Chapter 1

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The flowers swayed from right to left and I couldn't help but stare in awe. It's not like it's a rare sight to see, but the simplest of things are always there to capture my attention away from all the work that I have to do. The bell made a sound to alarm me of someone's arrival.

I looked up immediately and stood up to help the customer.

I was surprised when I saw who was in front of me. It was Adrien Agreste, the famous model that happens to go to my school.

"Hello. How can I help you?" I asked pulling off the nicest smile that I could muster at the moment. After working for 3 hours straight with basically no customers coming in, I guarantee you that it's no where near pleasing to be at my current position either.

He sent back a smile and responded with "It's Mother's Day so I decided to grab some pink carnations for my mother."

I nodded before preparing a bouquet and giving it to him.

"She must be very lucky to have a thoughtful son like you," he stiffened before nodding with a sad smile, "Y-yeah."

"Anyway, I can't leave her hanging for long. Thank you," he said before putting a $35 bill in my hand and leaving quickly.

"W-wait you left so much change- ughh," I groaned with frustration when I saw him carry on walking and ignore my shrieks.

"Guess I have to get my legs to work and start running after him.."


I decided to bring this book back after taking it down for like, a year. As you can see if you're one of the old readers, I fully changed the plot because I feel like the original one was lacking so much context. Although I know I'll probably regret posting this again, I can't  bring myself to fully get rid of the book that basically took over my life back in 2016 as it brings back so much memories. I hope you don't end up cringing as much as I do💀

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