"Well it's a closet of all my old things". Ally said in a duh tone. "We all have one even my mum and daddy".

"Oh that must be nice getting to see your old stuff when ever you like".

"Yeah it is. I can remember what I used all this stuff for when I used them what game I played while i used the stuff. Why don't you have alot of stuff from your childhood? Because female wolves love to keep stuff from when there pups were babies. If you don't mind me asking". Ally whispered.

"My parents when I was twelve got arrested for drug use and breaking and entering. We lost everything". I sighed sadly.

"Oh ok. Come on let's paint. My mum must be mad at us for taking so long". Ally said trying to detract me.

We skipped to my room singing follow the yellow brick road even if it was short it was really fun. Ally's mom laughed when she saw what we were wearing.

"Aww I remembered when you went through that faze wear all you wore were home made crop tops and baggy sweat pants". Lily cooed.

Ally started to blush and told her mom to shut up.

"Alright". Lily said. "were going to be making a design with the different color paints but first we have to put down a color were going to use as a base. I was thinking we should start with the color blue. Then will have tiny little lines of black going through it. With sliver and purple lines in thicker sizes on one wall then in your closet will just splatter the paint randomly and see what comes out."

"Sounds good to me". I said happily.

The blue we were using was a really pretty baby blue. Of course black was well black and silver silver. The purple on the other hand was a darkish purple. We finished painting the walls baby blue after two hours. I guess it's pretty fast with the size of the room but there was three of us. We walked down to the kitchen needing drinks and food. I mean come on slaving for two hours on non stop painting was not easy. We baked cookies and cupcakes because we knew the guys in the house would smell the good food and would be in the kitchen in seconds. I felt hands wrap around my bare waist and a head rest on my shoulder and couldn't help but jump a little in till I realized it was Connor and stood still.

"What's going on"? Connor asked me.

"Were redoing my room". I said.

"Is there any way I could help"? He asked.

"Nope". Ally answered.

"Why not"? Connor pouted.

"Because it's a girl thing. You wouldn't understand". I replied.

Lily stared at us all with a big grin and when she noticed my staring just shook her head.

"Fine. I have homework to do any way". Connor pouted and pulled him self away from me.

"It's february vacation and it just started why not wait till like three days before to do your home work"? I asked.

He just looked at me with a playful glare and walked out.

"What is wrong with that boy"? Lily said softly.

"I wouldn't know were to start". I whispered. Causing Ally and Lily to laugh.

Authors Note

I feel like after I dedicate a chapter to a person they stop voting and commenting and also I feel like people if I don't choose them the first time they vote or comment they stop Commenting and voting. It's making me very sad but it also makes me feel like maybe my story stopped being good so people stopped liking it. I would really like more votes and comments and fans. Also if you want to see some of the covers that have been made check out my Facebook here is my email address for this Facebook so you can search it Remember there is a cover contest going on:) oh and please read "City Kids" by SacalRoseHitashu. It sounds pretty good and I'm on the cover so it makes it so much better to read. Lol just kidding but I'm really the girl on the cover un less she changed it. I'm on the cover cause the author so happens to be my lovely aunt who is very young she is only 20 that's 7 years older than me!!! Plz read it it's a good story and remember Favomment

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